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BUILDING COGNITIVE POWER H K BAHAAELDIN. CHALLENGES OF 21 st CENTURY. Information revolution الثورة المعرفية Knowledge Intensive Production الانتاج كثيف المعرفة Tailored Economy of Velocity & Creativity
CHALLENGES OF 21st CENTURY Information revolution الثورة المعرفية Knowledge Intensive Production الانتاج كثيف المعرفة Tailored Economy of Velocity & Creativity الانتاج المفصل ذو السرعة والابتكار Ideas,Programmes & Software Replace Hardware الافكار والبرامج بديلا عن الاجهزة والسلع Cognitive Power is the Decisive Competitive edge قوة العقل هى الميزة التنافسية الحاسمة Cognitive Power Development is the Most Cost Effective investment of the 21st Century تنمية قوةالمعرفة هى الاستثمار الاكثر عائدا فى القرن الحادى والعشرين
RELATIVE ADDED VALUE OF PRODUCTS القيمة المضافة النسبية SATELLITE منتجات صناعة الفضاء20.000 JET FIGHTERS طائرات القتال 2.500 SUPERCOMPUTERS الحاسب العملاق 1.700 AERO ENGINES محركات الطائرات 900 VIDEO CAMERA كاميرة الفد يو280 COLOR TELEVISION التلفزيون الملون16 LUXURY MOTORCAR عربات الركوب10 Relative Added Value is proportional to the amount of knowledge (information) in the particular product. Therefore building Cognitive Power markedly increases productivity and hence GDP of any country القيمة المضافة النسبية لاى منتج تتناسب مع قيمة وتركيز المعرفة فى المنتج
Consequences of high added value production What does the previous slide data signify? 1- The relative added values of the knowledge intensive production are huge 2- The change from the low relative added value production, to the high relative added value ,elevates the status of any country from being a consumer ,low GDP country, dependent on others, to an affluent , independent & high GDP country 3- This markedly shortens, the obligatory , traditional route of 100 years of sustained economic growth plus strict birth control ,mandatory to achieve developed status , to a much shorter period 4- This means , vast resources to fund education ,early childhood development, health ,infrastructure ,etc &defense
WHAT ARE THE PREREQUISITES Since knowledge intensive production depends on creation &accumulation of knowledge ,then building cognitive power is mandatory Knowledge intensive production, needs very highly educated personnel ,able to guarantee necessary R&D ,creativity and highly skilled competent working force able to manipulate& tackle sophisticated equipment ,supercompures,advanced mathematics &languages and competent in critical thinking & problem solving This can only happen ,when there is systematic ,scientifically planned, comprehensive building of cognitive power, from very early childhood and even before
COGNITIVE POWER It is a complex, dynamic, interactive multidisciplinary, teamwork faculty of many organs, primarily the brain & heart, but possibly other organs, operating in harmony, capitalizing on all types of intelligence, investing windows of opportunity,& harnessing memory, emotion, body, and soul ,responsible for management &production of knowledge It entails multiple afferent channels,modulation,classification, processing, &storage of information and retrieval of knowledge Cognitive function depends on transfer &management of information which occur via neurons ,across synapses with neurotransmitters
COGNITIVE POWER continued Cognitive power depends on Developing, Boosting& Preservingbrainpower Developing, Boosting & Preservingheart power and optimum function Developing and Preserving optimum physical fitness Protecting the brain &heart from infections ,environmental pollution ,malnutrition, toxins & stress (which Destroys brain cells esp. hippocampus and heart cells)
EMBRYOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN BRAIN Neural development is one of the earliest to begin and the last to be completed generating the most complex organ A thin layer of the developing embryo (ectoderm) folds at the 3rd week of intrauterine life to form the neural tube النمو الجنينى للدماغ النمو العصبى هو يبدأ مبكرا وهو الاخير فى الأكتمال ففى الأسبوع الثالث تنثنى شريحة رقيقة من الجنين(اليوم 16) ثم تكون انبوبا عصبيا(اليوم21) D:16 D: 21 Dr Mark Hil (2004))
EMBRYOLOGICAL SIMILARITYBETWEEN HEART&BRAIN • . Remarkably, The origins of the heart tube are clusters of angiogenic cells which are located in the cardiogenic plate. The cardiogenic plate, which is derived from splanchnoplueric mesoderm, is located cranial and lateral to the neural plate. These angiogenic cell clusters coalesce to form right and left endocardial tubes. Each tube is continuous cranially with a dorsal aorta, its outflow tract, and caudally with a vitteloumbilical vein, its inflow tract. The lateral and cranial folding of the embryo forces the tubes into the thoracic cavity. As a result, these tubes come to lie closer to each other and begin to fuse in a cranial to caudal direction. At approximately day 21 they are completely fused, the same day the neural tube completely close
EXPEDITIOUS DEVELOPMENT&LIFICATIONمن الأسبوع الثالث من الحمل يبدأ تكوين الخلايا العصبية بسرعة 250000 خلية كل دقيقة ويكتمل هذا فى نهاية الشهر السادس حيث يصل عدد الخلايا العصبية الى مائة مليار خلية والطفل عند الولادة عنده 100 ترليون مشبك m.hill@unsw.edu.au
Mechanism of Synaptic action ألية عمل المشبكThe connection between neurons • محوارArnold B. Scheibel, MD1985 modified • Neurotransmitter Vesicles حويصلات نواقل الأشارات العصبية • Presynaptic terminal • المطراف قبل الحويصلى • Neurotransmitter release • Postsynaptic Element العنصر بعد الحويصلى • Synaptic cleft • الفلح الحويصلى • Neurotransmitter keys fit into receptor locks • ناقل الاشارة يتحد مع المستقبل كالمفتاح فى القفل
NEUROTRANSMITTERS The connection between neurons نواقلالاشارات(رسل كيمائية بين الخلايا العصبية) Society for Neuroscience, USA) They are the chemical messengers that convey impulses between neurons. Involuntary (autonomic) nervous system neurotransmitters لاأرادية NEW FUNCTIONS وظائف جديدة neurotransmitter agents also regulateoutgrowth, plasticity, and survival of immature as well as mature neurons تنظم تكوين ومرونة وبقاء الخلايا العصبية Acetyl choline, Noradrenaline&Dopamine Specific neurotransmittersنوعية Serotonin (MOOD,SLEEP&JUDGEMENT), glutamate ,GABA ,endorphins More neurotransmitters are being found جديدة Anandamide (CANNABIS LIKE), nociceptin(NATURAL TRANQUILIZER) Anandamide(Frostburg State University, Maryland, USA) Bethesda, MD: Society for Neuroscience, [1976].
At birth, the majority of neurons that the brain will ever have, are present. yet, the brain continues to grow in size for a few years after birth. However throughout life neurons would be produced from stem cells in 2 areas :the Olfactory bulb & Hippocampus : يظل الدماغ يكون خلايا عصبية جديدة مدى الحياة فى الحصين والبصلة الشمية Also heart cells are produced throughout life from specific stem cellsوكذلك خلايا القلب Some neurons are specified for certain function e.g. breathing, regulation of heart beats and temperature and reflexes. The rest of neurons are not designated for a particular function ,they are programmed by continuous stimulation &exercise The total length of “wiring” between neurons is estimated at 62,000 miles (Coveney & Highfield, 1995).
