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26 個魔音仙子

Hi! I am Sharon. I have many friends. They can do many things. Let’s go to see what they can do. 26 個魔音仙子. This is a little a nt. The a nt is brown. This is a little brown a nt. A a Aa 、 Aa 、 Aa , / $ / 、 / $ / 、 / $ / , A a 、 / $ / ant 螞蟻. 發音的其他例子. I am a b ear.

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26 個魔音仙子

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hi! I am Sharon. I have many friends. They can do many things. Let’s go to see what they can do.

  2. 26個魔音仙子

  3. This is a little ant. The ant is brown. This is a little brown ant. A aAa、Aa、Aa,/$ /、/$ /、/ $ /,A a、 / $ /ant螞蟻

  4. 發音的其他例子

  5. I am a bear. It is a bear. Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear stands up. Ben has a blue bear. B bBb、Bb、Bb,/b/、/b/、/b/,Bb 、 /b/bear熊

  6. B b發音的其他例子

  7. Cat,cat,cat,meow,meow,meow. Cat eats fish. I have a pink cat. CcCc 、Cc 、Cc,/k /、/k /、/k /,Cc、 /k /cat貓

  8. It is a cute dog. My sister has a big dog. The dog does’t eat bone. D dDd、Dd 、Dd,/d /、/d /、/d /,Dd、 /d / dog狗 Dd

  9. This elephant has long nose. Eva sits on elephant’s back. There are many elephants in Thailand. Ee Ee 、Ee 、Ee ,/e /、/e /、/e /, Ee、 /e /、elephant大象

  10. This green frog can jump. Green frog changes into a prince. There are some dots on frog’s back. F f F f、F f、F f,/f /、/f /、/f /, F f、 /f /frog青蛙

  11. That big black gorilla is in the zoo. Gary and gorilla are good friends. I am scared of gorilla. GgGg 、Gg 、Gg,/g /、/g /、/g /,Gg、 /g /gorilla大猩猩

  12. Hippo has a big mouth. Hippo,hippo,go go go! Hippo,hippo, hurray! H h Hh 、Hh、Hh,/h /、/h /、/h /, H h、 /h /hippo河馬

  13. I am scared of iguana. It is an iguana. I i Ii 、Ii 、Ii ,/0 /、/0 /、/0 /,Ii、 /0 /、iguana

  14. Jaguar can run fast. Jaguar live in Africa. J j Jj 、Jj、Jj ,/dI /、/dI /、/dI /, Jj、 /dI /、jaguar

  15. Kangaroo can jump up high. There’s a baby bag before her stomach. K k Kk 、Kk 、Kk ,/k /、/k /、/k /, Kk、 /k /、kangaroo

  16. It is a brave line. “King Lion” is a good film. LlLl 、Ll 、Ll ,/l /、/l /、/l /, Ll、 /l /lion

  17. Three little monkey is jumping on the bed,one fall off,and bump his head. M m Mm 、Mm 、Mm ,/m /、/m /、/m /, Mm、 /m /、monkey

  18. What is newt? The newt eats mosquitoes. N n Nn 、Nn 、Nn ,/n /、/n /、/n /, Nn、 /n /、newt

  19. Octopus has eight legs. It is a cute octopus. Octopus can swim well. O o Oo 、Oo 、Oo ,/o /、/o /、/o /, Oo、 /o /、octopus

  20. It is a small penguin. The penguin walks slow. P p Pp 、Pp 、Pp ,/p /、/p /、/p /, Pp、 /p /、penguin

  21. It is a quail. It is a small quail. Q q Qq Qq Qq ,/q /、/q /、/q /, Qq、 /q /、quail

  22. Raccoon has black eyes. This raccoon can dance and sing. R r Rr Rr Rr ,/r /、/r /、/r /, Rr、 /r /、raccoon

  23. S s Ss Ss Ss ,/s /、/s /、/s /, Ss、 /s /、seal • I like seal. • This seal can play ball.

  24. T t Tt Tt Tt ,/t /、/t /、/t /, Tt、 /t /turtle • Turtle turtle turtle crawl crawl crawl. • This turtle run very slow.

  25. U u Uu Uu Uu ,/K /、/K /、/K /, Uu、 /K /、umbrella bird • Umbrella bird is not an umbrella. • This umbrella bird can fly high.

  26. V v Vv Vv Vv ,/v /、/v /、/v /, Vv、 /v /vulture • Vulture likes to eat little chick. • I’ve never seen a vulture in Yilan.

  27. W w Ww Ww ,/w /、/w /、/w /, W w、 /w /、whale • The sound of whale is so strange. • Whale is the biggest animal in the world.

  28. X x Xx Xx Xx ,/ks /、/ks /、/ks /, Xx、 /ks /、x-ray fish • Have you ever seen x-ray fish?

  29. Y yYy Yy Yy,/j /、/j /、/j /, Yy、 /j /yak • It is a yak. • I like this small yak.

  30. Z z Zz Zz Zz,/z /、/z /、/z /, Zz、 /z /zebra • Zebra-stripe crossing is pedestrian. • Zebra is horse.

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