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Chris Brousseau , Spencer Hakim, Mike Snyder, Michael Weissman

Chris Brousseau , Spencer Hakim, Mike Snyder, Michael Weissman. Mission Statement. RPI Shoutbox is a social networking web platform that allows for students to express themselves with public messages called ‘shouts’.

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Chris Brousseau , Spencer Hakim, Mike Snyder, Michael Weissman

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chris Brousseau, Spencer Hakim, Mike Snyder, Michael Weissman

  2. Mission Statement • RPI Shoutbox is a social networking web platform that allows for students to express themselves with public messages called ‘shouts’. • Students can anonymously shout anything from social life to classes, and can voluntarily offer ways to connect with visitors by allowing replies, known as ‘shoutbacks’.

  3. Community Role • Some nicely-put text about why RPI Shoutbox is good for the anti-social students of RPI

  4. UML • Static Class Diagram

  5. UML • Domain model

  6. Database message ( PK id (auto int) timestamp (int) text (string) (1024 chars) ip_address (string) (32 chars) user_id (int) :FK to User.id ) shout ( PK id (auto int) message_id (int) :FK to Message.id rating (int) replyable (bool) ) user ( PK id (auto int) email (string) EMAIL doubles as USERNAME password (hash) role (int) //0 = admin, 1 = user ) reply ( PK id (auto int) message_id (int) :FK to Message.id parent_shout_id (int) :FK to Message.id parent shout )

  7. User Interface • Simple, straight-forward design • Limited clickable items; no repeated information • Feedback for all user actions • If a user does something wrong, tell them • If an error occurs, tell the user why • 100% valid XHTML and CSS • Validated by the W3C source code checkers

  8. Design Decisions • Use of the jQuery JavaScript framework • Modularization, easily extensible • Limiting user input • 300 characters keeps messages brief • Messages are stripped of newlines • Messages are sanitized to prevent code injections • Favoriting • Community moderates the shouts themselves

  9. User Experience • AJAX, real-time updating, etc…

  10. Delivery Simple.

  11. Delivery www.rpishoutbox.com

  12. Extensibility • Written in object-oriented PHP5 • Easily modified and updated • jQuery plug-in integration • New functionality can be linked with a single line of code • Limitless web-based functionality • YouTube plug-in, remote picture gallery display, music clip streaming • If you can code it, it can be integrated with RPI Shoutbox!

  13. Questions

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