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Japanese activities concerning Maidanak. Fumi Yoshida, Takashi Ito, Shigeru Takahashi, Kiichi Okita, Hiroshi Karoji, Shinobu Ozaki, (NAOJ), Toshifumi Yanagisawa, Hirohisa Kurosaki, Makoto Yoshikawa, Tomohiro Yamaguchi (JAXA), Noritsugu Takahashi, Seitaro Urakawa (JSGC),
Japanese activities concerning Maidanak Fumi Yoshida, Takashi Ito, Shigeru Takahashi, Kiichi Okita, Hiroshi Karoji, Shinobu Ozaki, (NAOJ), Toshifumi Yanagisawa, Hirohisa Kurosaki, Makoto Yoshikawa, Tomohiro Yamaguchi (JAXA), Noritsugu Takahashi, Seitaro Urakawa (JSGC), Hiroshi Ohtani (Kyoto Univ), Yui Nozawa (JWU)
What we did in 2009 • Cleaning of the mirror of 60cm telescope at Maidanak observatory 2009 August • Re-aluminizing the Maidanak mirrors at Okayama observatory 2009 October to 2010 May • Measuring the Seeing size of Maidanak sky 2009 November • Holding seminars for asteroid’s observation and data reduction 2010 February • Planning on new instruments • Carrying out photometric observation of young family asteroids
What we did in 2009 • Cleaning of the mirror of 60cm telescope at Maidanak observatory • Re-aluminizing the Maidanak mirrors at Okayama observatory Talk by K. Okita • Measuring the Seeing size of Maidanak sky Talk by T. Ito • Holding seminars for asteroid’s observation and data reduction • Planning on new instruments Talk by H. Ohtani • Carrying out photometric observation of young family asteroids Talk by S. Takahashi Talk by Y. Nozawa’s talk (tomorrow)
Measured reflectance of the mirror by Scatterometer in 2009 August. Cleaning of the 60cm mirror at Maidanak Before cleaning After cleaning 67.7% 81.1%
Relative Referectance of all mirrors at Maidanak We measured reflectance of all existing mirrors at Maidanak observatory by Scatterometer in 2009 August. dirty part 44.8% clean part 65.2% There is a spare mirror of the 60 cm telescope. It was aluminized in Uzbek 7 years ago. We decided to sent it to Japan and re-aluminized at Okayama Astrophysical observatory of NAOJ.
Export and import of the mirrors for re-aluminization Packing 60cm Okayama 2010.1.25 2009.10.23 Wooden box for 60 cm mirror Fumigated at Yokohama 50cm ~ $ 3200 Increased Re-aluminizing 2010.4.12-13 2009.11.3 20cm 15cm Tokyo 2009.9.19 UBAI 2009.9.21 ~ $ 1300 60cm UBAI 2010.5.28 Maidanak 2010.6.? 60cm 50cm ~ $ 2900 20cm 15cm 2010.5.6 About 8 months Total cost ~$7400 $ 0
Re-aluminizing of 60cm mirror of Maidanak Observatory Date : 2010. 4. 12, 13 Done by : K.Okita, K.Yanagisawa, D.Kuroda, H.Koyano, E.Kanbe (Okayama) T. Ito, F. Yoshida, S. Urakawa (Asteroid group) Procedure : Wash it by water Remove old aluminum coating by NaOH solution Polish the surface by 2NaHCO3 Wipe it by cotton cloth with alcohol Install the mirrors in the Vacuum chamber Pumping vacuum camber into 5X10-6 torr. (Use the cryio-pump & the Meissner-coil pump) 7. Ion-bombardment (3X10-2 torr 20min.) 8. One more Pumping vacuum camber into 5X10-6 torr. (Use the cryio-pump & the Meissner-coil pump) 9. Spatter aluminum (6 times X 6 filaments about 30min.) 10. Take out mirrors from the vacuum chamber 11. Packing mirrors to transportation boxs. Okita-san will show you how we did the re-aluminiization with a lot of photos.
Measuring the Seeing size of Maidanak sky Date : 2009. 11. 17 Done by : T. Yanagisawa, H. Kurosaki Celestron C8 Celestron C8 Takahashi BRC250 N.I.L. 1K1K Vixen GPD Seeing size measured by 60 cm telescope at Maidanak with R-band at airmass of 1.3. (By F.Y.) The seeing size of Nov.17’s night is near average (?). N.I.L. 1K1K N.I.L. 4K2.7K Nyukasa Maidanak Showa 25EL Unexpected result Dr. Ito will present their results.
Tutorial of asteroid’s observation and data reduction Date : February 12 - 26, 2010 Participants : Rivkat Karimov (UBAI), Chih-Yang Tai (NCU) Nyugasa-yama Optical Observatory 35 cm telescope February 13-16 Okayama Astrophysics Observatory 1.88 m telescope February 18 Bisei Spaceguard Center 1 m telescope February 18-20 Found 3 new asteroids IRAF tutorial for data analysis cl scripting, python scripting February 23,24 http://www-irc.mtk.nao.ac.jp/~webadm/AA-AsianNet/index.php?J-plan2009#h25cda14
Planning on new instruments • Focal reducer of 60cm telescope for wide field debris survey H. Ohtani will present 2. Making 60 cm telescope automated We investigated the structure of 60cm telescope in 2009 August. We discussed where encoders should be put around RA and DEC axes. The cost of the improvements was estimated 30 million yen. Now it’s pending. The image of 107P/(4015) Wilson-Harrington, which is one of NEOs by 60 cm tel. at Maidanak. By K.O Related to Dr. Urakawa’s talk
Photometric observation of young family asteroids 2005 Jun – How many asteroids did we observe so far? With which filter? Dr. Takahashi will show you the summary of data for young family asteroids. Scientific purpose Estimating a time scale of Space weathering on asteroid’s surface. Ms. Nozawa will show you some results tomorrow.
What we will do in 2010 and 2011 • Asteroid observations (young family asteroids, some Near Earth Asteroids moving slowly) • Tutorial of asteroid observation and data analysis • Maidanak Users meeting • Our budget is not enough for new instrumentation. • We keep trying to apply funds. 1st Maidank Users meeting at SNU, Seoul, on June 30, 2009.