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ILD Detector Optimization and Benchmarking. Akiya Miyamoto, KEK at Tsinghua University 12-January-2009. ILD Introduction. ILC Reference Design (RDR) in 2007 GLD Detector Outline Document (DOD) arXiv:physics /0607154 LDC DOC http://www.ilcldc.org/
ILD Detector OptimizationandBenchmarking Akiya Miyamoto, KEK at Tsinghua University 12-January-2009
ILD Introduction • ILC Reference Design (RDR) in 2007 • GLD Detector Outline Document (DOD) arXiv:physics/0607154 • LDC DOC http://www.ilcldc.org/ Common feature: Tracker(Pixel & Silicon & Gas) + PFA calorimeter + … LDC GLD • At LCWS2007, we agreed to work together for a joint LOI • GLD (B=3T, RECAL=2.1m) + LDC(B=4T, RECAL=1.6m ) ILD ILD origins in the European and Asian based Large Detector study. Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
International Large Detector ( ILD ) • But in detail: • B=4 Tesla(LDC) vs 3 Tesla(GLD) • ECAL radius: 1.6m(LDC) vs 2.1m(GLD) • Sub Detector technologies • …. • Simulation studies of physics performances are used to reach agreement of detector parameters. • LDC and GLD had a common future; • Pixel vertex detector placed very close to the beam pipe. • Gaseous tracker, TPC, for highly efficient and precise track measurements,supplemented by silicon trackers. • EM and HD calorimeters are placed inside a solenoid field and read our by very small sensors to achieve a good energy measurement by Particle Flow Analysis (PFA). Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
How we optimize • Performances have been studies as a function of major parameters. • Reached a consensus on the ILD reference detector for LOI benchmark studies at Cambridge (Sep. 2008). • Physics performance studies have been performed based on ILD model. • Optimization tools • GLD Jupiter/Sattelites, LDC Mokka/MarlinReco • intermediate detector models were introduced for comparison • GLDPrim by Jupiter, and LDCPrim by Mokka, both having B=3.5T and RECAL=1.85m. Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
Jupiter/Satellites forFull Simulation Studies : GLD For real data Tools for simulation Tools Satellites URANUS JUPITER METIS Input/Output module set IO JLC Unified Particle Interaction and Tracking EmulatoR Unified Reconstructionand ANalysis Utility Set Monte-Calro Exact hits To Intermediate Simulated output LEDA Library Extention forData Analysis Geant4 based Simulator JSF/ROOT based Framework MC truth generator Event Reconstruction JSF: the analysis flow controller based on ROOT The release includes event generators, Quick Simulator, and simple event display Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
Mokka LDC • Mokka is a full simulation using Geant4 and a realistic description of a detector for the future linear collider. • Home page: http://polzope.in2p3.fr:8081/MOKKA Mokka is now a part of the ilcsoft, http://ilcsoft.desy.de/portal/software_packages/ • Detector Geometry: • managed by MySQL data base and CGA (Common Geometry Access) API. • LDC and other variants are prepared and used for ILD optimization. • Implementation of detailed detector model based on engineering studies is in progress. ex. ECAL structure Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
PandoraPFA LCFIVertex
GLD + LDC Combined Framework Whizard Physsim • StdHep: Same generator data • LCIO: Common IO format • GLDPrim/LDCPrim: Similar detector model StdHep LDC GLD MOKKA Jupiter LCIO LCIO helps to collaborative works for detector optimization Marlin Sattelites LCIO After the LOI, two frameworks will be merged to a single framework. DST and Analysis Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
Detector Parameters for Opt. studies GeometryiesinMokka and Jupiter are similar, but there are many small differences in geometry and assumed detector technologies • GLD/GLDPrim/J4LDC prepared for Jupiter • LDC/LDCPrim/LDCGLD prepared for Mokka Physics performance was compared between different geometries Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
Pt resolution Single muon, produced at cosq=0. by Jupiter+Satellites: TPC+IT+VTX fitting LDC : ~5% worse at high Pt Shorter Lever arm GLD/GLD’: ~10%worse at low Pt Lower B Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
GLDPrim - LDCPrim LDCPrim(Mokka+Pandora) is better than GLDPrim(Jupiter+Sattelites) by 15~30%. Possible source: srf(IT) 4mm(LDCPrim) 10mm(GLDPrim) Silicon External Tracker in Mokka 4mm 3x10-5 Sub-detector technology is more important than geometry Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
GLDPrimvsLDCPrim (srf(IP)) • GLDPrimis better than LDCPrim ; • 3 double layers vs 5 layers ? srf=sZ=2.8mm Fast sim. study by M.Berggren Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
kaon_0L Energy Resolution Hadron Model: LCPhysics HCAL response is not smooth around 13 GeV - LE/HE behaviour ECAL resolution: same Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
