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Oliver Twist. Vocabulary and Discussion Questions. Chapters 1 to 4. Oliver is born in a workhouse, and his mother dies soon after his birth. He is mistreated during his early years and is transferred back to the workhouse when he is nine . He is soon apprenticed to an undertaker. Vocabulary
Oliver Twist Vocabulary and Discussion Questions
Chapters 1 to 4. Oliver is born in a workhouse, and his mother dies soon after his birth. He is mistreated during his early years and is transferred back to the workhouse when he is nine . He is soon apprenticed to an undertaker. Vocabulary Parish. Magnanimously Beadle Fondlings (text spelling) Paupers Temerity. Sinecure Ablutions Indentures Malignity
Discuss the circumstances surrounding Oliver Twist’s birth. Note the origin of his name, and his early attributes. • Discuss the rationale for Oliver being “farmed out” to the branch workhouse and the living conditions of the children who are sent there. Note the irony of the humane decision of the parish authorities. • Examine the change in Oliver's circumstances and his reaction. Note Mr. Bumble’s characteristics, and his role in Oliver's life. • Discuss the definition of “pun” and examined the pun referring to the parish board . • Analyze the irony of the “Christian” men who served the parish board. • Discuss on the cause/effect of Oliver's transgression. • Analyze the bartering for Oliver's services. Note the implications of fate in the outcome. • Discuss Oliver's initial treatment in the Sowerberry household.
Chapters 5 -8 Noah Claypole, who is also an apprentice, bullies Oliver. Noah is jealous of Oliver because Mr. Sowerberry dresses him well and takes him to assist with burials. Noah taunts Oliver about his dead mother, and Oliver attacks him. After being beaten and locked in the cellar, Oliver runs away. Almost starved and extremely weary, he reaches a small-town close to London. He meets Jack Dawkins, who takes him to London and introduce him to Fagin. Vocabulary Diurnal Ignominous (text spelling) Epithets Deferential Melancholy Parochial. Fortitude. Flagellation. Benevolent Obeisance.
-Analyze Noah Claypole’s idea of class structure, and how this affects Oliver. Note inference of the universality of snobbishness. -Examine the circumstances surrounding Oliver’s first funeral experience in the impact this has on him. Analyzed Dickens’ message to the public in his portrayal of the pauper’s death and burial -Examine the cause/effect of Oliver’s retaliation against Noah. -Discuss Oliver’s journey to London and the subsequent events. -Analyze the characteristics of Jack Dawkin’s and Fagin and his gang. Discuss their interaction with Oliver.
Chapters 9 -12 Oliver lives with bacon and his gang. Fagin subtly begins to teach Oliver to pick pockets, on an outing with Dawkins and Bates, Oliver sees them pick a man’s pocket. The man sees all of her running away, thinks he is a thief, and cries for help. Oliver is taken to jail and sentenced to three months hard labor. An eyewitness appears and clears him. Mr. Brownlow, the victim of the theft, takes Oliver home with you. Vocabulary Propensity Ironical Insolent Vagabond Solicitude Languid Affinity
--Analyze clues relating to Fagan and his gang. Note Oliver’s naïveté. --Discuss the introduction of Bet and Nancy. Note, the inference to their profession. --Examine Oliver’s first foray into the world of crime. Apply the adage, “There is no honor among thieves” to the scene. --Analyze the significance of Oliver’s appearance in court. Note Oliver’s inability to speak, and the symbolism of the magistrate’s name. --Contrast Oliver’s interlude in Mr. Brownlow’s home with his previous life and analyze Oliver’s reaction.
Chapters 13-14 Fagin becomes violently angry when the Dodger and Bates return without Oliver. Bill Sikes, a brutal thief, and Fagin convince Nancy to help them get Oliver back. Mr. Brownlow removes the portrait of the lady whom Oliver resembles. Brownlow send Oliver to take some books and money to the bookstall, but he does not return.. Vocabulary Perspicuity Avaricious Vagrant Irascible --Examine circumstances leading to the search for Oliver and the role Bill Sikes plays. --Discuss Oliver’s interaction with Mrs. Bedwin and Mr. Brownlow. --Examine characteristics of Mr. Grimwig and his role in Oliver’s fate.
Chapter 15-17 Bill Sikes and Nancy abduct Oliver and return him to Fagin. Nancy interferes with Fagin’s plans to beat Oliver. After Mr. bumble tells Brownlow that Oliver has always shown treachery and in gratitude, Brownlow vows that he never wants to hear the child’s name again. Vocabulary Gammon Ebullition Assiduity. Imprecaution Pacification Seneschal
--Examined with Bill Sikes treatment of Nancy and his dog, Bull’s-eye revealed about him. --Discuss the relation between Sikes and Fagin. __Discuss Fagin’s retrieval of Oliver and analyze the reaction of Fagin’s gang. --Discuss how Fagin and Sikestreat Oliver and how Oliver reacts. Analyze what Nancy’s response to this reveals about her will --Examine the cause-and-effect of Mr. mumbles a reappearance in the plot. --Analyzed the irony in this section.
