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Diphoton + MET Analysis Update

Diphoton + MET Analysis Update. Bruce Schumm UC Santa Cruz / SCIPP 19 December 2012 SUSY EtMiss Meeting. Gauge Mediation Grids for 7 TeV Analysis. squark/bino grid. gluino/bino grid. For 2012 (8 TeV) Data: Replace “constrained” SPS8 grid with wino/bino grid Bino =  1 0

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Diphoton + MET Analysis Update

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  1. Diphoton + MET Analysis Update Bruce Schumm UC Santa Cruz / SCIPP 19 December 2012 SUSY EtMiss Meeting

  2. Gauge Mediation Grids for 7 TeV Analysis squark/bino grid gluino/bino grid For 2012 (8 TeV) Data: Replace “constrained” SPS8 grid with wino/bino grid Bino = 10 Wino = degenerate triplet 1 and 20 Production through 1 20 and 1+ 1- “SPS8” Trajectory

  3. 2011 Signal Regions ETmiss = LocHadTopo HT = Scalar sum of all transverse energy (no ETmiss)  = minimum angle between photon and MET Strong production; high-mass bino Strong production; low-mass bino Electroweak production • For 2012: Include additional observables, for certain signal regions: • HT/ (“HT-prime”) = HT + ETmiss • j = minimum angle between jet and ETmiss • Also: ETmiss is now EGamma10NoTauLoosePhotonRef

  4. 2012 Optimization Strategy • Strong Production • Largely the same as for 2011 analysis • Explore HT/, j, removal no-pixel hit requirement on for conversion tracks • Tweak cuts for higher mass scales • HT/ somewhat preferable; j provides no apparent advantage • As for 2011, optimal point is largely background-free • Optimize for (mgluino,mbino) = (1300,1050) and (1300,150) • Electroweak Production • No real preference for HT/, but highly correlated with ETmiss so use HT. • As for strong production, two SRs (low-mass, high-mass bino) •  helps for high-mass bino SR; j helps for low-mass bino SR • Optimal point will have few-event background • Optimize for (mwino,mbino) = (600,500) and (600,100) • Still need to explore effect of pixel-hit requirement (still useful?) • Optimizations/FOM for 14 fb-1

  5. (mgluino,mbino) = (1300,1050) Chosen optimum (tentative) Includes  > 0.5 cut “FOM” is roughly number of sigma

  6. (mgluino,mbino) = (1300,150) Chosen optimum (tentative) NO  cut Vertical axis mislabeled (should be HT_Prime_Cut) “FOM” is roughly number of sigma

  7. (mwino,mbino) = (600,500) Chosen optimum (tentative) Includes  > 0.5 cut “FOM” is roughly number of sigma NOTE: Here, “HT_Cut” is correct (EW production)

  8. (mwino,mbino) = (600,100) Chosen optimum (tentative) Includes j > 0.5 cut NO  cut “FOM” is roughly number of sigma

  9. Conjecture About 2012 Reach • Optimization Results (for 14 fb-1, not quite final) • If backgrounds not underestimated, limits should be significantly higher (gluino limits between 1400-1500 GeV, Wino approaching 700?) • 2011 result had gluino limits just below 1150 Also considering “model-independent” SR with MET cut only, choosing cut at point that QCD background gives way to EW background

  10. To Do For Moriond: A Whole Lot • Optimization • Move to topocluster isolation (almost done) • Re-do HT/MET optimization grids with and without pixel-hit requirement • Backgrounds • Establish identity of the QCD control sample (one loose gamma, or one tight and one loose, or two loose) • Derive background estimates along lines of 2011 analysis (HT extrapolation) • Identify e-gamma sample for EW background estimate • Re-do e fake-rate study • Estimate EW backgrounds and systematics • All this is underway; goal is to have completed and documents by mid-January, except for quick incorporation of remaining 5-6 fb-1of data • Request unblinding mid/late January • Limits • Evaluate signal systmatics • Run through limit calculation • In parallel with approval process for unblinding

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