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Update on Database Issues. Peter Chochula 9 th DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva. Acknowledgments Presented information was collected from several sources. Main information source are talks of F.Carminati, L.Betev, Laura del Cano, Diana Bersabe Gonzales Iglesias and FWWG. Outline.
Update on Database Issues Peter Chochula 9th DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
Acknowledgments • Presented information was collected from several sources. • Main information source are talks of F.Carminati, L.Betev, Laura del Cano, Diana Bersabe Gonzales Iglesias and FWWG Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
Outline • This talk is an update of information presented during the 7th and 8th DCS workshops at CERN and Heidelberg • News on Configuration database • News on Conditions database • Ideas on FERO Configuration database Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
DCS Databases • There are many databases in ALICE (DCDB, DEM, cabling database, etc.). This talk focuses on DCS online databases • Two types of databases are directly related to DCS (online) operation: • Configuration Database • Conditions Database and PVSS archive • Recent Framework developments cover both topics Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
DCS Configuration Database Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
Configuration Database • Reference talk given by Laura del Cano to JCOP FWG Meeting: http://itcobe.web.cern.ch/itcobe/Projects/Framework/Presentations/welcome.html • Configuration data: • System Static Configuration (e.g. which processes are running, managers, drivers etc.) • Device Static Configuration (device structure, addresses, etc.) • Device Dynamic Configuration – Recipe (device settings, archiving, alarm limits etc.) • Alice add-on: FERO configuration, which is in fact also a device configuration – both dynamic and static Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
Configuration Database System Static Configuration Configuration DB Device Static Configuration Common Solution (FW devices only) Device Dynamic Configuration PVSS-II & underlying software FERO Static Configuration Alice Specific FERO Dynamic Configuration Hardware ALICE FERO Configuration will be shared between DAQ, DCS and ECS Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
Configuration Database • Device static configuration • One dimensional versioning • Complete description of the PVSS device • Device dynamic configuration (recipes) • Set-points and alarm configuration • Two dimensional versioning (operating mode and version) • Initially a default recipe is loaded to the device as a part of its static configuration Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
Configuration Database • Recipe tags refer to different operating conditions (physics, cosmic, calibration…) • Tags are created always when a new device configuration is needed • Tags can be versioned • Super tags group recipes for set of devices Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
FW PVSS Configuration Prototype Implementation • Database access based on ADO both on Windows and Linux • ETM provides sets of libraries enabling “quasi” ADO functionality on Linux • Underlying database system: Oracle • The use of MySQL should be still possible thanks to ADO, but it is not maintained in framework • Configuration database tool is now a part of framework distribution and is available for download on framework pages (http://itcobe.web.cern.ch/itcobe/Projects/Framework/) Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
DCS Archive and Conditions Database Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
DCS data logging Present Status: • PVSS archives are distributed • Offline software could have problems to retrieve the information • Access to Archives is based on proprietary technology • Concept of Conditions Database - store data “relevant to offline” • Disadvantage is data duplication • We always “forget” to store some data • In first approximation all data is “relevant” to offline Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
DCS Databases in Alice - Logging PVSS Archive Archive Archive Condition DB Archive Present Model is based on PVSS –II archiving scheme Condition DB is an extension of the standard archiving and provides a simplified access to sub-set of data Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
Replacement of PVSS Archives with Oracle database New archiving model will be introduced in PVSS-II v. 3 (but not in the coming release). PVSS-II archive will be implemented in ORACLE. PVSS Archive ORACLE Database Condition DB Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
Oracle Archiving in PVSS-II • Why do we still keep the concept of Condition DB if one now can access archived data directly? • There are several reasons: • performance • accessibility • data structure may better reflect the needs of offline • Access to Oracle database from external applications is at present implemented on Windows servers via DLL, which is not available on Linux. Linux version has been recently implemented, however with limited functionality • Final decision on future of Conditions database can be taken after the release of new archiving scheme and its careful testing Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
