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A Holistic Church Planting Strategy Impacting Cities

Judea Harvest implements a comprehensive church planting strategy in five stages: ministers fraternal invitation, satellite launch, research, church planting, and follow-up visits. The process involves GPS technology, continual reporting, and partner involvement to strategically plant churches through evangelistic efforts. The growth scenarios show exponential impact over three years, resulting in significant conversions and trained church planters and evangelists. Get involved to make a difference in communities today!

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A Holistic Church Planting Strategy Impacting Cities

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  1. A Holistic Church Planting Strategy Impacting Cities

  2. The 5 Stages of the Strategy • Stage 1 – Ministers Fraternal Invitation • Stage 2 – Satellite Launch • Stage 3 – Research • Stage 4 – Church Planting • Stage 5 – Follow-up Visits

  3. Stage 1 – Ministers Fraternal Invitation • We only respond to an invitation where the pastors in an area/community or city are willing to work together in unity. • We then hold 2-3 consultations with them to cast the vision and explain the strategy.

  4. Stage 2 – Satellite Launch • A satellite is launched, meaning that there is now an evangelistic and church planting movement in the area or city. • This is done at a vision conference to which all the church leaders are invited. • At this event the Crusade Tent is dedicated. • The Satellite Coordinator is appointed. • A list is drawn up showing the dates each church would have with the Crusade Tent to evangelise and plant a church.

  5. Stage 2 – Satellite Launch • A date is set for the training of the Evangelists. • A Church Planting school is established. The church planters are trained once a month for a period of 10 months.

  6. Stage 3 - Research • The Research methodology used is by means of GPS technology. • Researchers are trained and deployed with GPS’s to mark all the churches, cult churches, witch doctors, alcohol outlets, schools and other places of social influence. • The downloaded information is used to create digital maps that tell a story. • It shows where the church is and where it is not. • Scenarios are created which indicate: • a) how many churches are needed and • b) where they should be planted.

  7. Stage 3 - Research • It is now easier to plant churches more strategic and to plot the growth of churches in a city. • It is also easy to see if there is a decline in social influences.

  8. Stage 4 – Church Planting • The Evangelism tent is then rotated among the participating churches. • Each church can now use it to evangelize and plant churches strategically. • Once the Evangelism tent moves away they can now purchase a smaller tent for worship and community service. • The purchase is in partnership with donors. • The average church plants about 4 new churches a year.

  9. Stage 5 – Follow Up • Judea Harvest operates with a monitoring system of continual reporting by Satellite and Area Coordinators. • Judea Staff make personal visits to these tents twice a year to see if they are still operating as agreed. • This reduces the attrition rate to below 3%. • With the follow-up new goals are set for training evangelists, church planters and where the next churches should be planted.

  10. Growth Scenarios YEAR ONE: • One Evangelism Tent • ± 10 Churches Planted • ± 1,000 New Converts • ± 10 Church Planters Trained • 50 Evangelists Trained

  11. Growth Scenarios YEAR TWO: • Each church plants another 4 churches: 10 x 4 = 40 Churches • ± 4,000 New Converts • ± 40 Church Planters Trained • Another 50 Evangelists Trained

  12. Growth Scenarios YEAR THREE: • Each church plants another 4 churches: 50 x 4 = 200 Churches • ± 20,000 New Converts • ± 200 Church Planters Trained • Another 50 Evangelists Trained

  13. Growth Scenarios AFTER 3 YEARS: • 200 New Churches strategically planted in one area/city. • ± 200 Church Planters Trained • ± 20,000 New Converts • 150 Evangelists Trained

  14. CONCLUSION • Judea Harvest has implemented this ideal Saturated Church Planting Model for some 8 years now. • The results speak for itself: • More than 6,000 evangelistic crusades have been conducted. • Approximately 3,500 new churches have been planted. • More than 500,000 people have responded to the gospel. • Many pre-schools have been started in under-developed communities. • Many micro-economic projects have been initiated to support the community. • Thousands have seen and heard “God’s Answer to AIDS” in the tents.

  15. CONTACT US TO GET INVOLVED! P.O Box 3038 Montana Park 0159 South Africa Tel : (+27) 12 808 3787 Fax : (+27) 12 808 3787        Email : judeaharvest@mweb.co.za

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