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Are You …?

Are You …?. 1. A high school student. 2. A diploma student. 3. An undergraduate student. 4. A postgraduate student. 5. No longer a student. 6. Other possibilities … Please key in the number to identify yourself!. 我们的英语离留学有多远?. Come Here Go Further. By Wen CAO. 北外与普特第一期合作.

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Are You …?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Are You …? 1. A high school student. 2. A diploma student. 3. An undergraduate student. 4. A postgraduate student. 5. No longer a student. 6. Other possibilities … Please key in the number to identify yourself!

  2. 我们的英语离留学有多远? Come Here Go Further By Wen CAO

  3. 北外与普特第一期合作

  4. What Have We Shared? Highlights

  5. 400 Cradle of Diplomats 外交官的摇篮。 Wherever a five-starred red flag is flying, there are Beiwai alumni. 凡是有五星红旗飘扬的地方,就有北外人的身影。 54

  6. Linguistics/English Language Teaching/Target country studies/Literature/Translation and interpretation … English for Specific Purpose English for Academic Purpose General English Understanding of the language and culture

  7. International English Certificates General English English for Specific Purpose YLE Young learner English KET Key English Test PET Preliminary English Test FCE for schools First Certificate in English for schools • BEC剑桥商务英语 • BULATS博思职业外语水平测试 • ICFE剑桥国际财经英语证书 • ILEC 剑桥法律英语国际证书 • TOEIC美国托业(国际交流英语测评) English for Academic Purpose Teaching Qualifications IELTS雅思 / TOEFL托福/PTE培生FCE First Certificate in English CAE Certificate in Advanced English CPE Certificate of Proficiency in English TKT 剑桥语言教学能力证书 CELTA/DELTA /TESOL/TEFL

  8. 测评系统借鉴了国际著名英语词汇研究和教学专家Paul Nation教授的相关研究成果,运用词汇量这个重要参数对英语水平进行评估,权威可靠。 该测评系统对应北外网院英语水平等级体系(e-Band)的10个级别,诊断报告不仅告知您的英语水平等级和在e-Band中的级别,同时据此提出如何提高英语的具体建议。本系统检测的只是认知词汇量,并不是熟练运用的词汇量。 eclass.beiwaibest.com

  9. 学生的问题

  10. Make it meaningful by … Analyzing Specifying Path

  11. What Are We Going to Share?

  12. Q1:Have you ever thought about studying overseas?

  13. This is out of THE question! • This is out of question!

  14. 周恩来邓小平宋庆龄蔡和森向警予陈独秀李大钊廖仲恺詹天佑钱学森邓稼先陈毅朱德周恩来邓小平宋庆龄蔡和森向警予陈独秀李大钊廖仲恺詹天佑钱学森邓稼先陈毅朱德

  15. 在教育和科研领域: • 77%的高等学校校长; • 84%的中国科学院院士; • 75%的中国工程院院士; • 62%的博士生导师; • 71%的国家级教学研究基地主任; • 有出国留学的经历。 http://www.studa.net/Education/111121/09565765.html

  16. Top 200 Universities, 2011 http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/ 12 12 75 32

  17. Consider …

  18. Q2: If I decide to go, what are the key issues?

  19. How Good Is My English?

  20. Degree Life Security Ability Apply

  21. Q3: What can we do to prevent these from happening?

  22. Cross-cultural Awareness + Competence 跨文化交际意识和能力 Interpersonal skills 人际交往能力 Team work skills 团队合作能力

  23. The fittest that survive. 适者生存

  24. Degree Life Security Ability Apply

  25. Q4: What/who can you trust?

  26. http://www.jsj.edu.cn/index.php/default/index

  27. You Must Know … • 在国外完成 • 一部分学分 在国内完成 一部分学分 在国内完成通用大学先修课 在国外申请学分转换,并完成剩余学分课程 在国内完成 预备课程 在国外完成全部学分课程

  28. Q5: Are you obsessed by rankings?

  29. A Case Study • To stay for a job? • To pursue postgraduate study? • Financial capability?

  30. Degree Life Security Ability Apply

  31. IELTS Score Report 2010

  32. Q6: What are the basic requirements?

  33. A Different Criteria Not because you are the same as others But because you are different

  34. Critical thinking 批判性思维能力 Problem solving 解决问题的能力 Academic writing 学术写作

  35. A Whole-person

  36. Degree Life Security Ability Apply

  37. Q7: What are the key issues in application?

  38. Application matters … Money Time Appropriateness Lasting lost

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