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Computer Literacy – Important?. by Harold Roberts, George E-mail: Roberts_Harold@yahoo.com
Computer Literacy – Important? by Harold Roberts, George E-mail: Roberts_Harold@yahoo.com Computer Literacy – Important? Was developed for grade nine, ten & eleven students as a multidisciplinary unit. You don’t have to know everything to be comfortable with computers. But there is a lot of information that will help you understand why things are the way they are… and how disaster can strike! “Knowledge is power!” So it’s to your advantage to gather all the knowledge that you can. Besides which, computers are lots of fun – when they aren’t driving you insane!!! Previous Home Next
Introduction Computers are showing up everywhere you look, and even in places you can’t see. Computers check out your groceries, pump your gas, dispense money at the ATM, turn the heat on and off, control the way your cars runs. They’re everywhere! They’re everywhere! In fact, the computer is rapidly becoming, if it hasn’t already gotten there, as tightly woven into the fabric of our lives as the automobile. The analogy runs quite deep.
Introduction cont’d There is a computer for every use under heaven, or so it seems, Let’s look at the kinds of computers that there are, based on general performance levels. Computers for personal use come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny PDAs (personal digital assistants) to hefty PC (personal computer) towers. More specialized models are announced each week-trip planners, expense account pads, language translators…
Introduction cont’d Computer Literacy – Important? was designed to provide a constructivist learning experience for the students and is directly aligned with objectives fulfilling the grade’s nine, ten and eleven information technology (IT) curriculums. This WebQuest allows the students to understand how computer literacy directly impact the landscape through their decisions. The students are provided with a learning opportunity that encourages collaboration and deeper understanding to address an authentic task. The learners become more active participants in their own learning.
Introduction cont’d The grade nine, ten, and eleven students will develop background information about computer literacy. In addition, the students will be asked to describe some advantages and disadvantages of computer literacy. Next, the students will be placed in a team where they will be given a role to fulfill. After they have located information from their point of view the students will be required to create and do presentation depicting their point of view. Once all students have had the opportunity to research and present meaningful information on computer literacy, all students in the team will share and discuss which point of view the majority agrees upon. The students will then collaborate and prepare a powerpoint presentation to share with the local community on the issue. Individuals will create literacy posters to be evaluated.
Task • The Ministry of Education’s Media Services division requires that computer science teachers develop learning tools for students. The grade’s nine, ten and eleven will research and solve the issues of computer literacy. Also, to find out the importance of being computer literate. • How would you describe computer literacy? • Students will create literacy posters. • Should computer literacy be a required component of the general education requirements of a high school, college and university? • Is the term information technology (IT) competency a better description of the skills required for today’s students. Do you agree? • What knowledge and skills should someone have to be considered computer literate or IT competent?
Process This is an urgent situation, so you have just seven days to present the each question. You must do some research and put together a presentation in class, you have to do it fast! Let’s get started! Below is a list of tings for you to accomplish in the next seven days. with the other members of your team, clarify which of you will do the particular question mentioned in the task. Example: • How would you describe computer literacy? • What knowledge and skills should someone have to be considered computer literate? • Two members of the group could attempt the literacy poster.
Process cont’d Step 1: First, look at the example computer literacy poster 2. Now, working independently, examine the poster and attempt to answer the questionsabout the poster. When you get together in your groups later, you will compare answers. 3. We'll have a showcase at the end of the unit in which you will create your own computer literacy poster. effef COMPUTER LITERACY - IMPORTANT?
Process cont’d Step 2: Literacy Hunt ! Using the following resources, find the answers to the literacy hunt. This is an individual exercise! Click on the map below to start your search. Resources: http://med.fsu.edu/informatics/literacy.asp http://www.presentit.co.za/Poster.htm http://pcf4.dec.uwi.edu/viewpaper.php?id=152&print=1 http://www.techfluency.org/computer-literacy.htm http://careerplanning.about.com/od/important.skills/a/Comp_literacy.htm
Process cont’d Step 3: Artistic Expression: Work by yourself or in groups up to three.... Design a computer literacy poster. It should include a simple message, have a strong visual impact, and make the viewer want to take the action suggested. You may use art supplies from the classroom or use design software such as Adobe Photo Shop or publisher. Refer to the Rubricfor expectations and grading criteria. For other sample computer literacy posters click here or visit http://www.Presentit.co.za/Posters.htmfor more examples.
Resources Internet Resources The internet websites listed below contain valuable information that will help your group research the topic of computer literacy. Visit the site and organize the important information that you find. You will use this information in your presentation. Articles in the observer about computer http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/ Ministry of Education website http://www.moeyc.gov.jm Computer literacy information http://jis.gov.jm/jamaicamagazine/ Professional Development Tutorial on Literacy http://www.moeyc.gov.jm/Literacy_123/index.htm
Resources http://www.jis.gov.jm/MinMiningandTelecomm/html/200900325T230000_0500_18967_JIS_JAMAICANS_URGED_TO_BECOME_COMPUTER_LITERATE.asp http://careerplanning.about.com/od/importantskills/a/comp_literacy.htm Questions and answers exercises http://www.Prenhall.com/cayf2009 http://courses.washington.edu/hsstudev/studev/partI.html#top Resourcing the curriculum http://www.eddept.wa.edu.au/cmis/eva/curriculum/ict/chat/ http://www.jis.gov.jm/gov_ja/education.asp Curriculum support http://www.det.wa.edu.au/ Computer Literacy exercises http://www.computerlabKids.com/ Information about computer literacy http://www.scsite.com/dc2003/issues.htm
Teacher Resource The topic of computer literacy is one that I believe is very important to teach to the next generation. This webquest presents several situation of computer literacy, but it is also one that could very well look at practical situations such as competencies in Microsoft word, excel, database… these are some resources that I trust you will find useful in extending this topic even further. Web Resources http://www.moeyc.gov.jm/Literacy_123/index.htm Additional Resources http://www.jis.gov.jm/education/html/20090417T190000-0500_19249_JIS_JFLL_OFFERING_MORE_THAN_LITERACY_TRAINING.asp
Conclusion What can we do? It starts with you and I. We can make simple changes in our every-day lives to help make a difference. I could list some suggestions here, but that would defeat the purpose… Brainstorm with your group some possible ways that you can work to encourage and improve computer literacy. Then, start today! Take a look at some of the ideas your global peers have come up with: PEER IDEAS You CAN make a difference, if you are willing.
Conclusion You have done a great job! There is so much more to learn about computer literacy. There are many books in the library that can help you. You can also ask your teacher for additional information. Congratulations on a job well done! A new topic for the 21st century Computer literacy-important?
Credits This webquest was created by Harold Roberts. He is a student at the University of the West Indies, Mona campus where he is pursuing a career in computer science. Harold would like to hear from you. If you have any questions or comments that you wish to share, please use the E-mail link to send your comments to him. This webquest was designed as part of the course requirements for Issues in Information Technology, a course that is offered as part of the Bachelor in Education Programme.