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Computer Science Senior Attention Grabber

Computer Science Senior Attention Grabber. Grade 11 Computer and Information Science. PONG. Some of the curriculum expectations covered in our project:. SPV.02 · use defined programming practices (e.g., headers, indentation, internal documentation, informative variable names);. SP2.04

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Computer Science Senior Attention Grabber

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  1. Computer Science Senior Attention Grabber Grade 11 Computer and Information Science PONG Some of the curriculum expectations covered in our project: SPV.02 · use defined programming practices (e.g., headers, indentation, internal documentation, informative variable names); SP2.04 – use selection structures, counted and conditional loops, and nested selection and loop structures; SP2.12 – test completed programs with a full range of valid data to ensure that all components work as expected; Alan M. and Alan W.

  2. Pong as an ATTENTION GRABBER • Game • Well known • Simple • Fun to play • Good illustration of how even simple games are more than one line of code • Easy to program

  3. Grade 11 Computer and Information Science Course Plan: Our assignment would start at the end of the first week of Unit 2 and continue into the first week or two of Unit 3.

  4. Time could be given to work on the program once a week with the expectation of completing it in a month, meaning the students have Four classes to work on the project. The students could be given the main program listed below and then be guided through creating a procedure each week. Thanks to Paul Bian at http://www34.brinkster.com/paulbian/ for the original code of our pong program. loop exit when game_over = true Layout % draws the borders BallMovement % moves the ball within the borders PaddleMovement % moves the player paddle DrawBall % draws the ball DrawPaddle % draws the paddle delay (10) % lets it all sink in EraseBall % erases the ball, to be moved and redrawn ErasePaddle % erases the paddle, to be moved and redrawn end loop

  5. Program Design Process • Start with layout of the game board • Add the ball • Move the ball • add collision and direction procedure • Build the player paddle • Move the player paddle • Adjust ball collision to include player paddle • Add scoring and game lives • Add the stats to the layout • BONUS: • Different speeds • Add two player against the computer • Add two player against a human player

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