THE TAKE OFFمرحلة الأنطلاق Two vital pillars are responsible for the take off of the cognitive power in the1st 6 golden yearsof life: Myelination which allows signals to travel much faster & Windows ofopportunities They are both intricately related & synchronized They are the infrastructure of learning & cognition and many other neurological functions They are potentials & resources to be capitalized or to be drained يعتمد انطلاق قوة الدماغ على ركيزتين اساسيتين فى الست سنوات الذهبية الاولى: الكسوة او العزل بالميلين للخلايا العصبية نوافذ فرص المعرفة وهاتين العمليتين متزامنتين ومترابطتين وهما معا البنية الاساسية للمعرفة والتعلم وكثير من وظائف العقل
Learning Windows (Windows of Opportunity) During a child's development, there are a series of critical periods, or "windows," in which a child can best learn or refine a particular ability, such as speech. After this time period is over it becomes much more difficult, sometimes impossible, for the child to learn the same thing. Window foremotional intelligence from 6-18 months At the age of 5-7yr windows for language nearly close or are slightly ajar i.e. older children and adults exert greater effort to learn a new language. Windows of fine motor skills (e.g. PC & music) ends at 10 years. Amy Markezich, Stanford University2002 اثناء نمو الطفل هناك فترات حساسة او نوافذ للمعرفة يستطيع الطفل خلالها ان يتعلم ا يتقن قدرة او مهارةمعينة كالكلام او العزف على الة موسيقية وعندما تنقضى هذه الفترة يصبح الامر اكثر صعوبة اوأحيانا مستحيلا نافذة الذكاء العاطفى تتفتح من 6-18 شه تكاد تغلق فى سن 5-7 سنواتاللغوىنافذة الذكاء نافذة المهارات الحركية الدقيقة الهامة بالنسبة لتعلم الموسيقى والحاسوب تغلق فى سن 10 سنوات
PROGRAMMING COGNITIVE POWER برمجة القدرة المعرفية There are two essential prerequisites for cognition& thinking: Languageessential for production& communication of information Memoryessential for organization& retrieval of information and is intimately related toLearning THE ESSSENCE OF LEARNING IS THROUGHPATTERNING,WHILE THE COGNITIVE SYSTEM IS SIMULTANEOUSLY & CONTINUOUSLY SEEKING FORNOVEL EXPERIENCE& INFORMATION WHICH IS THE DRIVING POWER & FUEL OF COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT هناك ركيزتين اساسيتين للمعرفة والتفكير اللغة: وهى اساسية لانتاج وتوصيل المعرفة الذاكرة: وهى اساسية لتنظيم واسترجاع المعرفة جوهر المعرفة هو البحث عن نموذج او مثال للمعلومة الجديدة بينما يحاول الدماغ البحث او استقبال تجربة او معلومة جديدة وهذا هو الوقود او الطاقة المحركة لنموالمعرفة
MOLECULAR BASIS OF MEMORY continuedالاساس الجزيئي للذاكرة Harvard biologists have identified a protein, called Armitage, which regulates the formation of long-term memories.. اكتشف علماء جامعة هارفارد بروتين يدعى ارميتاج ينظم الذاكرة طويلة الامد Disulfide formation from dithiolates (calcium dithiolate salt) occurs during excitation and can represent a short-term alteration in properties of vesicle-release sites and, thus, short-term memory., by a second mechanism, enlarges the presynaptic area covered by these sites. Such enlargement is a stable, permanent mode: long-term memory.. اكتشف علماء اخرون مادة اخرى هى دايسلفايد تتكون من مادة دايثيوليت مسئولة عن الذاكرة قصيرة الامد Dr Luof NIH has shown that a neutrophin( called brain derived neurotrophic factor) BDNF ,plays a crucial role in in cellular model of short & long term memory اكتشف دكتور لو مادة تسمى نيوتروفين تلعب دورا هاما فى تكوين كلا من الذاكرة قصيرة الامد وطوياة الامد Science 13 10 2004 Bai Lu & Barbara Hempstead
COGNITIVE GROWTH النمو المعرفىCognitive Dissonance التنافر المعرفىالتجربة الجديدة وغير المألوفة ExperienceNovelعدم التوازنDisequilibriumAssimilation Accomodationتكيف استيعابتوازنEquilibrium Cognitive growth or Developmentتنمية معرفية
MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION & BUILDING COGNITIVE POWER ادارة المعلومات وبناء قوة المعرفة Teaching & learning deal with managing information التعليم والتعلم مرتبطين بادارة المعلومات Successful management of information depends on developing cognitive power الادارة الناجحة تعتمد على بناء قوةالمعرفة Cognitive power can & should be boosted &developed قوةالمعرفة هى مقدرةيمكن بل يجب ان تنمى Development of cognitive power depends on new & complex information, the timing, the way they are presented & acquired and the atmosphere in which learning occurs تنمية قوةالمعرفة تعتمد على المعرفة او الاحداث الجديدة واالمركبة وتوقيتها وطريقة اعطائها والمناخ او الظروف التى يتم فيها التعلم New information & stimulation boosts new neuron & synapse formation esp. in the 1st 6 golden years of life, (i.e. soft ware develops hard ware), after that it boosts new synapse formation and guarantees the integrity of existing neurons المعلومات و الاحداث الجديدة تشجع تكوين خلايا و مشابك جديدة خاصة فى الست سنوات الذهبية الاولى من العمر
القران و الفهمHOLY QU’RAN ,HEART & COGNITION ومنهم من يستمع اليك وجعلنا علي قلوبهم أكنة ان يفقهوه وفي ءاذانهم وقرا الانعامAnd of them are those who listen to you, while We have veiled their hearts so that they do not understand, and plugged their ears to deafness(25)SURA (THE CATTLE) ولقد ذرأنا لجهنم كثيرا من الجن والإنس لهم قلوب لا يفقهون بها ولهم اعين لايبصرون بها ولهم ءاذان لا يسمعون بها 179الاعرافAnd many of mankind and Djinn have We created for the Inferno, for they have hearts with which they cannot comprehend, and have eyes with which they cannot perceive, and have ears with which they cannot hear(179)SURA (THE BULWARK TOPS ) رضوا بان يكونوا مع الخوالف وطبع على قلوبهم فهم لا يفقهون التوبة 87 This is because they believed, then disbelieved, and so a seal was put to their hearts. Thus they do not understand (87) SURA ( REPENTANCE) أفلم يسيروا فى ألارض فتكون لهم قلوب يعقلون بها أو ءاذان يسمعون بها سورة الحج 46Have they not traversed the land with reasoning hearts and listening ears (46) SURA(THE PILGRIMAGE) والوالدات يرضعن اولادهن حولين كاملين لمن اراد ان يتم الرضاعة البقرة 234 And parturient mothers shall suckle their children for two complete years, for whoever desires to complete the fosterage SURA 234(THE CATTLE) Translation of holy Qur’an by Prof. Mohamed Hamed MD
The heart communicates with the brain and body in four ways Neurological communication (nervous system) Biophysical communication (pulse wave) Biochemical communication (hormones) Energetic communication (electromagnetic fields) • ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD OF HEART
NEUROTRANSMITTERS OF THE HEART Dr. Armour and his students found that the heart contains a cell type known as "intrinsic cardiac adrenergic" (ICA) cells. These cells are classified as "adrenergic" because they synthesize and release catecholamines (norepinephrine and dopamine), neurotransmitters once thought to be produced only by neurons in the brain and ganglia outside the heart اثبتوا ان القلب يحتوى علىخلايا تفرز موصلات كيمائية عصبية Armour, J. A. and J. Ardell, Eds. (1994). Neurocardiology. New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
HORMONES OF THE HEART&COGNITION More recently still, it was discovered that the heart also secretes oxytocin, commonly referred to as the "love" or "bonding hormone." Beyond, it’s well-known functions in childbirth and lactation, recent evidence indicates that this hormone is also involved in cognition, tolerance, adaptation, complex sexual and maternal behaviours as well as in the learning of social cues and the establishment of enduring pair bonds; concentrations of oxytocin in the heart are as high as those found in the brain و ثبت ايضا ان القلب يفرز هرمون اكسيتوسين المعروف بهرمون الحب والذى يؤثر فى التكيف والتعلم • Armour, J. A. and J. Ardell, Eds. (1994). Neurocardiology. New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
The Heart as a Hormonal Gland Another component of the heart-brain communication system was provided by researchers studying the hormonal system. The heart was reclassified as an endocrine or hormonal gland, when in 1983 a hormone produced and released by the heart called atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) was isolated. This hormone exerts its effects widely: on the blood vessels themselves, on the kidneys and the adrenal glands and on a large number of regulatory regions in the brain. Armour, J. A. (1991). Anatomy and function of the intrathoracic neurons regulating the mammalian heart. In: I. H. Zucker and J. P. Gilmore, eds. Reflex Control of the Circulation. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press. 1-37.
