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Partnering with Provider Agencies

Diane Loud Institute for Community Inclusion Diane.loud@umb.edu. Partnering with Provider Agencies. The business case for hiring workers with disabilities. Positive effect on bottom line, through increased retention, greater productivity, and access to workers with the skills you need

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Partnering with Provider Agencies

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  1. Diane Loud Institute for Community Inclusion Diane.loud@umb.edu Partnering with Provider Agencies

  2. The business case for hiring workers with disabilities • Positive effect on bottom line, through increased retention, greater productivity, and access to workers with the skills you need • Gives you a competitive edge, access to qualified workers in a shrinking workforce and insight into a multi-billion dollar market segment • Employee benefit costs are reduced when disabling conditions are accommodated on the job *from EARNworks data

  3. Another benefit to business In A national survey of consumer attitudes towards companies that hire people with disabilities, Siperstein, Romano, Mohler, and Parker (2006) found that 92% of consumers felt more favorable toward employers that hire individuals with disabilities, and 87% would prefer to give their business to them.

  4. Why aren’t more businesses hiring workers with disabilities? • Data show that many employers express willingness to hire workers with disabilities, but say that they do not have a good understanding of where to find resources for hiring, accommodations, and retention* • Partnering with provider agencies can help! *Butterworth, J., & Pitt-Catsouphes, M.(1997); Dixon, K., Kruse, D., & Van Horn, C. (2003); US DOL

  5. Why partner with providers? • Opportunity to get assistance with & resources for hiring and retaining a diverse workforce, including recruitment, accommodations, & training • Provide you with a reliable source of job applicants • Provide disability awareness trainings for your staff to improve work culture and diversity acceptance • Give your company some exposure

  6. PUBLICLY FUNDED AGENCIES AND SYSTEMS: Who are they? • Publicly and privately operated • Examples: • Public vocational rehabilitation • Community rehabilitation providers • One-Stop Career Centers • Target population varies • Types of services available vary • Pre-placement • Post-placement - short-term & long-term • Level of interaction with employer varies

  7. HOW CAN OUTSIDE AGENCIES HELP? • Referral of job candidates • Help employer understand how individual with disability can meet business need for qualified, productive personnel • Provision of pre and post-placement supports • Knowledge & assistance with: • Accommodations and assistive technology • Training and job support • Performance issues • Work Opportunity Tax Credits

  8. WHAT TO EXPECT FROM AN OUTSIDE AGENCY • Support, assistance, expertise as needed ---customized to you • Learning about & responding to business needs • Use of business language & jargon • Respect for your workplace & work culture • Simplicity: not a lot of extra work & hassles • Good, responsive customer service

  9. WHAT NOT TO EXPECT FROM AN OUTSIDE AGENCY • Taking care of the hiring process for employer • Disclosure of information about person’s disability, beyond what individual has permitted • Handling of tasks that the employer typically does for employees • e.g., orientation, training • Resolving issues for you that are typically handled in an employer-employee relationship • But assistance & support should be available when requested & needed

  10. Connecting Businesses with Workers Projects with Industry

  11. What are Projects with Industry? • Funded by the US Department of Education • The purpose is to create and expand competitive job and career opportunities for workers with disabilities • Businesses represent a significant stakeholder in these projects, through participation in Business Advisory Councils and closely working with providers to identify opportunities, the skills and knowledge needed, and advise on best practices

  12. PWI Provider Characteristics • Providers who receive PWI funding have demonstrated the capacity to provide job readiness services, skills training, and follow-up consultation to job seekers • Employers identify post-placement follow-up by providers as the most beneficial feature of working with PWI* • Employers who have worked with PWI have recommended increased marketing and expanding business relationships* *RSA/US DOE report 2003

  13. BUSINESS ADVISORY COUNCILPARTICIPATION • Regularly-scheduled meetings where businesses can share resources on employing workers with disabilities • Planning practical, applied trainings (e.g., working with interpreters, funding accommodations) • Providing information to agencies on labor market trends, job opportunities, and skills needed for positions • Mutual benefit to employer and provider

  14. OTHER WAYS TO GET INVOLVED WITH AGENCIES • Serve on Business Leadership Network • Host Disability Mentoring Day activities • Attend employer education events • Offer to review resumes, hold mock interviews, mentor job seekers • Attend disability-specific job fairs, send job listings to agencies • Connect with Disability Program Navigator or other staff at One-Stop Career Centers • Make a commitment to do something new!!

  15. Where can I get more information? • Louisiana Business Leadership Network -- www.lbln.org • Society for Human Resource Management -- www.shrm.orgor www.gbrshrm.org • United States Business Leadership Network -- www.usbln.org • Louisiana Department of Vocational Rehabilitation --http://www.dss.state.la.us/departments/lrs/Vocational_Rehabilitation.html • www.foremployers.com • Louisiana Department of Labor: www.ldol.state.la.us

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