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The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP). A small place for big challenges and a few dreams. “Scientific thought is the common heritage of mankind” Abdus Salam 1926-1996. Challenge (1) Global warming. Challenge (2) The energy crisis. ? 2030. Challenge (3)

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The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) A small place for big challenges and a few dreams

  2. “Scientific thought is the common heritage of mankind” Abdus Salam 1926-1996

  3. Challenge (1) Global warming

  4. Challenge (2) The energy crisis

  5. ? 2030

  6. Challenge (3) Education for all

  7. Global warming Science Energy crisis Education for all

  8. Challenge (1) Global warming Navier-Stokes eqs. F. Giorgi and coworkers, ICTP

  9. Challenge (2) The energy crisis Photovoltaics: Mimicking nature Schroedinger equation ihdy/dt = Hy

  10. Trieste 2004 Beijing 2006 Advanced Education (MSc, PhD, and above) Challenge (3) Education for all Abuja 2007

  11. Physics World, December 2007

  12. Library Lecture Halls Guesthouses Computer labs

  13. ICTP is an institution run by a few scientists for the benefit of many research and training coordination permanent scientists 30 temporary scientific staff: post-docs, staff associates, long-term visitors mostly research 110 short-term visitors: associates, guest-scientists do own or collaborative research, orreceive training through participation 420 receive training through schools, conferences, and exchange of information participation in conferences, schools and workshops; diploma students 4000-6000 per year 6191 in 2003 ICTP Scientists, Visitors and their Functions + about 125 general staff

  14. The Trieste “system” • ICTP • TWAS • Dept. Theo. Phys. • SISSA • Immaginario • Marina, Parco • ICGEB • ICS • INFN INFM U. Trieste

  15. 2030 Education Global warming Africa Science Energy Too many challenges?

  16. The end

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