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非最小超对称唯象研究: 工作汇报

非最小超对称唯象研究: 工作汇报. 杨 金 民. 中科院 理论物理所. 2009.9.25 南开大学. MSSM. 超对称. arXiv: 0 810.0989 (Cao, Yang)  . nMSSM. NMSSM. arXiv: 0901.1437 (Cao, Logan, Yang) . arXiv: 0901.3818 (Wang, Xiong, Yang). arXiv: 0908.0486  (Wang, Xiong, Yang, Yu).

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非最小超对称唯象研究: 工作汇报

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  1. 非最小超对称唯象研究:工作汇报 杨 金 民 中科院 理论物理所 2009.9.25 南开大学

  2. MSSM 超对称 arXiv: 0810.0989 (Cao, Yang)   nMSSM NMSSM arXiv: 0901.1437 (Cao, Logan, Yang)  arXiv: 0901.3818 (Wang, Xiong, Yang) arXiv: 0908.0486  (Wang, Xiong, Yang, Yu) arXiv: 0801.1169 (Heng, Oakes, Wang, Xiong, Yang) 

  3. 目录 1. 模型介绍: MSSM,NMSSM,nMSSM 2. 唯象研究 2.1 目前的实验限制 2.2 可允许的参数空间 2.3 Zbb 反常 2.4 B-介子的双轻衰变 2.5 超对称粒子的残留效应 2.6 解释暗物质Pamela 3、结论

  4. 1. 模型 Fine-Tuning GUT Dark Matter 超对称 Electroweak Baryogenesis Inflation Affleck-Dine Baryogenesis

  5. R-conserving SUSY Models MSSM, CMSSM (mSUGRA, GMSB, AMSB) NMSSM,nMSSM Split-SUSY · · · • R-violating SUSY Models

  6. MSSM NMSSM, nMSSM CMSSM -problem little hierarchy

  7. -problem in MSSM: dimensionful parameter conserving SUSY should be at Planck scale or 0 chargino is too light =0 only one Higgs-doublet gets vev

  8. little hierarchy in MSSM: • Experimental lower bound need sizable loop effects ! mh  114 GeV (95 GeV) • Theoretical upper bound mh  90GeV (tree-level) ~ 500 GeV  135GeV (loop-level) 100 GeV

  9. NMSSM, nMSSM: • Dynamical solution to -problem • Solve little hierarchy problem Field Content: MSSM + singlet no dimensionful parameter (NMSSM) SUSY-conserving part: naturally small dimensionful parameter (nMSSM) 特点 SUSY breaking ( < TeV ) dimensionful soft parameters (TeV) SUSY-breaking part: trigger EWSB ( < TeV ) generate -term ( < TeV )

  10. motivated from top-down view ? E6 models (superstring-inspired) string scale SO(10)  U(1)  … at low energy: S, Hu,Hd+ heavy particles U(1) global PQ cubic term (NMSSM) to break U(1) PQ tadpole (nMSSM)

  11. NMSSM 超势: U(1)B: Q(1/3), U(-1/3), D(-1/3), L(0), E(0), Hu(0), Hd(0), S(0) U(1)L: Q(0), U(0), D(0), L(1), E(-1), Hu(0), Hd(0), S(0) U(1)R: Q(1), U(1), D(1), L(1), E(1), Hu(1), Hd(1), S(1), W(3) 0 U(1)PQ: Q(-1), U(0), D(0), L(-1), E(0), Hu(1), Hd(1), S(-2) 标势: U(1)R Z3 (non-R) U(1)R ( A0, A0 ):PGB

  12. NMSSM domain wall: Z3 ( X ei2/3X ) 自发破却 domain wall must disappear before BBN 要求 Z3-breaking term in Veff • impose discrete R-symmetry on W • 引入high-order non-renormalizable operator to W multi-loop large enough to break Z3 too small to upset gauge hierarchy

  13. nMSSM 超势: U(1)B: Q(1/3), U(-1/3), D(-1/3), L(0), E(0), Hu(0), Hd(0), S(0) U(1)L: Q(0), U(0), D(0), L(1), E(-1), Hu(0), Hd(0), S(0) U(1)R: Q(1), U(1), D(1), L(1), E(1), Hu(0), Hd(0), S(2), W(2)  0 U(1)PQ: Q(-1), U(0), D(0), L(-1), E(0), Hu(1), Hd(1), S(-2) U(1)R Z2 matter parity

  14. Spectrum of NMSSM/nMSSM: One more CP-odd Higgs (A1or a) + MSSM One more CP-even Higgs One more neutralino

  15. How tosolve -problem? V • Before SUSY breaking SUSY vacuum: Vmin = 0 〈 〉 = 0  EW not broken; no  term • With SUSY breaking (TeV) dimensionful soft parameters (TeV) V non-SUSY vacuum: Vmin < 0 〈 〉  0 SUSY breaking ( < TeV )  trigger EWSB ( < TeV ) generate -term ( < TeV )

  16. How to solve little hierarchy? • mh theoretical upper bound MSSM: NMSSM: • mh experimental lower bound suppressed ! has singlet component suppressed !

  17. 2.唯象研究 2.1 实验限制 (1) direct bounds: • LEP I • LEP II • Tevatron • LEP II

  18. V (2) Stability of Higgs Potential true (physical) vaccum  local vaccum (3) Cosmic Dark Matter (WMAP)

  19. (4) Precision Electroweak Data 1 ,2 ,3 (S, T, U) • Rb • = (Zbb)/  (Zhadrons) SUSY

  20. (6)  反常磁矩 a   

  21. Under all above constraints • scan over parameter space • to find out the allowed part • display the allowed part • predict FCNC B-decay • can solve Zbb anomaly ? • residual SUSY effects • explain Pamela ?

  22. 2.2 可存活的参数空间 NMSSM 暗物质 黑格斯

  23. nMSSM 黑格斯衰变 暗物质

  24. 2.3 Zbb anomaly

  25. 2.4 FCNC B -Decays SUSY SUSY

  26. expt data no expt data

  27. NMSSM Sky-blue points excluded by

  28. NMSSM Sky-blue points excluded by

  29. 2.5 超对称粒子的残留效应 重的 sparticles 会在轻的 Higgs部分 有大的残留效应

  30. NMSSM

  31. 2.6 解释Pamela --Pamela+Relic density via Sommerfeld Enhance NMSSM nMSSM No! • LSP mass in a narrow range • No light particles to give SE GMSSM: general singlet extension of MSSM OK !

  32. General singlet extension of MSSM:

  33. Relic Density  • DM Annihilation  h, a  • Large Sommerfeld Enhancement Induced by h   Pamela  Hooper, Tait 0906.0362

  34. Implication on SM-like Higgs Pheno:

  35. 3. 结论 • is well motivated: • can account for all current expt data: Precision Electroweak Data; Rb  g-2 FCNC B-decays Dark Matter Relic Density Pamela ? . . . . . . . . . except: Zbb anomaly LHC Super B-factory 暗物质实验 检验模型

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