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Introduction to D istrict C urriculum M apping. August 2010 Written By: The Albuquerque Public Schools Department of Curriculum and Assessment. Updated from the 2008-09 Introduction to District Essential Curriculum Mapping by the APS Curriculum Mapping Task Force. Agenda.
Introduction toDistrict Curriculum Mapping August 2010 Written By: The Albuquerque Public Schools Department of Curriculum and Assessment Updated from the 2008-09 Introduction to District Essential Curriculum Mapping by the APS Curriculum Mapping Task Force
Agenda Welcome/Sign-in/Introductions Overview of APS’ Curriculum Mapping Initiative: What it is and what it isn’t Review goals for today’s & future work Format of District Curriculum Maps and their role as general pacing guides Connections to Assessment & Backward Design 9/17/2014
Agenda Review of Core Content Curriculum Maps • Big Ideas and Essential Questions • Assessments • Unwrapping the Standards: Content & Skills • Pacing of Performance Standards Guidelines on developing other DCM components Whole group debriefing, questions, & feedback (as time allows)
Group Norms Begin and end on time Be courteous to colleagues; limit sidebar conversations Use equity of voice Stay on task Turn cell phones to vibrate/step outside to take calls Take care of your own personal needs 9/17/2014
What is aDistrict Curriculum Mapor “DCM”? A district planning tool used to map out the pacing of standards-based education by course or content An alignment of instruction and assessments to state standards A teacher resource tool used to communicate standards-based instruction with students, parents and colleagues 9/17/2014
What is a Curriculum Map? A district tool used by all professionals who plan and deliver instruction which includes: Performance Standards, Essential Questions/ Big Ideas, Assessments, Content and Academic Vocabulary, Skills and Learning Activities, and Resources An organizer which supports professional vertical and horizontal articulation A blueprint to be used as a guide to support schools’ development of differentiated course/content planning 9/17/2014
DCM Implementation NM State law requirements: SY 2008-09: MATH & LANGUAGE ARTS SY 2009-10: SCIENCE SY 2010-11: SOCIAL STUDIES APS’ 2008-10 goal is the development of District Curriculum Maps for every APS core course/ content area (K-12).Other content/course maps are also being developed (CTE, drama, fine arts, health/PE & others). As of SY 2009-10, educators will have online access to District Curriculum Maps through the Albuquerque Instructional Management System (AIMS) 9/17/2014
What are the key components of a District Curriculum Map? 9/17/2014
District Curriculum Map Components Essential Components Essential Components Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
District Curriculum MapNon-negotiables Consistency across content areas is the key: DCM template format is final Standards are written in entirety (may not be reworded or modified) 9/17/2014
District Curriculum Map Components Essential Components Essential Components Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
Linking Performance Standards to Assessments Performance Standards are aligned to district benchmark (short-cycle) assessments Performance Standards are aligned to classroom formative and summative assessments 9/17/2014
Curriculum Map Template Content 9/17/2014
Content includes: ContentWhat students need to know Topic written in Noun form An interdisciplinary focus Student-friendly wording/strategies Vocabulary (academic language); words students need to know to understand concepts
Content EXAMPLES Linear equations Polynomials Surface area and volume of basic figures Historically and culturally significant issues and events portrayed in literature Writing strategies and conventions Tools and Resources Frayer Model Teaching and Learning with Text Word Walls Marzano’s Building Academic Vocabulary 9/17/2014
Skills Skills Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
Skills What students need to be able to do Written in Verb form Specific, not broad-based Measurable Used to develop guided learning activities Based on standards 9/17/2014
Skills EXAMPLES Creating and analyzing graphs Applying order of operations Interpreting and drawing three-dimensional objects Responding to, examining, and critiquing literature Writing effectively for different audiences and purposes 9/17/2014
AUGUST Content Skills (know/noun) (do/verb) Exampleuse MA 4.1.2 identify * = academic language exhibit (an understanding place-value structure) base-ten number system read whole numbers up to 100,000 model application write * equivalent representations recognize numbers less than 0 generate number line order negative numbers *decompose combine interpret compare Course: Grade 4 MATHUnwrapping Content and Skills Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
Let’s try unwrapping some of your performance standards! Move into your smaller leveled subgroups and take 15-20 minutes to unwrap 2 performance standards Illustrate your discussion & work on chart paper Select a reporter to share out your work and thoughts on the process with the entire group
Big Ideas Big Ideas Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
Big Ideas “It is not enough simply to say to students, “Here’s the big idea you need to know” and then proceed to tell them what the big idea is.” Students need to make discoveries on their own! -Larry Ainsworth, 2003, Unwrapping the Power Standards
Defining a Big Idea Statement derived from a deep understanding of the concepts or content Open-ended, enduring idea that can apply to more than one area of study Students develop an understanding of skills and concepts expressed in the standard Student responses to the Essential Questions are the Big Ideas
More reflections on a Big Idea Derived from Standards Light Bulb Moments Aha’s…“Oh, I get it.” Big Picture Enduring Understandings/central themes Personally worded statements Students reach them on their own Realizations, discoveries & conclusions
Examples of Big Ideas Graphs and quadratic equations can be used to solve real-life problems. Data can be organized and interpreted with graphs, equations, and charts. In real life we need to know how to find area, perimeter, and volume (architecture, cooking, purchasing supplies). Recognition of societal issues can impact changes in political systems. People’s perceptions are influenced by media and opinion. Many recurring themes found in literature are timeless.
