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Scanbur Symposium 2° April 2014 By Giorgio Rosati Product Manager Vivatronics

Scanbur Symposium 2° April 2014 By Giorgio Rosati Product Manager Vivatronics.

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Scanbur Symposium 2° April 2014 By Giorgio Rosati Product Manager Vivatronics

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  1. Scanbur Symposium 2° April 2014 By Giorgio Rosati Product Manager Vivatronics

  2. TheSTRATEGYof the VIVATRONICS product line is to enrich the electronic functionalities of Tecniplast equipment in a easy and intuitive way to allow a better overall management of the vivarium. Basic data collection, Alarm functioning, etc. can be all or part of any system.

  3. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

  4. PRODUCT COMPOSITION ReceivercalledRX TransmittercalledTX

  5. DEFINITION: A Wireless systemthatmonitorsthe status of the animal holding equipments. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: A transmitter TX ismounted on the AHUs and sends RF signalsto a receiver RX locatedoutside the rooms. All the alarmsgeneratedby the AHUswillbe sent to the RX and displayed on the screen.

  6. CONFIGURATIONS: An RX can collect up to 10 TXs. RX will display the AHUs in alarm and the type of alarm detected. If the user needs to monitor more than 10 AHUs, more RXs are needed. There is then another component, called collector CX that can manage up to 10 RXs. 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x Transmitter TX Receiver RX Collector CX

  7. FEATURES: RX can be equipped with phone dialer (RXC). CX is always factory equipped with phone dialer. All the alarms have to be pre-set as level 1 or level 2 and sent to 2 different groups of phone numbers. (5 phone numbers and 4 phone numbers respectively). 900MHz 10 x 10 x 10 x Optional connection – the specific RX iscalled RXC 10 x Transmitter TX Receiver RX Collector CX

  8. FEATURES: The same pre-set levels can be managed by the customer’s BMS, through available dry contacts located inside the RX and CX units. BMS will receive a generic alarm (as level 1 or level 2) from the RX (or the CX), but it cannot know which is the specific AHUs in alarm. 10 x 10 x BMS 10 x 10 x Transmitter TX Receiver RX Collector CX

  9. The RAS KIT: Using a special BATTERY POWERED TX, if you are not fully sure that the product can correctly work in the facility, you can SIMULATE the final behavior just using the RAS KIT Animal Room Office Placing the TX kit on the farest area of the animal room. If the RX can “see” the TX, it means the coverage is OK


  11. DEFINITION: A Wired/Wireless systemthatcontrols and monitorsthe status of the animal holding equipments. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Specific HW isconnected to the AHUs. Itsendsall the parameters of the AHUs to a Software installed on your server machines. The software is a web basedapplication, availablethrough internet. RUI TCC SERVER HW over the AHU or PC

  12. CONFIGURATIONS: A Tecniplast Control Center TCC (it is a web application) is required for managing all the AHUs. This shall be installed on a dedicated Server with specific requirements. Each AHU has to be registered on this TCC server during the set up of the product. A TCC can manage “unlimited” AHUs. Each Client, working on the same network of the Server, can access to the TCC software using any web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Safari, etc.) SERVER TCC isinstalled on it Client Using any web browser

  13. FEATURES: Through the SW, the USER can: • Display the current status of any AHUs linked to the system • Be alerted via email/sms if any AHUs in alarm. • Control current AHU parameters and pre-set limits. • Immediately locate the position of the AHU in alarm through the buoy. • Store all the historic data related to all the parameters of all the AHUs.

  14. BUOY CONCEPT: As general definition, the BUOY is a floating device that is anchored somewhere to be considered a stationary reference. WDM buoy is a “virtual” assignation of a USB key S/N to a fixed place (i.e. a position inside a room). In this way, any AHU “attached” to this WDM buoy is considered by the system as in this precise room and position. 3 m Advantages: Each AHU will have a precise current position inside the facility -> immediate localization It is possible to assign an AHU’s configuration to a buoy and, if there is a mismatch between the buoy’s configuration and the AHU’s configuration, the WDM will immediately alert the responsible (AHU’s positive in a negative room)

  15. WDM Maintenance and Upgrading Agreement: • Asanyother Software, also the WDM applicationneeds to be keptupdated and maintained. • Our Tecniplast Service has specific sofwtareengineersdevoted to do this. • Whatisincludedintothiscontract ? • Remote assistance and installation • Acknoledge of anyproblemwithin 48hrs and bugfixing. • Maintenance and upgrading. • Updating to anynewest release with othermodules TP code: IC-VEN-0015 Net Price: 120€ each RUI 400 for the TCC

  16. WDM FUNDAMENTAL STEPS In any WDM sale, the customer’s IT MANAGER must be involved from the beginning !!! We must install a Software on the customer’s servers, so, especially for security issues, we cannot proceed without sharing all these information with the IT MANAGER. WDM requires an already installed network in the Facility (we don’t install the wifi for instance). Here in Tecniplast, we have a WDM installation for DEMO purpose, please use it https:\\wdm-system.com Login: service Password: service

  17. Current COMPATIBLE AHU to be retrofitted with WDM: SKY FLOW ISOCAGE P/N

  18. Keeping an eye on Tecniplast future projects

  19. We started in US in 2009… • Potential requirements beyond current IVC housing • Assessing the current level of penetration of “Electronic Systems” into the Laboratory Animal Industry • Potential uncovered needs Then also 3 Focus groups run worldwide CONFIDENTIAL

  20. What is now under development is something really worldwide discussed along these last 2 years… CONFIDENTIAL

  21. Just some future benefits… Do you know you could better manage your cages and your running costs ? Are you distressed by possible equipment faults ? Would you like a system that can help you to standardize the cage condition ? Would you like to always know in real time where all your cages are ? Are you always sure that water bottles are in place and not empty or just missing ? Are you satisfied by your animal daily check ? Would you like any help to better focus on specific cages if possible ? CONFIDENTIAL

  22. How ??? Without changing anything about your current IVC cages !!! Tecniplast is developing a smart electronic system, integrated at rack level, that will allow this !!! CONFIDENTIAL

  23. Are you interested? Please schedule a private meeting with Scanbur people and we will go through a specific private meeting during the next SCANDLAS or the next months.



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