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Cargo Airport Services USA. Office Agent Course 2013. Cargo Airport Services USA Mission Statement.
Cargo Airport Services USA Office Agent Course 2013
Cargo Airport Services USAMission Statement CAS is committed to providing the highest quality cargo handling services in the international air cargo market. We will exceed the expectations of our customers with superior operating performance and customer satisfaction in an environment of integrity, respect and teamwork with customers and colleagues.
Goals • Comply with Transportation Security Administration requirements • Encourage and maintain security at all CAS-USA cargo facilities • Comply with Code of Federal Regulations and IATA requirements • Encourage and maintain dangerous goods awareness and safety at all CAS-USA cargo facilities
Purpose • Our customers expect a safe, dependable, timely, and efficient handling of there cargo. The customer does not expect any delay in cargo handling, or damages. • In order to ensure a safe, high quality, and consistent level of service, CAS has developed this student training guide in an effort to meet or exceed our customers’ expectations. • When the customer’s procedures differ from the Cargo Airport Services’ Cargo Handling Procedures, the customer’s procedures will prevail.
Cargo Airport Services USA Services Provided “Cargo Is Our Primary Focus” • Cargo Warehousing & Handling • Cargo Import/Export Documentation • Perishable & Valuable Cargo Handling • Mail Handling, Sorting & Distribution • Cargo Aircraft Ramp Handling • Cargo Transfers & Line Haul • Property & Facility Management
Objective At the end of this course you will be able to understand: Traffic Agent Functions • Export documentation • Import documentation • Special Shipments • Dangerous Goods/NOTOC • Human Remains • Live Animals • Perishables • Mail
Airline Cargo Handling Cargo is a major business for many airlines. By delivering cargo, airlines are able to utilize the space in the aircraft and produce extra revenue for the airline. Airlines have developed a system for managing the movement of cargo from one destination to another. There are five primary steps in the cargo process: • Booking Cargo (Airline) • Accepting Cargo (CASUSA Cargo Agent) • Processing Outbound Cargo (Airline, CASUSA) • Terminating Inbound Cargo (CASUSA Traffic Agent) • Tracking and Tracing Cargo (CASUSA Traffic Agent)
Airline Cargo Handling Booking Cargo Booking is the process of reserving space on an aircraft so that cargo arrives at its destination in a timely manner while making the best use of valuable cargo space. By reserving space, the airline and the customer know when and where cargo will be delivered. Booking data also helps track and trace cargo. Accepting Cargo During acceptance, Cargo Agents ensure that cargo is safe for transportation, the dimensions (size), weight, and contents are approved. It is also during acceptance that Cargo Agents determine that cargo is appropriately labeled, paperwork is complete, and cargo meets Federal Security Requirements. Processing Outbound Cargo To ensure orderly delivery of cargo to assigned flights, there must be a plan for organizing the cargo. In outbound processing, cargo is loaded onto Unit Load Devices (ULD’s) by destination. This arrangement makes it easier to load the aircraft. Entering the ULD numbers, Airway Bill numbers, pieces, weight, and flight assignment into the computer allows the cargo to
Airline Cargo Handling • Terminating Inbound Cargo During the terminating process, Cargo Agents must make sure that the cargo is delivered safely to the customer. Traffic Agents update the computer system, notify the customer of the arrival of their shipment, update warehouse inventories, release the shipment and close the airway bill. Traffic Agents also handle claims for damaged or missing cargo and collect money as necessary. • Tracking and Tracing Cargo Customers often call and inquire about the status of their shipments. The shipment may be misplaced or lost and need to be tacked and traced. Traffic Agents need to answer customer questions in an efficient manner. How customers are treated at this time is critical to keeping them as customers and the cargo agents must make every effort to locate missing cargo before we advise the customer that the cargo is not at the station. • Tracking and tracing includes reviewing the shipment history, locating the cargo by performing logistical backtrack, and updating the computer.
Documentation- Export Cargo Acceptance and Documentation In order to drop off freight at a cargo facility there is a lot of documentation that must accompany the freight: • 1. Air waybill • 2. TSA letter (This is for security purposes) • 3. Truckers Receipt • 4. The consolidation manifest for consolidated air waybills. (A consolidation air waybill has one shipper and consignee. However it is composed of freight from multiple shippers and consignees.) • 5. Dangerous Goods Declaration (if a DG shipment) A Dangerous goods certificate (For freight that is considered dangerous good by the IATA standards. This must be inspected by a Dangerous Goods Certified Agent )
Documentation- Export **Make copy of driver’s ID (driver’s license or Port ID) This is a CAS policy You also need to check the driver’s ID (driver’s license) for verification- if an unknown shipper, you need to complete a Shippers Security Endorsement form.