The Scientific Role of the Heartin Learning and PerformanceRollin McCraty, Ph.D. It is now well-established that the heart is far more than a simple pump. It also functions as a hormonal gland, a sensory organ, and an information encoding and processing center, with an extensive intrinsic nervous system ,sufficiently sophisticated to qualify as a “Heart Brain” القلب يعتبر الأن غدة صماء بل يعتبر دماغا قلبيا Its neural circuitry effectively enables it to learn, remember, and make functional decisions, independent of the cranial brain With every beat, the heart transmits to the brain and throughout the body complex patterns of neurological, hormonal, pressure, an electromagnetic information, which form a major component of the physiological backdrop, that ultimately determines our emotional experience HeartMath Research Center, Institute of HeartMath, Publication No. 02-030, Boulder Creek, CA, 2002
HEART COHERENCE Intentionally altering one's emotional state, through heart focus, modifies afferent neurological input from the heart to the brain. The data suggest ,that as people experience sincere positive feeling states, in which the heart's rhythms become more coherent, the changed information flow from the heart to the brain ,may act to modify cortical function and influence performance. These findings may also help explain the significant shifts in perception, increased mental clarity and heightened intuitive awareness ,many individuals have reported ,when practicing the HeartMath techniques. Also they explain why in positive feeling states and subsequent heart coherence ,with empathy, motivation ,nurture, encouragement ,putting one’s heart in learning, increase comprehension ,memory&creativity McCraty R, Tomasino D, Atkinson M, Aasen P, Thurik SJ. Improving test-taking skills and academic performance in high school students using HeartMath learning enhancement tools. Boulder Creek, CA: HeartMath Research enter, Institute of HeartMath, Publication No. 00-010, 2000.
DETERRENTS OF COGNITIVE POWER معوقات بناء قوةالمعرفة Environmental pollution: chemical, smoking ,electromagnetic,noise,military &child abuse التلوث البيئي: كيميائى, التدخين، الكهرومغناطيسي، العسكرى و اساءة معاملة الطفل Maternal neglect اهمال الام Child abuse اساءة معاملة الاطفال Lack of novel stimulation& early education نقص الاشارات الجديدة و اهمال التعليم المبكر Malnutrition سوء التغذ ية OBESITY البدانة Infectious disease الامراض المعدية Genetic عوامل وراثية
MILITARY NINETENDO COMPLEX Violent, brutal military based games , toys & electronic game • اللعب او البرامج الاكترونية القاسية ذات الطابع الحربى • Military-Nintendo ComplexDubbed theby John Naisbitt in High Tech, High Touch (New York: Broadway Books, 1999), • DELAYED BRAIN POWER DEVELOPMENT (MOTOR,EMOTIONAL &COGNITIVE ) • التاخر فى نمو قوة الدماغ (حركى،عاطفى او معرفى • ACQUIRED VOILENCE IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME • متلازمة فقد المناعة المكتسب ضد العنف • ACQUIRED ATTENTION DEFICIT • نقص الانتباه المكتسب • AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR • السلوك العدوانى • Columbine high school, Littleton :15 killed 1999 • Erfurt, Germany :19 killed 2002 EFFECT OF CHILD ABUSE أساءة معاملة الطفل Physical , sexual, emotional, neglect or the recent بدنى، جنسى عاطفى، أهمال او مركب نينتندو الحربى
BOOSTING COGNITIVE POWERتدعيم وزيادة قوة المعرفة الاستثمار للمستقبلINVESTING FOR THE FUTURE BREAST FEEDING ;IMPORTANT FOR MYELINATION الرضاعة الطبيعية(مهمة لتغليف الأعصاب بالميلين ) MINERALS &VITAMINS: المعادن والفيتامينات ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDSالاحماض الامينية الاساسية ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS DHA,AA,PHOSPHOLIPIDS etc. IMORTANT FOR MYELINATION الاحماض الدهنية الاساسية COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATESالسكريات المركبة PHARMACEUTICALSبعض العقاقير MUSIC PRENATAL OR POSTNATAL,IMPORTANT FOR MATH.& SCIENCE الموسيقى (مهمة لتعلم الريضيات والعلوم) A significant correspondence between early music instruction and spatial–temporal reasoning abilities Terry D. Bilhartzet alSam Houston State UniversityUSA 2000 EXERCISE الرياضة البدنية SLEEPseems tosecure memories , termed procedural memories, which help people learn skills, sleep helps to consolidate short term memories in the hippocampus ,transferring them into permanent memories ,in the cerebral cortex النوم 2003 SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE Scot Small Columbia University 2007
