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Daily Life In Ancient Rome

Daily Life In Ancient Rome. By Claire Schuchard and Bianca Nistor . What you will learn in this PowerPoint about daily life Ancient Rome. What life was like for a poor person What life was like for a rich person What life was like in the country Law and order in the roman empire

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Daily Life In Ancient Rome

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  1. Daily Life In Ancient Rome

    By Claire Schuchard and Bianca Nistor
  2. What you will learn in this PowerPoint about daily life Ancient Rome What life was like for a poor person What life was like for a rich person What life was like in the country Law and order in the roman empire Recreation in the roman empire Family life in the roman empire Religion in the roman empire Food and drink (what people ate and drank) in the roman empire Housing in the roman empire Education in the roman empire
  3. What Life Was like if you were a…. Rich Person Poor Person A poor person’s life was not easy, they lived on dirty streets filled with crime and disease. A poor person’s child would be lucky to live past the age of 10. They got their food on the streets, they called it fast food. They had to follow the same rules everyone else did, the punishments were harder for the poor though. They had a religion. They cooked on small grills. Had chunks of fish along with some asparagus for dinner. Had small dark apartments. Had no kitchens. Had poor cooked meals. The rooms in their apartment had smoke. Apartments were noisy, cramped, and dirty. Were sent to work instead of school. Did not have much free time/ leisure time. If they lived in the country they usually worked as slaves. Had a good life. If they broke laws the punishments were not as strict to rich people as they were to poor people. Could afford expensive goods likes perfumes, silk, jeweled weapons, and musical instruments. They decorated their houses with statues, fountains, and fine pottery. They had slaves. Women and children in rich families were told to never go outside alone, even in the day (because of the crime). They had a religion. Wealthy Roman women ran their household. Only rich had kitchens in their household. Had fancy meals. Ate foods (for dinner) like mice cooked in honey, salted jellyfish, and snails dipped in milk. Had good big homes that were airy and made of stone and marble. They had an indoor pool in their home. Had fancy dining halls. They had beautiful fountains and statues. Got a good education. They had a lot of leisure time. Went to pubic theaters, and musical performances (for recreation). Wealthy people who lived in the country lived in houses called villas, larges houses.
  4. Life In the Country

    Most of the people who lived in the country were rich. There were also farmers (who were poor) who lived in the country. The wealthy lived in big houses called villas. Many people hunted in their leisure time. Some slaves worked for rich people (who lived in the country).
  5. Law and Order in the Roman Empire

    The laws were strict in the Roman Empire (because there was a lot of crime). They had police on rich streets, because they did not want poor people stealing their money/ gold/ riches. (where rich people live). Most frequent crimes were stealing, assault, and murder. Some streets were so dangerous they were closed at night. Romans tried to protect themselves against crime. Anyone could accuse someone of crime (even a poor person). The poor faced harder punishments (for doing a crime) than wealthy did.
  6. Recreation in the Roman Empire

    The wealthy had more leisure time than the poor did (the poor were always working). Some of the recreation the wealth enjoyed is going to pubic theaters and musical performances. They also enjoyed swimming/ relaxing in their private baths. The Roman Empire let the poor people have some fun/recreation. There were gladiator games(where people fight to the death), which people enjoyed.
  7. Family Life in the Roman Empire

    A father was usually the head of the family. In richer families husbands often held well-paid political positions. In poor families both husbands and wives often had to work in order to feed and take care of their families. Weddings were held at a temple. Babies were named in a special ceremony when they were nine days old. Between the ages of 14 and 18 a roman boy celebrated becoming a men.
  8. Religion in the Roman Empire

    Religion was very important to the romans. The romans adopted many Greek gods. They changed the names of the Greeks gods (example: Greek name: Zeus, Roman name: Jupiter). They went to many temples to honor their gods. They often left gifts of food, such as honey cakes and fruit. When someone was sick or injured, Romans would leave a small offering at a temple in the shape of the hurt part of the body. They had special festivals and holidays, and holy days (to honor the gods). They came to honor their emperors as gods.
  9. Food and Drink in the Roman Empire

    What romans cooked and ate depended on whether they were rich or poor. The poor ate at places called thermopolia, it was like (as they called it) “fast food”. Rich people had nicer, finer, and fancier meals. The wealth had food like mice cooked in honey, salted jellyfish, and snails dipped in milk. The poor (for dinner) had chunks of fish with some asparagus. Some foods people in Rome(middle class people) had bread, beans, spices, a few vegetables, cheese, and meats. They had porridge for breakfast (porridge was like oatmeal).
  10. Housing In the Roman Empire

    Housing for rich: They lived in big house, with lots of good breathing air. They houses had indoor pools. They decorated their houses with fountains and statues. They had very fancy dining rooms. They lived the good life. Housing for the poor: They live in small, dark apartments. The apartments were filled with noise, and germs. The apartments were crowded and very dirty. They did not live the good life.
  11. Education in the Roman Empire

    The poor did not go to school, they were sent to work instead. Wealth boys and girls went to school when they were older than 6 or 7, before that they were tutored by their father, or slaves. They learned Latin, Greek, math science, literature, music, and pubic speaking. Girls usually became dentists, real estate agents, tutors, or midwives. Boys usually became soldiers, doctors, politicians, or lawyers. Students stayed in school till they were 12 or 13. Boys from wealthy families went to school until they were 16.
  12. Thanks for viewing our PowerPoint, I hope you learned a lot about daily life in the Roman empire.
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