Air Waybill There are a number of documents used within the cargo industry, first lets talk about the Air waybill. Distribution of the Air Waybill Every page of the air waybill has a specific distribution, as noted in the bottom left hand corner. The following chart explains where each page of the air waybill is to be distributed.
Domestic Air waybill Distribution of Domestic Air Waybills
Air waybill The International Air Waybill International shipments have a designated air waybill. This document must be used for all international shipments. The international air waybill: Serves as documentary evidence of the conclusion of the contract of carriage Is proof of receipt of the goods for shipment from the shipper Is the freight bill Is a guide to airline in handling, dispatching and delivering the shipment May serve as the in-bond customs document Note: All international air waybills must be typed. The shipper or shipper’s agent is responsible for preparation of the air waybill. However, the airline you will represent may prepare the air waybill for a fee. Check with your airline representative on what their procedures are.
International Air Waybill Distribution of International Air Waybills
Air Waybill – Shipping document used for the transportation of air freight that includes conditions, limitations of liability, shipping instructions, description of goods and applicable transportation charges. The air waybill number starts with a prefix (three numbers) which is the number assigned to the airline, followed by an additional 8 numbers (serial number assigned by the airline)
Air waybill Envelope The air waybill envelope provides a convenient and uniform method of attaching and transporting air waybills and other shipping documents. The air waybill should be folded vertically and inserted into the envelope with the consignee and shipper’s space visible from the outside making it easy to read. If the envelope becomes detached en route, the station locating it sends all necessary information via teletype to the on line destination station and forwards the air waybill via the most direct routing.
TSA Letter Next lets look at a TSA letter: After September 11,2011 the TSA was created under the Department of Transportation. It was created to hinder the transportation of incendiary devices/ explosives on a passenger flight. For a freighter (cargo aircraft) it was to stop the chance of a stowaway getting onboard the aircraft. On a passenger flight, we can only accept shipments from KNOWN SHIPPERS, unlike a freighter we can accept shipments from UNKNOWN SHIPPERS. There are some exceptions for unknown shipments to fly on a passenger flight.
TSA Letter- Known Shipper Air Way Bill Number ______________ (name of IAC) is in compliance with its TSA-approved security program and all applicable security directives. Our number assigned by TSA is ________________ All cargo tendered in conjunction with this certification was either 1) accepted from a known shipper or an unknown shipper in accordance with TSA requirements specified in the Indirect Air Carrier Standard Security Program or 2) accepted under transfer from another foreign air carrier, aircraft operator, or IAC operating under a TSA-approved or accepted security program. The individual whose name appears below certifies that he or she is an employee or authorized representative of (IAC’s name) and understands that any fraudulent or false statement made in connection with this certification may subject this individual and (IAC’s name) to both (1) civil penalties under 49 CFR 1540.103(b) and (2) fines and/or imprisonment of not more than 5 years under 18 U.S.C. 1001.” Date___________ Shipment under 16 ounces __________ _______________________ (Name of IAC) By:__________________________ signature _____________________________ Print Name
TSA Letter- Unknown Shipper Date: ______________ “(IAC’s name) is in compliance with its TSA-approved security program and all applicable security directives. Our number assigned by TSA is: (IAC’s number). This shipment contains cargo originating from an unknown shipper not exempted by TSA. This shipment must be transported ONLY on ALL-CARGO AIRCRAFT. The individual whose name appears below certifies that he or she is an employee or authorized representative of (IAC’s name) and understands that any fraudulent or false statement made in connection with this certification may subject this individual and (IAC’s name) to both civil penalties under 49 CFR Part 1540.103(b) and fines and/or imprisonment of not more than 5 years under 18 U.S.C. 1001.” ___(Name of IAC)_______ Air Way Bill Number ______________ Shipment under 16 ounces __________ By:_____________________ signature ________________________ Print Name
CCSF Acceptance Sheet This form is for the acceptance of cargo from a Certified Cargo Screening Facility (CCSF) Passenger Aircraft Only
TSA As explained to you during the TSA course, there are rules and regulations to follow when accepting freight from both known and unknown shippers. As you know 100% of non exempt cargo must be screened using a TSA approved method – X-ray, ETD, physical search, TSA canine, etc. One thing you need to remember is that the TSA letter, MUST be in the correct format ( name printed), signed and dated.