Boosting Brain powerوالوالدات يرضعن اولادهن حولين كاملين لمن اراد ان يتم الرضاعة • And parturient mothers shall suckle their children for two complete years, for whoever desires to complete the fosterage SURA 233 (THE CATTLE) • 1 BREAST FEEDINGالرضاعة الطبيعية There is a dose Response relationship between the duration of BF and IQ هناك علاقة ايجابية بين مدة الرضاعة الطبيعية ومستوى الذكاء)) ERIK LYKKE MORTENSEN et al JAMA 2002; 287 ENCOURAGING STIMULI TOUCH,SMELL,SINGING,TALKING,COOING ETC.STIMULATE GENES WHICH RELEASE POWERFUL GROWTH FACTORS AND SUPRESS GENES WHICH ENCODE WITH SYNAPSE DESTROYING FACTORS المنبهات المشجعة(اللمس,الشم،الغناء،الكلام) تنبه الجينات التى تفرز مواد تساعد النمو وتبطل عمل الجينات التى تدمر المشابك) BREAST MILK ISRICH IN DHA, ARACHIDONIC ACID & PHOSHOLIPIDSWHICH ENHANCE MYELINATION AND TAURINE ESSENTIAL FOR BRAIN DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPS EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEWHILE ITS WINDOW IS STILL OPEN لبن الام غنى بالاحماض الدهنية الاساسية المسئولة عن التغليف بالميلين وتنمى الذكاء العاطفى فى فترة تفتح نافذته) (UNTIL 2 YEARS), CONSOLIDATION OF SENSE OF SECURITY RELAY OF IMPULSES VERBAL, AUDITORY, VISIONAL & EMOTIONAL TO HIGHER CENTERS ENHANCED CEREBRAL ORGANIZATION باالانتقال الى مراكز الدماغ تاكيد الاحساس بالامان مما يسمح بمرور ا لاشارات ويؤدى الى تطوير هذه المراكز Increasing evidence is proving that physical attention & close physical, bodily contact , embodied during breastfeeding and continued through childhood ,have a definite roleon brain chemistry ,brain architecture &possibly some mental functions تتزاياد الادلة على ان التقارب الجسدى بين الام والرضيع اثناء الرضاعة له اثر ايجابى على التركيب وكيمياء الدماغ بل ووظائف المخ
BOOSTING COGNITIVE POWERتدعيم وزيادة قوة المعرفة الاستثمار للمستقبلcontinued 2 Fe is very important for the increase of size of brain cells at early stage ,also essential for synthesis of dopamine& serotonin, it is essential for proper retinal structure الحديد هام جدا لزيادة حجم خلايا الدماغ ولتكوين مادتى الدوبامين وسيروتونين 3 Essential Fatty Acids polyunsaturated long chain Fatty Acids:Docosahexanoic acid DHA (MYELINATION)& Arachidonic acid . الأحماض الدهنية الاساسية للتغليف بالميلين 4 Gingko biloba is thought to maintain mental clarity &memory مادة جينكو بيلوبا لصفاء الذهن والذاكرة 5 Lx6171, it is a small molecule (acting on a membrane protein exclusively expressed in CNS) which demonstrated in preclinical studies improvement in learning &memory in mice مركب 5 Lx6171 و قد تلاحظ اهميتها بالنسبة للتعلم و الذاكرة
BOOSTING COGNITIVE POWERتدعيم وزيادة قوة المعرفة الاستثمار للمستقبلcontinued 6Vit. C :Powerful antioxidant, it plays a role in modulating physical stress& emotional stress, assists in production of neurotransmitters ,in processing Glucose the brain's primary fuel&important in memory فيتامين ج يلعب دورا فى تلطيف التوتر واعداد الجلوكوز 7Complex Carbohydrates: Source of glucose AVOID Simple sugar النشويات المركبة وهى مصدر الجلوكوز ومن المهم تجنب سكر القصب 8 Zinc:Important for neuron links الزنك هام للوصلات العصبية 9 Choline:It is converted to Acetylcholine related to memory & cognitive function مادة الكولين هامة للذاكرة والقدرة المعرفية 10 Vit. B12:essential for components of nerve cells فيتامين ب12 هام للخلايا العصبية 11 Amino acids:Tyrosine(alertness), Phenylalanine(memory) & Methionine (motivation& focus) used in treating depression الفينيلالانيل للذاكرة الميثيونين للتركيزالتيروزين للانتباه 12 Folic acid:affects brain function مهم اوظائف الدماغ