Jet measurement: Particle Flow Analysis PFA: Charged particles by Tracker Neutral particles by Calorimeter, remove charged particle energies Performance studies depend on shower simulation; longitudinal, lateral, and tofdistribution, neutron response, etc. Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
Jupiter data analyzed by PandoraPFA Pandora PFA: Sophisticated algorithm tuned to Geant4 shower shape has achieved the performance goal of ILC, DE/E ~ 30%/√E Z pole uds-pair events:GLDPrim Ejet(GeV) Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
Jet Energy Resolution Same trend is seen by analysis of Jupiter models, though performance is slightly worse than Mokka model Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
ECAL Seg. and HCAL thickness by M. THomson • Performance is strong function of ECAL seg. size. • 2x2cm2 too large, 1x1cm2 would be ok for jets with E < 100 GeV ILD: ECAL+HCAL= 6.8 Int. L.(48layers) 6.8 Int. L look OK, but worse resolution is seen for 90o jets. Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
Physics Benchmark Studies • According to the request by ILC Research Director (RD) and International Detector Advisory Group(IDAG), simulation studies for LOI should • based on a realistic Monte Calro program • based on a realistic reconstruction program • include backgrounds by physics processes and those caused by accelerator. • Signal processes: the minimum set. • Recoil mass measurement by e+e- ZH e+e-/m+m- + H • H c cbar decay in e+e- ZH process • e+e- t tbar 6 jets and t (tbar) charge ID for AFB meas. • e+e- t+t- and t pol. measurement. • Separate WW and ZZ in Chargino/Neutrino pair production process ILC goal precise studies of Tera scale physics. Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
Higgs recoil mass meas. by ItohKazutoshi Compare 3 geometries GLDprim case, with backgound m+m-X e+e- Channel m+m-channel Differences are small. • e+e- ZH e+e-X / m+m-X , Ecm=250 GeV, 250 fb-1 • Analysis. • Select e+e- / m+m- consistent with Z and study recoil mass • Precise track meas. is a key for Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
Benchmark study: Example by TaikanSuehara • Using several detector models, performance to separate W/Z in jet mode have been studied using SUSY processes Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
e+e- t+t-,t rn by TaikanSuehara • t is polarized probe New Phyaics SM+NP SM Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
ILD reference detector model • for the sake of simulation, some detector technologies are assumed in Mokka. But as ILD, many detector technologies are open and not selected at the time of LOI. • By the time of LOI, we have no time to merge Jupiter/Sattelites and Mokka/Marlin framework. A work to merge two framework for “ILD Software” will come after LOI. • At 2nd ILD WS at Cambridge, we agreed to created the new model,ILD reference design model for LOI, in Mokka: • Model parameters, • B=3.5 Tesla • Rin ECAL=185cm, TPC: halfZ=230cm • VTX three double layers. • Silicon trackers: ( SIT, FTD, SET, SOT) • Calorimeters (ECAL 22X0, 0.5x0.5cm, HCAL ) • …. Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
Mokka model CAD Model
ILD_00 MC/DST production • Started since Dec. last year, using GRID • Goal: 250 fb-1 @ 250 GeV, 500 fb-1@500 GeV, Signal + SM background • StdHep (@SLAC) Sim(Mokka), reconstruction and DST maker. • DST contents: • lcio format • contains : Tracks, PFOs, [23456]-Jets,LCFIVertex, MCParticls,.. • Production profile: • Typical CPU time: ~0.5 min.(mm) to 4min.(6f) • Typical event size ( for uds-pair @ 500 GeV ) • Sim. ~950kb, Rec.~1800kb, DST ~ 23kb ILD performance are expected to be similar to GLDPrim/LDCPrim. But for consistent and complete study, new MC&DST production has been lunched with an improved software. Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
ILD_00 MC/DST production @ last week Rough summary: ~ 23M events O(50) TB Sim/Rec. files ~ 0.5 TB DSTs so far Production continues Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
Grid GRID for MC production more … IP2P3 DESY UK KEK • GRID provides • Huge CPU and storage resources • A way to communicate world wide • VO ILC is hosted by DESY, based on LHC Computing GRID • MC production and production are running on GRID • Simulated, Reconstructed, and DST are placed on GRID. DST: 20~50 MB x O(10k) files or more. • In Japan, • Replications of DST to KEK/Tohoku/Kobe U. sites are in progress in parallel to the production. • Resources in KEK will be increased in nearfeature. Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009
Summary • ILD has been optimized • ILD MC and DST production is in progress, for performance studies of LOI • 3rd Workshop will be held at Seoul in Feb 16-18, • LOI is due March 31. Presented at TILC09 ( 17-21, April ) • Detector TDR phase will follow. • Many physics channels are yet to be analyzed. Your participations are welcomed. Seminar at Tsuingha Univ., 12-Jan-2009