TSA VERIFICATION Every month the TSA list is updated and the list is distributed to all CAS facility by CAS Management. When a shipment arrives at the facility, the agent must check the TSA number listed on the TSA letter (IAC) against the number on the list. If this number does not match, the TSA letter must be rejected along with the shipment. Also, the TSA letter must be in a certain format, dated, signed and fully completed before acceptance. Here is an example of a TSA letter
TSA LETTER FOR PAX FLIGHT Airline_______________ Air Way Bill Number ______________ Shipment under 16 ounces __________ Rock –it Cargo is in compliance with its TSA-approved security program and all applicable security directives. Our number assigned by TSA is WP9403013 All cargo tendered in conjunction with this certification was either 1) accepted from a known shipper or an unknown shipper in accordance with TSA requirements specified in the Indirect Air Carrier Standard Security Program or 2) accepted under transfer from another foreign air carrier, aircraft operator, or IAC operating under a TSA-approved or accepted security program. The individual whose name appears below certifies that he or she is an employee or authorized representative of (IAC’s name) and understands that any fraudulent or false statement made in connection with this certification may subject this individual and (IAC’s name) to both (1) civil penalties under 49 CFR 1540.103(b) and (2) fines and/or imprisonment of not more than 5 years under 18 U.S.C. 1001.” Rock-it Cargo USA LLC By:___________________ signature _____________________________ Print Name Date___________ ______________________________ IAC address or Authorized Representative _____________________________ Phone Number for IAC or Authorized Representative ____________________________ Driver’s Name and Signature
Truckers Receipt Truckers receipt- why we need one? 1. To know who is delivering the cargo 2. To indicate the condition of how the cargo was received 3. Proof of time and date cargo was received
House Manifest • House Manifest - what is it? Contain similar information as a CARGO MANIFEST. The purpose of the House Manifest is to list information for the house waybills associated with the forwarders consolidation.
House Manifest A house manifest must be received for a consolidation, it is mandatory. What does it tell us? • house waybill number • pieces/weight • destination • shipper • consignee • description of goods • CUSTOMS INFORMATION
House Air waybill House Air way bill • Issued by a freight forwarder(consolidator) to a shipper as a receipt for the goods which will be shipped with other cargo as one consignment to avail better freight rates. The airline's (carrier’s) AWB shows the forwarder as the consignor, and the name of forward agent at the destination as the consignee. Although it is not a complete document , a forwarder's AWB has a legal-standing similar to that of a carrier's AWB. Also called forwarder’s air waybill.
SAMPLE OF HOUSE AIRWAYBILL House air waybill number does not need a prefix and 8 numbers, like a master air waybill, it can be a combination of letters or numbers, and has a maximum of 15 characters.
Dangerous Goods If a Dangerous goods shipment is being delivered, it is MANDATORY to receive a dangerous goods declaration. Only someone who is Dangerous Goods Acceptance qualified can accept dangerous goods. To be certified you MUST attend a 3-4 day course from an accredited school, which CAS provides. Also, only a certified Acceptance Agent CAN create a NOTOC, (Notification to the Captain) this is a form that lets the Captain know what dangerous goods are on the aircraft.
Dangerous Goods General Philosophy What are Dangerous Goods? Dangerous Goods are materials which are capable of posing a Significant riskto health, safety or to property when transported by air. Who ships Dangerous Goods? • Chemical Companies • Medical Research Centers • Industrial Plants • Operators • Pool Supply Companies • Hospitals • Individual Shippers • Government Agencies IATA (s) General Philosophy for Dangerous Goods
Dangerous Goods Marking and Labeling All dangerous goods marked and labeled in some way. Markings and labels tell us what is inside the packages we handle. The shipper is responsible for marking and labeling each package containing dangerous goods The airline is responsible for replacing lost or detached labels on packages containing dangerous goods
Dangerous Goods Marking and Labeling There are two types of markings for packages containing dangerous goods Markings that identify how a package is designed to perform (In other words, what is this package used for? What is it designed to carry and how much can it hold?) Markings which identify what any one box is used for. For example, there are four items you will find on all packages of dangerous goods: • Proper shipping name • UN or ID number • Applicable label (s) • Name and address of shipper and consignee.
Notification to Captain (NOTOC) IATA requires all IATA member airlines to notify the flight deck crew (the pilot) anytime dangerous goods are to be loaded onboard their flights. Each airline is responsible for developing a method for passing dangerous goods information to their flight crews. What’s a NOTOC? A NOTOC is a form used to notify the aircraft pilot of: • What dangerous goods are to be loaded, that is, the proper shipping name. • How much dangerous goods are to be loaded or the total net quantity. • Where on the aircraft the dangerous goods are to be loaded, the bin, pallet, can location. • What to do in a mid-air emergency, from the Emergency Drill code.