Chapters 18-22 Fagin manipulates Oliver through imprisonment and isolation as he attempts to mold him into a willing member of the gang. Fagin loans Oliver to Sikes to assist in a house robbery. Sikes takes Oliver to the house he intends to rob and forces him to help. A resident of the house shoots Oliver, and the two robbers flee with him. Vocabulary Philanthropy Catechism Offal Execrations Approbation Precipitation Recumbent
--Analyze the manipulative tactics Fagin uses with Oliver and their results. How do you think the environment affects Oliver? --Note Dickens’ use of sarcasm in the description of Bulls-eye. --Discuss Fagin’s visit to Sikes’ room, noting the nature of their intention. Analyze the similes that describe Fagin, “the hideous old man seemed like some loathsome reptile” and “his lean old carcase shivering… like a ugly ghost.” Why is Fagin determined to make Oliver into a criminal? --Discuss how Fagin prepares Oliver for being taken to Sikes and how Oliver reacts. --Analyze Nancy’s actions when she comes for Oliver and their effect on him. Note Sikes’ intimidation tactics with Oliver. --Analyze the symbolism of the weather before and during the robbery. --Discuss the attempted robbery. Note Sikes’ partners in the crime and Oliver’s role.
Chapters 23-24 Mr. Bumble visits and flirts with Mrs. Corney, the matron of the workhouse. She is called to the bedside of a dying pauper. Old Sally, who confesses to her that she once robbed a woman in her care who died shortly after giving birth to a child named Oliver. Vocabulary Efficacy Apothecary Intimate Harridans Latent Crones --Examine the interaction between Mr. Bumble and Mrs. Corney. Analyze the inferences concerning Bumble’s motives for wooing Mrs. Corney. --Analyze the irony in the viewpoint Bubmle and Mrs. Corney have about the paupers. --Discuss Mrs. Corney’s visit to the workhouse and the interaction between her and Old Sally. Note the personification of Death.
Chapters 25-27 He learns that the robbery failed. Toby Cracket arrives and explains that he and Sikes fled in separate directions, leaving Oliver lying in a ditch. He is distraught and rushes to a tavern to find a man named Monks, who has some specific but unnamed interest in Oliver. Fagin reveals that Oliver is worth a great deal of money to him and that monks wants Oliver to become criminal. Bumble and Mrs. Corney plan to marry. Vocabulary. Emporium Bereft Profligacy Covertly peremptory Elucidative Piously Acerbity
--Examine Fagin’s reaction to Oliver’s being left at the scene of the robbery. • --Examine what Fagin’s visit to Nancy reveals. Note the reaction to Oliver’s plight. • --Analyze introduction of Monks into the plot and the inference of a connection between Monks and Oliver. • --Discuss what transpires between Bubble and this is corny. Analyze the implications of Bumble’s true character.
Chapters 28-31 Oliver a weakened and staggers to the Maylie how’s seeking help. Giles and Brittles assert that he is one of the thieves. Rose Banks and Giles to take care of him. Mrs. Maylie since before the doctor, who, after hearing Oliver’s story, convinces Giles and Brittles that they may have been mistaken about the child. The police officers do not file charges against Oliver. Vocabulary Unmitigated Formidable. Eccentric. Loquacious. Vice. Surmises. Fervent
Analyzing the incidences of fate during Oliver’s first foray into crime. • Discuss the attributes of the following characters and examine the reaction to Oliver: Giles, Brittles, Rose, Mrs. Maylie, and Mr. Losberne. • Discuss roses response to Oliver and correlate with what has been revealed about him in the plot. Analyzing Dickens’ message in this section. • Examine Giles’ reaction to his role in the attempted robbery. • Discuss Mr. Losberne’s role in resolving the controversy over Oliver’s participation in the robbery and examine his motivation for doing so.
Chapters 32-36 Oliver slowly recovers. Losberne takes into London to see Mr. Brown will, but they discover he has moved. The Maylies take Oliver to their country home. Rose almost dies from a fever. Fagin finds Oliver. Harry Maylie declares his love for Rose, but she refuses to marry him because of a stain on her name. Vocabulary Ague Cupidity Felicity. Lamentations. Stentorian. Multifarious Disparagement. Prodigiously. Guile. Blight
Compare/contrast Oliver state in the Maylies’ home with that of his other homes. Note his response to their kindness. • Discuss the importance of Oliver’s trip to London with Loseberne. • Analyze the symbolism of Dickens portrayalof country living . • Examine the circumstances surrounding Rose’s illness. Note the significance of Oliver’s chance encounter. When he goes to mail a letter to Losbene. • Discuss the outcome of roses illness and analyze the universality of Oliver’s reaction. • Discuss the reappearance of Fagin and its effect on Oliver and members of them Maylie houseful. Does Oliver dream that he sees Fagin and Monks at his window or are they really there? • Examine the dialogue between Harry and Rose and correlate with his conversation with Losberne.