Integrated Nutrition &Prevention of Atherosclerosis & CHD There is strong evidence that the foods consumed early in life have long-lasting—and in some cases permanent—effects. • School performance, adult intelligence, bone strength, height, and risk of obesity are just a few of the things influenced by early childhood feeding Breast Feeding Limitation of Cholesterolbelow 300mg/D Vit. E & Carotenoidsdecrease risk ofAtherosclerosis & Heart diseases Omega 3long chain fatty acids(EPA&DHA) decrease risk of cardiovascular disease Prevention of early malnutritiondecreases risk of Atherosclerosis& CHD Cu: Deficiency has been hypothesized to increase risk of atherosclerosis
Integrated Nutrition &Prevention of Atherosclerosis & CHD continued Control of weight & Prevention of Obesity Low saturated fat diet ,introduced in infancy & maintained for 1st decade of life ,is associated with enhanced endothelial function (partly explained by cholesterol reduction) & reduces risk factors Lycopene(a carotenoid) in the form Tomato juice inhibits an enzyme essential in cholesterol synthesis &reduces the levels of LDL .Epidemiologic evidence shows inverse relation between tissue&serum levels of Lycopene & mortality from CHD & Cerebrovascular disease
BOOSTING BRAIN POWERتدعيم وزيادة قوة الدماغ الاستثمار للمستقبلcontinued Dr Scot Small 2007 of Columbia university ,using MRI , proved thatexerciseboosts brainpower by building new brain cells in thedentate gyrus of the hippocampusboth in mice& later in humans, likewise exercise improves& protects heart function اكتشف العالم سكوت سمول عن طريق الرنين المغناطيسى ان الرياضة البدنية تدعم قوة الدماغ وذلك بتكوين خلايا عصبية جديدية فى منطقة الحصين There is accumulating evidence that physical exercise enables the brain to function optimally, by routing oxygen more efficiently to strengthen neural connections, prompts nerve cells to multiply & protects cells from injury; even diseased cells, seem to benefit , moreover Dr. John J. Ratey, Harvard Universitystated thatphysically active people reported an increase in academic abilities, memory retrieval and cognitive abilities." هناك ادلة متزايدة على ان الرياضة البدنية تمكن المخ من الأداء الأمثل وذلك بدفع الاكسيجسن بكفاءة اكبر لتقوية المفاصل العصبية وتحمى الخلايا العصبية الخلايا العصبية وتدفعها للتكاثر Jan Born,a German 2007 scientist in Lubeck university proved by MRI, thatscents like rosesimproved learning& memory when smelled during the slow wave sleep ,byactivation of the hippocampus اثبت العالم الالمانى جان بوم من جامعة لوبيك باستعمال الرنين المغناطيسى ان العطورمثل الورد تساعد على التعلم وتقوى الذاكرة الثناء الموجة البطيئة من النوم عن طريق تنشيط الحصين
Howard Gardner 1983 1- Factual (encyclopedic) الموسوعى 2- Numeric (mathematical) الحسابى 3- Analytic (logic)المنطقى 4-Linguisticاللغوى 5- Spatial (conceptual) التصورى 6- Athleticالرياضى 7- Intuitive (transendelic) البصيرى 8- Emotionalالعاطفى 9- Practical العملى 10- Interpersonal (social) الاجتماعى 11- Musical الموسيقى 12- Bodily (Kin-aesthetic)التوافقى الحركى او القدرةعلى التحكم فى كل انواع الحركة IT IS NOW ESTABLISHED THAT INTELLIGENCE IS PRIMARILY DECIDED BY NURTURE & NOT BY NATURE من المستقر عليه الان ان الذكاء يتوقف على التربية والتنشئة وليس الوراثة Thomas Edison in 1931 :Genius is 99% perspiration & 1% inspiration الذكاءبنسبة 99% يتوقف على العرق وليس على الألهام TYPES OF INTELLIGENCE انواع الذكاء