Recent Conditions database developments • Atlas implementation using MySQL and C++ API: • Evaluated in testbeam • For reference please see Atlas Lisabon group pages: http://kdataserv.fis.fc.ul.pt/ATLAS/ • Framework developments (Diana): • Some topics will be addressed by the LCG RTAG project • FWWG concentrates on performance evaluation • Evaluation of storage of BLOBs vs. individual items • ORACLE, MySQL and filesystem performance studies • For reference please visit: http://itcobe.web.cern.ch/itcobe/Projects/Framework/Developments/DataStorage/welcome.html Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
Conditions Database – BLOB model Version Validity Interval TPC HV Time TOF HV SDD Temp Type BLOBs contain XML Data valid for given time period Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
FERO Configuration Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
FERO Configuration • Static FERO configuration is needed for all online systems and should be shared • Dynamic configuration is accessed directly by the FED software and for some architectures should be shared between DCS and DAQ • PVSS only transfers configuration request and versioned tags to the FED server • Dynamic configuration prototype exists for SPD • Access Technology: ADO under Windows XP • Database : MySQL (with management tools under Linux) provided by Bari group. Functionality tested with MS-ACCESS and Oracle as well • DCS, DAQ, TRG and OFFLINE will share FERO configuration data • Present agreement expects relational database and usage of standard SQL Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
Some basic ideas on FERO Configuration database • ALICE FERO configuration is a non-standard problem which can not be covered by framework. • Many tools and guidelines will be prepared by FWWG in order to assist developers to create their applications • There are two main questions: • Choice of the database technology • Structure of the data Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
Some basic ideas on FERO Configuration database • Choice of the database technology for DCS online: • PVSS-II and framework developments suggests the use of ORACLE • Archiving is implemented in ORACLE • Framework tools are designed to work with ORACLE • Maintenance of any database server will require human resources. It seems to be easier to support just one solution. There is ORACLE support available at CERN. • On the other hand installation and maintenance of an ORACLE server is more complex task compared to MySQL for example. We will not use all functionalities provided by Oracle (neither MySQL) Remark: Oracle server is available for free download on Oracle web site – provided that it will be used only for development and testing. Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
Organization of FERO configuration data • The size of FERO data is significantly bigger than the one for other devices • A lot of information is repeated • If parameters change only for a small part of a sub-detector, it might be clever not to repeat all the information but profit from database. One can combine old information with the new one in order to create a new FERO configuration data. • Using additional simple tricks one can compress total data size. Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
SPD Hardware Hierarchy Alice SPD Half-stave Half-stave Half-stave Sector Half-stave Half-stave Half-stave Half-stave Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
General SPD FERO configuration structure • The organization of FERO database for SPD closely follows its hardware architecture – existing naming convention is essential Side SPD hardware hierarchy Sector Half Stave MCM LADDER Digital Pilot Analog Pilot GOL Readout Chip Sensor Temp. Probe Group DAC Pixel Temp Probe Mask Test TH0 TH1 TH2 Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
The basic information of SPD FERO database are settings for and individual chips. These settings are versioned – many version can exist for a given chip Chips are grouped in half-staves A half-stave configuration is a collection of individual chip configurations Similar to this a half-sector configuration is a collection of half-stave configurations etc. SPD configuration version can be seen as a collection of underlying configuration versions If a chips configuration changes, data will be written to database and lookup table will be updated in order to create a new ALICE SPD configuration version SPD Configuration Side Configuration Half-Sector Configuration Half-Stave Configuration Chip Configuration General SPD FERO configuration structure Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
Data compression for SPD • Chip settings do not significantly differ between chips • The SPD database uses “template settings” containing configuration data for an average chip • Data records for individual chips contain only differences from the template • Compression factor of ~40 achieved for SPD in this way Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
FERO configuration data caching • FERO configuration data might be locally cached for faster retrieval. • Do we need always retrieve data from database? • The answer is probably YES for sub-detectors using smaller size of data. What about the rest? • Should we use a local cache? • How should this be implemented ? (e.g. configuration files stripped from database) • We will share part of this data with DAQ (and TRG, HLT for static configuration). Again, we need your feedback – design should be based on user requirements Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva
Conclusions • The database problematic is evolving • There are many projects indirectly related to DCS • JCOP Framework is evaluating its configuration tools for PVSS-II systems • Work on FERO configuration started We need your feedback Peter Chochula 9th ALICE DCS Workshop, March 15, 2004 Geneva