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Gay Pickner Shannon Malone SDDOE

Smarter/Balanced Consortium (SBAC) National Center and State C ollaborative (NCSC) Assessment Services Supporting Els through Technology Systems (ASSETS). Gay Pickner Shannon Malone SDDOE. Outcome for presentation .

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Gay Pickner Shannon Malone SDDOE

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  1. Smarter/Balanced Consortium (SBAC)National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC)Assessment Services Supporting Els through Technology Systems (ASSETS) Gay Pickner Shannon Malone SDDOE

  2. Outcome for presentation To have a better understanding of the three consortiums the SDDOE is involved with concerning upcoming assessments.

  3. The Challenge How do we get from here... ...to here? Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness All studentsleave high school college and career ready ...and what can an assessment system do to help?

  4. Concerns with Today’s Statewide Assessments

  5. The Purpose of the Consortium • To develop a set of comprehensive and innovative assessments for grades 3-8 and high school in English language arts and mathematics aligned to the Common Core State Standards • Students leave high school prepared for postsecondary success in college or a career through increased student learning and improved teaching • The assessments shall be operational across Consortium states in the 2014-15 school year

  6. Member States

  7. Organization Chart

  8. Consortium Work Groups

  9. A Balanced Assessment System

  10. A Balanced Assessment System

  11. K-12 Teacher Involvement

  12. Assessment System Components

  13. Assessment System Components

  14. Assessment System Components

  15. Assessment System Components

  16. Assessment System Components

  17. Technology guidelines for New Purchases As of June 2012

  18. Support for Special Populations

  19. Timeline

  20. Find out More

  21. National Center and State Collaborative General Supervision Enhancement Grant(NCSC GSEG)

  22. NCSC States and Partners

  23. National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC) Building an assessment system based on research-based understanding of: - technical quality of AA-AAS design - formative and interim assessments - summative assessments - academic curriculum and instruction for students with significant cognitive disabilities - student learning characteristics - communicative competence - effective professional development

  24. Theory of Action Long-term goal of NCSC: Our long-term goal is to ensure that students with significant cognitive disabilities achieve increasingly higher academic outcomes and leave high school ready for postsecondary options. A well-designed summative assessment alone is insufficient. To achieve this goal, an AA-AAS system also requires: Curricular & instructional frameworks Teacher resources and professional development

  25. NCSC Work Group Structure Assessment Design Work Group 1 Lead: NCIEA and State Representatives Curriculum & Instruction Work Group 2 Lead: UNCC and State Representatives Management Team Lead: NCEO and State Representatives Professional Development Work Group 3 Lead: UKY and State Representatives Evaluation Work Group 4 Lead: edCount, LLC and State Representatives 27

  26. The Research: CoPs will provide a network of support in each state to build the curriculum, instruction, and assessment infrastructure through training and technical assistance. (Barber & Fullan, 2005.) CoPs will try out and provide feedback on model curriculum resources for teachers serving SSCD and supports for developing communicative competence. (Carroll, Fulton& Doerr, 2010) A Community of Practice: Stakeholders selected to represent a broad support group for teachers.

  27. The CoPs are stakeholders across participating states willing to assist in project activities: Lesson plan tryouts Item reviews Field tests Standard setting Other The Vision/Path /Goals of the CoPs

  28. Winter 2012: Release Graduated Understandings in Math COPs pilot Math Instructional Modules Spring 2013 Release Math Instructional Modules Release Graduated Understandings in Reading COPs pilot ELA Instructional Modules Field test Math assessment items Timeline

  29. Fall 2013: Release ELA Instructional Modules Field test ELA assessment items Spring 2014 Full item field testing Spring 2015 Full implementation and assessment **Professional development will begin in winter of 2012 and ongoing – most will be web based Timeline

  30. Career College Community Curriculum AK Standards Instruction Grade-level Lessons Accommodations Systematic Instruction Assessment Formative Summative Communicative Competence

  31. Career Readiness for All Preparedness for workplace refers to the reading and mathematics knowledge and skills needed to qualify for an occupation’s job training program; it does not necessarily mean that the qualifications to be hired for a job have been met (NAGB, 2009). Sample pathways include: Apprenticeship programs Community College certification Job training programs On the job training Vocational technical institutes

  32. Developing a system of assessments supported by curriculum, instruction, and professional development to ensure that students with significant cognitive disabilities achieve increasingly higher academic outcomes and leave high school ready for post-secondary options. http://www.ncscpartners.org/

  33. What is ASSETS?

  34. ASSETS System

  35. Grant Years

  36. ASSETS Consortium There are 29 SEA members serving more than 1 million English learners, representing 22% of the K-12 English learner population in the United States

  37. Subcommittee • The Technology Subcommittee : • Providing guidance related to developing and implementing technology-based assessments, reports, and training tools; • Issuing guidance to ASSETS Consortium states technology specifications and additional peripheral hardware (e.g. headsets and microphones) • The Accommodations Subcommittee will inform the work of the Consortium by: • Create a common set of policies and procedures for appropriate accommodations that can be provided on the new ASSETS assessment system; • Identify which accommodations are not necessary on CBT (Computer Based Test) and which can become embedded items on CBT • Discussing paper based accommodations versus CBT accommodations

  38. Subcommittees • The EL Definition Subcommittee: • Establish/formulate a common EL definition including a Home Language Survey with common criteria for eligibility for EL services. • Formulate an evolving, standards-based EL definition, which will be used to transition to a standards-referenced EL definition. • The Reporting Subcommittee: • Play a key role in designing reports and a reporting system that meets the needs of multiple stakeholders.

  39. Gay Pickner (Assessments) Gay.Pickner@state.sd.us 605-773-3247 Linda Turner (Special Ed) Linda.Turner@state.sd.us 605-773-6119 Shannon Malone (Title III) Shannon.Malone@state.sd.us 605-773-4698

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