Essential Questions Essential Questions Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
Big Ideas Buildthe Essential Questions Essential Questions are posed to students at the inception of a unit The learning goals students are expected to meet are advertised up front As students move through the lessons and activities, they develop their own understanding of concepts and skills expressed in the standard and formulate their response to the Essential Question = Big Idea
Essential Questions Essential Questions are powerful, directive, and commit students to the process of critical thinking through inquiry Answers to Essential Questions are a direct measure of student understanding Answers to Essential Questions provide insight into the “bigger picture” and are the Big Ideas
What should Essential Questions do? Essential questions require at least one of the following thought processes: A question which requires a student to develop a plan or course of action A question which requires a student to make a decision A question which directs the course of student research A question which demands knowledge construction (from lower to higher thinking, based on Bloom’s and Webb’s taxonomies) from students
Essential Questions EXAMPLES In what ways can the graph of a quadratic equation help us answer questions about the height of an object? How can data be represented, organized, or interpreted? How are the basic skills for geometry and measurement applied in everyday life? How does literature serve as a vehicle for social change? How are we influenced by what others write? Why are the works of Shakespeare still contemporary? 9/17/2014
“stronger” . . . What plan could you develop that would reduce your likelihood of becoming obese? What is a strong EQ? “okay” . . . What is obesity? • Encourages plagiarism • (Students copy low-level information directly to paper.) • Encourages deeper thinking • (Students are required to develop a plan.)
“stronger” . . . What are the relative strengths of the different representations of functions? Requires makinga decisionand craftinga response that involves analytical knowledge construction Students need to apply previous knowledge and make connections What is a Strong EQ? “okay” . . . How do you define and represent functions? Asks for a definition and example Students copy information directly from text
Does the question ask students to: • Develop a plan or course of action • Make a decision • Direct the course of student research • Craft a response that involves knowledge construction What Makes aGreat Essential Question? As a table group, review your grade level Essential Question(s) and edit one or more to make them GREAT (or stronger)!
Assessments Assessments Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
Assessments Products or performances that demonstrate student learning Summative assessments Provide evidence of mastery of standards at specific points-in-time Are graded assessments at the end of the unit of study Formative assessments Guide instruction Inform the need for differentiation Provide feedback to students
Assessment Brainstorm Formative Assessment: Summative Assessment: Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
Formative Assessments are assessments FOR learning Occur during instruction Guide instruction to improve learning Help inform decisions for differentiation Build student motivation to succeed EXAMPLES Student demonstrations Group research project-checks along the way Pretest; KWL; Quiz A2L Checking for Understanding Exit Slips Multiple Intelligence/Interest Inventory Peer or Self-review (on rubrics) 9/17/2014
Summative Assessments are assessments OF learning What students have learned at the end of instruction (mid-point checks are ok, too!) - Evaluative - Reported as a score or grade - Provide current evidence of understanding/mastery Examples Tests/Quiz Performance Tasks Final Exams Culminating Projects Work Portfolios Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
Summative Assessment:Plan with the END in Mind Create the summative assessment to drive instruction when planning Share assessment plan (rubric, checklist, project, essay test, unit test, presentation) with students at beginning of unit Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
Adding Assessments to our Maps • With an elbow partner or small group of colleagues, review the assessments listed for the performance standards, content, and skills on any one of your District Curriculum Maps (10-15 min) • On post-it notes, list any additional quality ideas for formative and summative assessments which will allow students to best demonstrate proficiency • Mark your best ideas that you want to use and/or refine this year • Share out with the whole group (10 min) Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
Curriculum Map Template Resources Resources Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
Resources to include on a map - Adopted instructional materials (math, reading, writing programs...) - Technology - Supplemental materials - Links to curricular frameworks and other websites 9/17/2014
Lesson Cycle for Teachers & Students STUDENTS TEACHER Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
Rollout of a Standards-Based Lesson Teacher: Step 1: Identify & unwrap standards Step 2: Plan summative assessment Step 3: Create Big Idea from key concepts & content Step 4: Develop Essential Questions to guide instruction & formative assessments Step 5: Plan lessons and activities to guide students to Big Idea Step 6: Introduce Essential Question and lessons & activities to students Students: Step 1: Engage with Essential Question Step 2: Take pre-test (formative assessment) & inform of assessment plan Step 3: Complete lessons, activities, and other formative assessments Step 4: Discuss the Essential Question throughout the unit of study Step 5: Complete summative assessment (i.e., answering the Essential Question = the Big Idea) Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
Making the District Curriculum Map meaningful for YOU • Meet with colleagues for 20 minutes of discussion and planning time • Choose 1 or more sections of the map you’d like to refine for meaningful use this school year • Fill out & turn in your Feedback Form when you finish with your planning group session! Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
Individual Reflection/Feedback Form Think about the DCM process and next steps in this work: What squares with me about this process and work? What’s still rolling around in my head? What changes are needed to use the District Curriculum Map as a pacing guide in order to build student skills, content proficiency, & deeper thinking? Intro to District Curriculum Mapping
Next Steps Access supporting documents related to Curriculum Mapping: ► AIMS ► BLACKBOARD If you have any further questions or concerns, email the Curriculum Map Hotline: curriculummaps@aps.edu Intro to District Curriculum Mapping