Notification to Captain CAS Traffic agents are responsible for getting the original NOTOC to the aircraft pilot at least 45 minutes before departure to allow the pilot time to call the traffic agent filling out the form with any question or concerns. Most warehouse agents don’t necessarily have to know everything about the NOTOC or how to fill it out, but you do need to be familiar with it and what it is used for. The aircraft pilot has the right to refuse a shipment of dangerous goods. There are several reasons for their refusal but the top three are: • The NOTOC is not delivered within 45 minutes • They didn’t get the original copy of the NOTOC • The compartment, pallet or container number is not noted on the NOTOC
Dangerous Goods Emergency Procedures All dangerous goods packages must be inspected prior to loading and if evidence of damage or leakage is found they must not be loaded. General emergency procedures are to be followed when ever there is noticeable damage or leakage of dangerous goods. The general procedures to be followed are: • Notify immediate supervisor first • Identify the dangerous goods (if safe to do so) • If damaged, isolate the package by removing other packages or property • Avoid contact with the contents of the package • If the contents come in contact with your body or clothes:
Dangerous Goods Emergency Procedures • Thoroughly wash off body with plenty of water • Remove contaminated clothing • Do not eat or smoke • Keep hands away from eyes, mouth and nose • Apply for medical assistance The North American Emergency Response Guidebook is a guide book that details the steps to take when faced with a dangerous goods emergency on the ground. Following these steps will minimize the chance of someone getting hurt.
UNKNOWN SHIPMENTS When an unknown shipment is being delivered, the agent must complete a Shippers Security Endorsement form. This is done on both a passenger flight or freighter. Some unknown shipments can fly on a passenger flight, for example,: • human organs and blood products • shipments directly from the Department of Defense from an Agent of the Department of Defense with ID
Automated Export System -AES An AES number is used when a consignment is over the value of $2,500.00 and must be declared to customs. The AES number must be on the air waybill when it is a straight shipment. If it is a consolidation, the AES number must be written on the house manifest.
Customs AES Procedures An Introduction to AES:Before AES, the export system was paper-bound; expensive, labor intensive, error prone. AES uses proven technology in a new way to address a significant problem with the export process. It will contribute to a re-engineering of the way U.S. exports are accomplished.
Customs AES Procedures The Automated Export System (AES) is a joint venture between CBP, the Foreign Trade Division of the Bureau of the Census (Commerce), the Bureau of Industry and Security (Commerce), the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (State), other Federal agencies, and the export trade community. It is the central point through which export shipment data required by multiple agencies is filed electronically to Customs, using the efficiencies of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). AES provides an alternative to filing paper Shipper's Export Declarations (SED). Export information is collected electronically and edited immediately, and errors are detected and corrected at the time of filing. AES is a nationwide system operational at all ports and for all methods of transportation. It was designed to assure compliance with and enforcement of laws relating to exporting, improve trade statistics, reduce duplicate reporting to multiple agencies, and improve customer service.
How AES Works The export process begins when the exporter decides to export merchandise. The exporter or the authorized agent makes shipping arrangements (booking) with the carrier. The exporter or the authorized agent transmits the commodity (SED) information using AES. This information can come directly from the exporter or the authorized agent or through a service center or port authority. AES validates the data against editing tables and U.S. Government agency requirement files and generates a confirmation message or error messages back to the filer. If the carrier is participating in the Vessel Transportation Module the carrier transmits the Receipt of Booking message when the booked cargo is received and the departure message following the actual departure of the vessel. Within ten calendar days after departure, the carrier will transmit the entire export manifest electronically using AES. AES also validates the transportation data then generates either a confirmation message or an error message. Any errors messages generated by AES must be corrected and the corrections transmitted to AES.
Customs THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOULD SEE FOR THE CUSTOMS ENTRY ON THE AIR WAYBILL (STRAIGHT SHIPMENT) OR ON THE MANIFEST (CONSOLIDATION) AES - XYRMONTH DAY 000000 ---------- value over $2,500.00 Ex. AES X20080810123456 Must state on air waybillfor straight shipment (proof of filing) AESPOST 123456789 7/25/2008 - post departure filing direct AESPOST 123456789 987654321 7/25/2008 -post depart filed byagent/other NOEEI 30.37(a) Value for customs under $2,500.00 NOEEI 30.37(i) Diplomatic pouches NOEEI 30.37 (j) Human remains NOEEI 30.38 Baggage and personal effects NOEEI 30.37(l) Pets as baggage
Customs NOEEI 30.39Special exemptions for shipments to the U.S. Armed Services NOEEI 30.40Special exemptions for certain shipments to U.S. Government agencies and employees NOEEI 30.36This exemption is for shipments originating in the United States where Canada is the country of ultimate destination NOEEI 30.37 (e) IE 123456789- transported in bond (IE) N0EEI 30.37(e) T+E123456789- transported in bond (TE) CARNET NO.------------- eliminates payment of duties and value- added taxes for temporary importation