Chapters 37-38 Mr. Bumble has married Mrs. Corney. Monks offers Bumble money for information about old Sally. Mr. and Mrs. Bumble meet with Monks, and she reveals that old Sally robbed Oliver’s mother of a locket that is now in Mrs. Bumble’s possession. Monks pays for the locket and drops it into the river. Vocabulary Asperity Tacit Scruple Paltry Turbid
Discuss Mr. and Mrs. Bumble’s circumstances and correlate with the universality of getting what you want and not wanting what you get. Note the symbolism of the settings at the beginning of chapter 37. • Examine the significance of the conversation between Mr. Bumble, and Monks. • Analyze the symbolism of the weather and surroundings. When the Bumbles go to see Monks. Note the effect of the weather on Monks. • Analyze the significance of the dialogue between Mrs. Bumble and Monks. Why do you think Monks wants to conceal Oliver’s true identity.
Chapters 39-41 Nancy eavesdrops on the conversation between Fagin and Monks and learns that Oliver is Monks’ brother. Monks can claimed the family inheritance only of Oliver’s identity remains a secret. Nancy reveals the information to Rose and arranges to meet her weekly with more information. Rose seeks help for Mr. Brownlow, who is returning to London. Oliver and Brownlow are reunited. Vocabulary. Sanguine Incertitude Infamous Impetuosity Importunate
Examine the relationship between sites and Nancy. • Discuss the circumstances leading to Nancy’s discovery of the plot between Monks and Fagin, and her reaction to the information. • Analyze the content and importance of Nancy’s dialogue with Rose. • Compare/contrast the two women and analyze their interaction. Note the symbolism of a London Bridge. • Discuss Oliver’s chance encounter with Brownlow and results of this meeting.
Chapters 42-43 • Noah Claypole and Charlotte come to London to join Fagin’s gang. Dawkins [the Artful Dodger] is arrested for picking pockets. • Vocabulary • Reticule • Rapicity • Chagrin • Copious • Impertinent • Discuss the reappearance of Noah Claypole and Charlotte. Note nations of why he left and Noah’s treatment of Charlotte. • Analyze Fagin’s tactics for luring Noah into his gang and what Noah’s response reveals about him. Correlate with the way young people today can be drawn into gangs. • Discuss the missing member of Fagin’s gang and the impact on Fagin and Bates. • Discuss Noah’s integration into the gang’s activities.
Chapters 44-47 Sikes prevents Nancy from keeping her first appointment with Rose. Fagin suspects Nancy is involved with another man and pays Noah to spy on her. Noah follows Nancy to her rendezvous with Rose and reports her betrayal to Fagin. Nancy again refuses Rose’s plea to leave her old life. Fagin relates Nancy actions to Sikes. Enraged, Sikes rushes home and beats Nancy to death. Vocabulary Obstinacy Staunch Myrmidons Pale Mortification
Analyze Nancy’s mental struggle about her impending betrayal of Fagin. Discuss the circumstances surrounding her failure to keep her scheduled appointment with Rose. • Examine the cause and effect of Fagin’s attempts to discover the source of Nancy’s distress. • Analyze what this section reveals about Nancy’s attributes. • Examine Brownlow’s reaction to Monk’s description. What do you think this foreshadows? • Analyze the effect on Fagin of Noah‘s disclosures about Nancy and what this reveals about him.
Chapters 48-50 Sikes flees into London but cannot escape the image of Nancy’s eyes. He decides to return to London. Brownlow seizes monks and brings him to the Brownlow home. He discloses Monks’ true identity, and his relationship to Oliver. Sikes arrives at the house where Crackit and Chitling space are hiding. An angry mob demands retribution for Nancy’s word. Sikes accidentally hangs himself. Vocabulary Mountebank Indemnified Disconcerted Panacea Maudlin Brazen Propitiate Impotent
Examine details of Sikes’ actions after he murders Nancy and analyzes the effects of guilt on him. • Analyze the symbolism of the fire. • Discuss the confrontation between Monks and Brownlow and analyze the significance of Brownlow’s revelations. How plausible are the coincidences that are revealed in this section? • Discuss the fate of Fagin and his gang. • Examine circumstances that lead to Sikes death and analyzes symbolism of the eyes and of Bulls-eyes death.
Chapters 51-53 Oliver learns his true identity. Monks reveals that the nature of their father’s will cause him to try to discredit Oliver. The property is divided between Monks and Oliver. Fagin is sentenced to death. Noah receives a pardon for testifying against Fagin. Bates turns from crime. Rose and Harry are married. Vocabulary. Dissemble. Alacrity. Indigence. Beguile Publicans. Grazier
Discuss Oliver’s return to his birth place and his reaction to information about his parentage. • Analyze the significance of the revelations about the letter and the will. Note the effect on the Bumble’s of Monks’ confession. • Examine circumstances surrounding Rose’s identity and the effect on the relationship with Harry. • Discuss Fagin’s trial and analyze his reaction to his impending death. Note his interaction with Oliver. • Discuss denouement of the plot.