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2009 cosmic rays data analysis. Daniele De Gruttola (TOF group – Salerno University and INFN ). ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN. 09/Dec/09. Muons selection with TOF. analysis based on: time-of-flight of muons measured by TOF τ = t – t o expected time-of-flight assuming
2009 cosmic rays data analysis Daniele De Gruttola (TOF group – Salerno University and INFN ) ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Muons selection with TOF analysis based on: • time-of-flight of muons measured by TOF τ = t – to • expected time-of-flight assuming relativistic muons τ exp = L/c • TOF hits: tracking system not included • run 79774 (Aug 2009): 2512944 events - no magnetic field see R. Preghenella's talk ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Full-TOF trigger (back-to-back ±1) simulated trigger: 1 hit in an upper sector and 1 hit in the selected opposite ones ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Muons selection using tof muon selection: purity ~ 95% ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Muons selection using tof ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Muons selection using tof distance between the hit pads on the opposite sectors vs difference between the hit times correlation between the time-of-flight and the track length - ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
ALICE coordinates ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Angular distribution after the muon tracks selection on tof – L/c, it's possible to see a peak in the range 105° < < 140 ° (corresponding to ALICE Baby side) ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Angular distribution • peaks related to trigger logic • small peaks around φ = 180° and φ = 350° correspond to quasi horizontal tracks ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Theta Phi distribution muons coming from the ALICE main shaft vertical tracks ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Main shaft to lower detectors in the cavern TOF supermodule ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Theta distribution z • the event display shows the larger flow of muons coming from the main shaft (display over 2000 events for the sake of clarity) • run 79774: 494527selected tracksover 2512944 events • ~ 32 % tracks coming from the shaft , ~ 23 % from opposite side ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Tracks surface distribution service shaft ALICE P2 map service shaft 23 m ALICE cavern main shaft ALICE cavern main shaft ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Full-TOF trigger (back-to-back ±3) 1 hit in an upper sector and 1 hit in the selected opposite ones ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Theta Phi distribution muons coming from the ALICE main shaft ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Angular distribution ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Angular distributions in the two configurations • distribution with peak corresponding to ALICE main shaft • ? slightly asymmetric φ distribution ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
φdistribution asymmetry back-to-back ± 3 sectors with no central modules (PHOS holes) sectors with no central modules (“simulated” PHOS holes) back-to-back ± 1 PHOS holes are not the cause of the φ distribution asymmetry: Muon Trigger has seen an effect due to Jura (its position corresponds to tracks at 270° < φ < 360°) ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Conclusions • good muon selection using only TOF hits • purity ~ 95% • reconstructed angular distribution reproducing the real one • next step: clusterization ready to be applied to the analysis ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09
Clusters:Δtime vsΔ tot • clusters on opposite sectors • 2-pad clusters ALICE - TOF meeting - CERN 09/Dec/09