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Welcome!. February 7, 2012 General Membership Meeting Arrowhead Elementary PTA 6.10.5. Congratulations to our Reflections Participants!. PTA Reflections – National PTA Program: 2011-2012: Diversity Means … Arrowhead District Results: Visual Arts State Qualifier: Teya McGuire

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  1. Welcome! • February 7, 2012 • General Membership Meeting • Arrowhead Elementary PTA 6.10.5

  2. Congratulations to our Reflections Participants! • PTA Reflections – National PTA Program: 2011-2012: Diversity Means… • Arrowhead District Results: Visual Arts State Qualifier: Teya McGuire • Visual Arts & Dance: Mary-Sunshine Graham, Isabella Ahten, Lana Westerbeck, Brenna Engelhardt & Syd McGuire • Thank you to our Arrowhead Reflections chair, Melissa Graham 2012-2013 brings: “The Magic of a Moment”

  3. Executive Team Announcement • In December, Jim Johnston stepped down as Treasurer due to life changes since initially accepting the position • The books were properly turned over and a financial review was conducted on 1/7/2012 for the period of Nov. 1- Dec 31, 2011 • At the conclusion of the financial review, Coleen Frederick was appointed to the Treasurer position effective immediately and tonight General Membership will be asked to vote on Coleen’s appointment at the February GM Meeting • We sincerely thank Jim for his hard work and efforts and wish to welcome Coleen to the team!

  4. Reading & Approval of the December 2011 Minutes

  5. Treasurer’s Report ~ January 2012 Highlights • MCT: TOTAL Expenses:$3528.78 Total Income: $3327.37   Net Loss: $201.41 • 2011 Popcorn Sales Tax is complete! AH PTA Owed $74.79 for Jan-Dec 2011 – Thank you Cindy! • Nov. 1 – Dec. 31 Financial Review Complete– Thank you Erin, Coleen & Angela! • Reminder: Your PTA Membership is Tax Deductible!

  6. Happy New Year 2012! • .

  7. Upcoming Meetings of Interest & Leg Update Charter Schools - PTA Forum February 29 from 6:30pm - 8:30pm Washington Middle School in Seattle – 2101 S. Jackson Street, Seattle What do public charter schools really mean? Outstanding speakers and a robust Q&A session. This session will be moderated and you'll hear from both pro and con supporters. Let’s Carpool! FOCUS DAY, February 20, 2012 Olympia – hosted by WA State PTA Now, more than ever, it’s important to be a voice for our kids! Come to Olympia to advocate for our children!

  8. Committee Reports & Announcements • Science Fair is coming on March 23 (Friday) • Classroom visits will happen during lunch on Friday 2/17 before mid-winter break • Requesting 1 or 2 more volunteers to help with classroom visits • No Family Demos received to date. Plan to come up with several suggestions and see if any families would like to execute the idea.  Ex: ‘Rainbow’ station that has several flashlights (sun) and several prisms (raindrops) and teach kids how to make rainbows and relate it to how sun and rain to it.  • Lego & Boeing After School Science will be asked if they would like to have a station. Classroom stations are welcome! • Clothing Swish is coming this Thursday 2/16 • Jeanne is looking for a few more free standing mirrors: • Jeanne.leasure@gmail.com

  9. Committee Reports & Announcements • Dads n Donuts is Coming next Friday 2/17 • Come enjoy yummy doughnuts provided by Top Pot & hot Starbucks Coffee! OJ for all!

  10. PTA Award Submission – due by March 1The more specific examples provided, the better. Email submissions to (e.person@comcast.net) and/or Tana Ingersoll (tana@abrokerage.com) due by March 1, 2012

  11. Copier Update

  12. News from the School

  13. Pulse Check - 2011-2012 Measurable Goals

  14. New Business – Region 6 Director Vote It is time to vote for a new Region 6 Director 1. Each council or local unit has one vote 2. Each PTA or council chooses the method of determining its vote 3. Once PTA vote is complete an electronic ballot is used by voting for only one candidate or writing in the name of another qualified candidate. The local unit must assure that only one vote is cast for each local unit or council. 4. The ballot must be emailed no later than midnight on March 1, 2012. __________________________________________________________________________ REGION 6 ELECTRONIC BALLOT By this response below I am notifying the Washington State PTA of the electronic vote on behalf of the ______________________ PTA/PTSA/Council for 2012-2014 Region 6 Director Election. To cast your vote please place an X in front of the candidate that you have selected. _____ Sarah DuCette _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (write in)

  15. New Business – Nominating Committee • Nominating Committee consists of 3 members and is required in order to elect 2012-2013 Officers in April • Nominating Committee members cannot serve 2 years in a row • Nominating Committee is an annual process and helps ensure a strong PTA organization for the future

  16. New Business/Items for Discussion • Art Auction Funds Discussion • Art Auction is intended to raise funds to support art education at Arrowhead. The Art Night Committee concepts and facilitates high quality, classroom created art pieces which will be auctioned off at the Pancake Breakfast event on Saturday March 10 • Proposal (after all expenses are paid) • $1,000 to fund Art Night Committee Budget for 2012/2013 School Year • $500 towards May 2012 Art Night Hands On Stations • Next $1875($125 per class) will be allocated to Classrooms for Art Education (Field Trips, Artist Visits, Art Lessons, etc. Funds not used in 2012-2013 school year, go back to PTA General Budget • Any Art Auction proceeds over $3,375 will go toward a restricted all-school art experience fund

  17. Our Caring Community – You Are All Amazing! • Pet food & supply drive at Fall movie night • 145 lbs of candy was sent to soldiers overseas • $145 to support families in need during the holidays • Holiday Mail for Heroes – over 125 cards! • Toy Drive – donated over $1,400 worth of toys and gift cards • Food Drive – over 1,000 lbs of food • Toiletry drive for Northshore homeless students continues • Happening Now…. Towel Drive • Any size, any shape, any condition. • Will benefit St. Martin de Porres Shelter in Seattle. Give towels to CindyJ, Drop in box in the office or bring to the clothing exchange on 2/16.

  18. Committee Chair Thank You’s & Recognition

  19. What’s on your mind?

  20. Coming in April ~ Parent Ed Session: Fitness at Arrowhead ~ Ms. Fernell Miller

  21. Upcoming Dates • Upcoming • 2/16 (Thurs.) – Clothing Swap – Gym – Free – 6:30pm • 2/17 (Fri.) – Dad’s and Donuts – free – 8:30am • 2/20-2/24 – Mid Winter Break • 2/20 (Mon.) – Focus Day – Olympia, WA • 3/2 (Fri.) – Popcorn Friday • 3/6 (Tues.) – PTA Board Meeting • 3/10 (Sat.) – Art Auction & Pancake Breakfast & Garden Clean Up • 3/15 (Th.) – Movie Night – Grades 4-6 • 3/23 (Fri.) – Science Fair

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