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ERA-NET MARTEC - Call 2014

ERA-NET MARTEC - Call 2014. Funded by the European Commission, 7 th Framework Programme. Ralf Fiedler, Santiago de Compostela, 27th November 2013. Project Management Jülich (PtJ). Management of research projects for national Ministries S taff around 800

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ERA-NET MARTEC - Call 2014

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  1. ERA-NET MARTEC - Call 2014 Funded by the European Commission, 7th Framework Programme Ralf Fiedler, Santiago de Compostela, 27th November 2013

  2. Project Management Jülich (PtJ) • Management of research projects for national Ministries • Staff around 800 • Unit within the Research Centre Jülich (staff around 5.000) • Offices in Jülich, Berlin, Bonn, Munich and Rostock • Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) • Task Force "Maritime Economics" • Strategic Planning, Final Decision and Progamme Owner • Office in Berlin

  3. ERA-NET MARTEC II Partners

  4. MARTEC – Participating Countries MARTEC 2006 MARTEC 2010 MARTEC II 2013 8 Partner Countries 10 Partner Countries 15 Partner Countries 1 Observer Country 5 Observer Countries 10 Observer Countries

  5. National Research Programmes

  6. MARTEC (2008 – 2013) Transnational Calls

  7. MARTEC Transnational Calls 2008 – 2011 Funds in Mio. €

  8. 20 Funded MARTEC Projects from 5 Calls 2008 • PropSeas (DE/NO), ROT (DE/NO), ULIVES (DE/FI), PBCT (DE/PL) 2009 • PREFUL (DE/PL), IMPACT (SE/FR), ADOPTMAN (DE/SE), HISEM (DE/NL) SafePort (PL/NO), DYPIC (NO/DE/FR) 2010 • MLR (NO/FI), ReFIT(FR/DE/ES/SE),BunGas(DE/NO),HYDynPro (DE/NO/FI) 2011 • SPIRETH (SE/FI/DK/UK/CA), MANOS (DE/DK) 2012 • WIND-TU-PLA (PL/NO), OSC System (FR/DE), LiquefAction (DE/FR), FAIR-2C-OSV (NO/DK)

  9. MARTEC Call 2014

  10. Priority Areas - Call 2014 (has to be confirmed by 15/12/2013)

  11. Common/National Procedures - Call 2014

  12. MARTEC Web Page – Open Call

  13. MARTEC Brokerage Event in Turku (Finland) on 30/01/2014 09:30 Registration 10:00 Welcome and MARTEC issues 11:45 Short Break 12:00 2nd Session – Research project presentation & Search for Partners 13:00 Lunch 14:00 3rd Session – Research project presentation & Search for Partners 15:00 Coffee Break 15:30 4th Session – Research project presentation & Search for Partners 16:30 End of Brokerage Event 2014 You can already register for the brokerage event at www.martec-era.net! Call 2014 – Brokerage Event

  14. Thank you for your attention! Dr. Ralf Fiedler Research Centre Juelich GmbH Project Management Juelich (PtJ) Division Maritime Technologies Schweriner Str. 44 D-18069 Rostock, Germany Phone: +49 381 20356 282 Email: r.fiedler@fz-juelich.de Web: http://www.ptj.de/schifffahrt-meerestechnik http://www.martec-era.net

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