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEالذكاء العاطفىDr. Daniel Goleman BantamBooks1995, EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IS ESSENTIAL FOR EFFECTIVE LEARNING. الذكاء العاطفى عنصر اساسي للتعلم الأيجابى وهو لياقة رئيسية وهو قدرة تؤثر تاثيرا بالغا على كل انواع الذكاء الاخرى EMOTINAL INTELLIGENCE IS A MASTER APTITUDE, A CAPACITY THAT PROFOUNDLY AFFECTS ALL OTHER ABILITIES & INTELLIGENCES. IT COMPRISES : SELF MOTIVATION, SELF CONFIDENCE, KNOWING ONE-SELF & KNOWING AND FEELING OTHERS. وتشمل: الثقة بالنفس والعزيمة ومعرفة النفس والأخرين SELF CONTROL & PERSEVERENCE, ENDURANCE & WILLPOWER التحكم فى النفس والمثابرة وقوة التحمل والارادة ABILITY TO TURN NEGATIVE EMOTIONS TO POSITIVE ACTION القدرة على تحويل العواطف الى افعال أيجابية ABILITY TO INCORPORATE FEELING INTO ANALYSIS, REASONING AND PROBLEM SOLVING & DECISION, MAKING القدرة على تحويل المشاعر الى التحليل المنطقى وحل المشاكل واتخاذ القرار EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY IS MAXMALLY OPEN FROM 6 MONTHS TO 18 MONTHS(PERIOD OF BREAST FEEDING) نافذة الذكاء العا طفى تتفتح على مصراعيها فى الفترة من 6 شهورالى 18 شهرا وهى فترة الرضاعة الطبيعية
The profound effect of breast feeding, the effect of music on I.Q ,the effect of smelling roses during sleep ,the positive effect of encouragement and motivation on cognitive level&learning capacity; and on the contrary the negative effect offear,frustration,insecurity & stress (corporal punishment in schools) on comprehension, creativity &decision making are illustrative of the synergistic & cumulative effect of emotions,happiness , morale, sense of security,heart and brain on cognitive power Terry D. Bilhartz et al Sam Houston State UniversityUSA 2000. Jan Born, Lubeck,Germany 2007
GENIUS IS NOT A GIFTالذكاء ليس منحة او هدية Every Newborn should be a genius in genesis. If it fails to do it, it is the responsibility of the society which wasted & drained its most precious brain resources من حق كل طفل يولد ان يصبح عبقريا فأذافشل فى ذلك فتلك مسئولية مجتمع جاهل أهدر اهم موارده على الأطلاق وهو بناء العقل
WHOSE RESPONSIBILITYمسئولية من؟ The discoveries of the brain decade have moved the main responsibility from the educational institution, predestined genetic&racial makeup &traditional medical and social care to other stakeholders الاكتشافات التى حدثت فى عقد الدماغ نقلت المسئولية من المؤسسة التعليمية والتأثير الوراثى المقدر سلفا الى اطراف أخرى Parentsresponsible for preconceptual fetal& early childhood الاباء المسئولين عن فترة ما قبل الحمل والحمل والطفولة المبكرة The mother(helped by father) as first teacher responsible not only for breastfeeding &bonding but also for early childhood education& stimulation :lucky children who have kindergarten facilities have already lost 4 of the1st 6 golden years of life .mothers have the right to receive proper training both in the post marital period &long before in their basic&high education الأم كمعلمة اولى ليس فقط الرضاعة الطبيعية وانما العناية والتعليم المبكرين ولذلك يجب ان تتلقى الام تدريبا جيدا قبل وبعد الزواج ان الأطفال المحظوظين الذين الذين يذهبون لرياض الأطفال يكونون قد فقدوا فعلا 4 سنوات من الست سنوات الذهبية
WHOSE RESPONSIBILITYمسئولية من؟continued Medical& social care workersesp. pediatricians general practitioners, obstetricians, nurses &social workers who look for children, beside their particular expertise ,do have a crucial educational& training responsibility which should be reflected in the curriculum of their education& training العاملين فى المهن الطبية والأجتماعيين واطباء التوليد والممرضات الذين يعملون مع الاطفال وهؤلاء يجب ان يتلقوا تدريبا كافيا وان يأهلوا للقيام بواجبهم التعليمى ولذلك يجب ان ينعكس هذا على مناهج تعليمهم وتدريب Educationalists رجال التعليم The media الاعلام NGO’s الجمعيات غير الحكومية The government which should put ECD as top priority goal in planning, investments, resources, legalization . medical care, environmental measures & education الحكومة والتى يجب ان تضع التنمية المبكرة للطفولة على قمة اولوياتها سواء فى الاستثمارات او التخطيط اوالموارد سواء فى التقنين او الرعاية الصحية اوالبيئة او التعلي ECD IS NOT A SERVICE IT IS AN INVESTMENT ,IT ISA NATIONALSECURITY ISSUE العناية بالطفولة المبكرة ليست خدمة وانما هى استثمار وضرورة امن قومى
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