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What kind of problems do you face while using computer? Do a little survey in the class and find out what the most common computing problems are Use the table on page 116. Listening 2 Study the form on page 117 and form questions for the items on the form. Ex:
What kind of problems do you face while using computer? • Do a little survey in the class and find out what the most common computing problems are Use the table on page 116.
Listening 2 Study the form on page 117 and form questions for the items on the form. Ex: for the “reported by” part the technician may ask: Can you give me your name? Do the others with a partner.
under warranty (adj. phr.): Word Formation : Definition : a fixed period of timewhena company repairs or replaces a product that develops a fault withinthat time. Synonyms: underguarantee Collocations : to be underguarantee Ex:Is your notebook stillunderwarranty?
version (n.): Word Formation : Definition : a particular form of something which varies slightly from other forms of the same thing Collocations : final/lastversion Ex:whichversion of thebsplayer do youuse?
reinstall (v.): Word Formation : reinstallation (n.) Definition : set up a program etc. again, installagain Ex:Whenyouhave a problem with an application, tryreinstalling it.
get back (phr. v.): Word Formation : Definition : contact (someone) later to give a reply or return a message Ex:Thegirl in thecallcenter of Superonline said “I’ll find out and get back to you”, andtheycalledme an hourlater.
quote (v.): Word Formation : quotation (n) Definition : repeat or copy out (words from a text or speech written or spoken by another person): Synonyms: Antonym: unquote Collocations : takequotation, quotefrom Ex:Religiousfigures of Turkeyquotefromthe Koran in theirspeechto be morecredible.
take down (phr. v) Word Formation : Definition : writedownspokenwords Ex:I took down the addressshetold.
Listening 3 (p. 117) In the recording you will hear two voices: David, computing support officer and Jeniffer, the user. Listen the recording and fill in the service form
Listening 3--- Key *MIDI: musicalinstrumentdigitalinterface
fault (n.): Word Formation : faulty(adj) , faultless(adj) Definition : a break or other defect in an electric circuit or piece of machinery Synonyms: error Collocations : have/fix/repairfault Ex:Thefaxmachinedoes not work, I think it's got an electrical fault.
RAID:redundant array of independent disks Definition : a storage technology that combines multiple disk drive components into a logical unit Ex:A RAID subsystem that increases safety by writing the same data on two drives (mirroring), while increasing speed by interleaving data across two or more mirrored "virtual" drives (striping).
scheme (n): Word Formation : scheme (v) Definition : an organized plan or system Collocations : design/choosescheme Ex:Therearedifferentschemes of designforwebpages.
indicate (v.): Word Formation : indication (n) Definition : point or make clear in another way Synonyms: to show Collocations: clearlyindicate, indicatetosb Ex:Exploratory investigations have indicated large amounts of oil below the sea bed
data integrity (n. phr.): Definition : The quality of correctness, completeness, wholeness, soundness and compliance with the intention of the creators of the data Collocations : ensure data integrity Ex: Data integrity is one of the six fundamental components of information security.
tolerance (n.): Word Formation : tolerate(v), tolerant(adj) Definition : thecapacitytoendure Antonym: intolerance Collocations : faulttolerance Ex:Some members of the party would like to see it develop a greater tolerance towards contrary points of view.
disk-striping (n.): Definition : The spreading of data over multiple disk drives to improve performance. Synonyms: RAID 0 Ex:Disk stripingenables the data to be read more quickly
throughput(n): Word Formation : Definition : the amount of material or items passing through a system or process Collocations : data throughput Ex:fast data throughput is neededbysomecomputersystems.
configuration (n.): Word Formation : configure (v) Definition : adjust (= make small changes to)a computer system in a particular way Collocations : hardware configuration Ex:the PC comes with a removable hard disk drive as part of the standard configuration
uninterrupted (adj.): Word Formation : uninterruptedly (adv), interrupt (v) Definition : without a break in continuity Synonyms:continuous Antonym: interrupted Collocations: uninterruptedflow Ex:The present government has had eight uninterrupted years in office.
parity (n.): Word Formation : Definition : a function whose being even (or odd) provides a check on a set of binary values. Synonyms: equality Collocations: parity bit
inefficient (adj.): Word Formation : inefficiency(n), inefficiently (adv) Definition : not achieving maximum productivity; wasting or failing to make the best use of time or resources Antonym: efficient Collocations: be/seeminefficient, inefficientsystem Ex:Theairconditioningwasinefficient, andtheroomwasvery hot.
elaborate (adj.): Word Formation : elaborately (adv), elaboration (n) Definition : containing a lot of careful detail Synonyms: detailed Collocations: elaborate plan/system, seem/becomeelaborate Ex:They're making the most elaborate preparations for the wedding.
SPECIALIST READING- PART A • Toprotect data andprovidefasteraccessto data. • Inthistype of work, thespeed of processing is importantand it is not soimportanthowlong it takestoreplace data • A backupexistsiftheprimarydrivefails • B • Spread acrossallthedrives in thearray • RAID 3,4 and 5 • RAID 0
PART B • iii • v • iv • ii • vi • i • F • F • F • T • F • T