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Leadership & Management. Dr. Bagus Nurcahyo Program Studi Manajemen Pemasaran Direktorat Program D3 Bisnis & Kewirausahaan. Definitions of Leadership. Text 2000: An influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their shared purposes.
Leadership & Management • Dr. Bagus Nurcahyo • Program Studi Manajemen Pemasaran • Direktorat Program D3 Bisnis & Kewirausahaan BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Definitions of Leadership • Text 2000: An influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their shared purposes. BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Components of Leadership • Leader • Influence • Follower • Shared Purpose • Desire for Change • Personal Responsibility • Intention BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Five Paradigm Transformations • From: Industrial Age • Stability • Control • Competition • Things • Uniformity • To: Information Age • Change • Empowerment • Collaboration • People and Relationships • Diversity BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Unconscious Competence Conscious Competence Conscious Incompetence Unconscious Incompetence Learning Stages to becoming a Leader BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
TheInteractionalFramework Synergy? Leader Follower Situation BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
ReasonsforLeaderDerailment • Insensitive, abrasive, bullying style. • Cold, aloof, arrogant. • Betrayal of personal trust. • Overly ambitious. • Specific performance problems. (Dishonesty, incompetence) • Micro-managing—cannot build a team. • Unable to train good subordinates. BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Leadershipvs. Management • Leadership: The art of forging a team from individuals with a disparate set of backgrounds who serve a common goal greater than themselves that may or may not conflict with their personal goals and beliefs. • Management: The art of attaining organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources. These are the four management functions. BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
BoundedRationality • Behavior that is rational within the parameters of a simplified model that captures the essential features of the problem. • Making a decision that is “good enough.” • This is how decisions are made in the real world. BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
IntuitiveDecisionMaking • An unconscious process of making decisions on the basis of experience and accumulated judgment. • Making decisions on the basis of gut feeling doesn't happen independently of rational analysis. The two complement each other. • Although intuitive decision making will not replace the rational decision-making process, it does play an important role in managerial decision making. BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Decision-MakingStyles • Problem Avoider • Inactive leaders • Problem Solver • Reactive vice proactive • Problem Seekers • Proactive leader • All three approaches have their place in decision making BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
-Emotional connection Genuine concern Open-minded Communicate/Listen Courage Non-conformity Admit mistakes/doubts Trust others Insight into self Honest w/themselves Inspire trust -Emotional distance Relationship not req’d Smart/organized Answers/Solutions Conformity Organization expert Knows how things work Personal Characteristics • Leadership • Management BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Focus on people Inspire and Challenge Development Personality Power Influence Coach/Facilitate Dynamic environment Encourage creativity Mentorship Focus on objects Machines Reports Position Power/Boss Direct Force, push, coerce Controlled environment Stifle creativity Relationships • Leadership • Management BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Vision of future Shape culture and values Inspire/motivate Create buy-in Provide Sense of Purpose Long term focus Detailed plan/schedule Allocate resources Direct/ Control Maintain stability Improve efficiency Bottom-line/short term Achieve results ProvidingDirection • Leadership • Management BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Communicate vision Develop culture and values Help others grow Question, listen, facilitate Reduce boundaries Create Teamwork Organize Staff and structure Direct and Control Policies/Procedures Create boundaries Contributes Answers Solutions Guidance Alignment • Leadership • Management BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Greatest possible outcome Create change? Sometimes radical Challenge status quo/Adapt Effective and efficient Future outcomes Self Sustaining Maintains: Stability Predictability Order Effective Efficient? Consistently meets short-term expectations Day-to day OPS Outcomes • Leadership • Management BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Evolution Framework Environment Stable Chaotic Micro Scope Macro BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Legitimate Power: Comes with Organizational position Followers accept due to position Reward Power: Authority to bestow incentives Generates compliance Coercive Power Authority to punish (NJP) Generates? Positional Power BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Expert Power: Comes from special knowledge or skill Referent Power: Comes from personality Subordinates identify with and want to emulate leader Generates Commitment Personal Power BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Fiedler’sContingencyTheoryStyle vs. Situation High Task oriented leaders perform better Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) Score 0 Person oriented leaders perform better Low BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Theory Adopt style appropriate to subordinate abilities Low level of task readiness: Tell them what to do How to do it When to do it High level of task readiness: Provide general direction Delegate sufficient authority to do the task Expect followers to complete the task as they see fit BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Situational Theory LEADER BEHAVIOR (HIGH) (Supportive Behavior) RELATIONSHIP BEHAVIOR Shares ideas and facilitates in decision-making Explain decisions and provide opportunity for clarification Participating Selling S3 S2 Delegating Telling Provide specific instructions and closely supervises performance Turns over responsibility for decisions and implementation S4 S1 (LOW) (HIGH) TASK BEHAVIOR (Guidance) Worker Readiness BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
…an ideal future that is credible yet not readily attainable What we aspire to become Make it worth the effort/sacrifice/hardship Link present action to the future goals Motivate/Inspire Challenge/Energize Give direction/Provide meaning Focus effort Vision BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Mission Statement Describes purpose of the organization WHAT – is expected to be achieved HOW – it can be done Encompasses Core Values Mission is basis; Vision brings it “to life”… Why we want to achieve it BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Definitions Goal: Desired future state; The Ends Define the organizations’ purpose Plan: Blueprint for goal achievement Specifies necessary resources, schedules, tasks and other actions; The Means What... How... BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Mission - states organization’s values, aspirations, and reason for existence Mission Statement – formal pronouncement of the mission Basis for all goals and plans Without a clear mission, goals and plans may be developed haphazardly causing organizational failure Organizational Mission BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Strategic Goals and Plans Strategic Goals Pertain to entire organization Stated intentions of organization Longer term Strategic Plans Action steps toward attaining organizational goals Activities and resources required BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Tactical Goals and Plans Tactical Goals Apply to “middle” management Describe what major sub units must do to enable organization to meet strategic goals Enabling objectives/intermediate goals Tactical Plans: Subsets of overall plan Cover a shorter period of time BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07
Operational Goals and Plans Operational Goals – Specific results expected of small units, workgroups, and individuals Enable organization to meet operational and strategic goals Operational Plans - developed at the lower levels of an organization to specify actions required to achieve operational goals/support operational plans plans BnR-Peng.Manajemen-chap-07