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Survey on Authentication Protocols for Mobile Devices

Survey on Authentication Protocols for Mobile Devices. By Muhammad Hasan, Lihua Duan, Tarik El Amsy Course :60-564 Instructor: Dr. A. K. Aggarwal Winter, 2006. Outline. Introduction Background Information Discussion of the Selected Papers Testing Methodologies Conclusion References.

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Survey on Authentication Protocols for Mobile Devices

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  1. Survey on Authentication Protocols for Mobile Devices By Muhammad Hasan, Lihua Duan, Tarik El Amsy Course :60-564 Instructor: Dr. A. K. Aggarwal Winter, 2006

  2. Outline • Introduction • Background Information • Discussion of the Selected Papers • Testing Methodologies • Conclusion • References

  3. Introduction • Challenges on security and quality of service (QOS) of Wireless Networks: • Unprotected open mediums • Burst volume of communications • IETF AAA Working Group • AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting ) • Several AAA protocols proposed : • RADIUS • DIAMETER

  4. RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service) • Based on UDP. • Client/server protocol. • Takes care of Server availability, Retransmission, and Timeouts. • Details found at : RFC 2865.

  5. RADIUS Packet The Whole Packet : RADIUS Header : 32-bit

  6. DIAMETER • Improvement over RADIUS • Uses reliable transport protocols (TCP or SCTP) • It uses transport level security (IPSEC or TLS) • support for RADIUS • It has larger address space for AVPs (Attribute Value Pairs) and identifiers (32-bit instead of 8-bit) • peer-to-peer protocol, not client-server : supports server-initiated messages • Details found at : RFC 3588

  7. Diameter Packet The Whole Packet : Diameter Header : 32-bit

  8. The General Architecture

  9. Inter-network & intra-network roaming • Inter-network roaming takes place When the user moves from one ISP to another ISP • Intra-networkroaming takes place when the user moves from cell to cell within the ISP. Inter-network roaming Intra-network roaming

  10. IMSI RAND IMSI, K t , RAND, SRES SRES K t ( TMSI ) ACK Existing GSM Authentication Mobile Client VLR/LAS HLR/HAS IMSI VLR : Visiting Location Register RAND : A Random Number Generated by HLRHLR : Home Location Register SRES : KA, RAND (Encrypted with one-way fn)IMSI : International Mobile Subscriber Identity Kt : temporary authentication key TMSI : Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity

  11. Strong Password Protocols • The aim of strong password protocols is to authenticate the user while protecting the password against dictionary attacks by online eavesdroppers. • Two earlier strong password protocols : EKE and protocol of Gong. et al.

  12. EKE (Encrypted Key Exchange) Protocol : • It provides secure authentication between user and a server using a weak secret. • Generates per session public- private key pairs. • Major Drawback : Doing private key operations on client side makes it infeasible to use with computationally restricted devices ( Mobile devices). • In 2002 Zhu et al. presents a variant of RSA-EKE for mobile devices.

  13. The protocol of Gong et al. • Contains a trusted third party which is continuously available online as in Kerberos. • The parties in the system authenticate each other by the help of the trusted server.

  14. Paper 1 GSM User Authentication Protocol By Özer Aydemir, Ali Aydın Selçuk Dept. of Computer Eng. Bilkent University Ankara TURKEY TÜBTAK UEKAE LTAREN Research Center Ankara TURKEY

  15. Paper 1 :GSM User Authentication Protocol (GUAP) • Objectives : • User can authenticate with his/her password instead of the embedded key. • Breaks the dependency on the SIM card during authentication. • Users will be able to reach their accounts without their SIM cards, via any cellular phone, Internet, or a special network

  16. GUAP ( Cont. ) • Resembles the approach of Gong et al. • Three entities involved in the authentication. • VLR plays the trusted server role • Random nonces for freshness guarantee of the sessions.

  17. Mobile Client VLR HLR IMSI RAND EHLR { n1, n2, c, Π (RAND) }, rA EHLR { n1, n2, c, Π (RAND)} K VLR (RAND) Π (n1, n2 EXOR K), K(rA), rB K VLR (K), Π (n1, n2 EXOR K) K(rB) Π i : Password of user i Ex{p}: Public key encryption of plaintext p with the key of x K(p): Symmetric key encryption of plaintext p with key K. n1, n2, c : Three random nonces generated by mobile client K : Session key rA, rB : Challenges Functionality of GUAP

  18. Security Issues : • The existence of the correct n1 value in the fifth message indicates that it is the HLR that has decrypted the first message and sending this output. • The random nonce n2 protects HLR’s response encrypted by π against dictionary attacks on π by an attacker who gets to know k or by VLR. • Random c protects first message against regeneration by VLR.

  19. Paper 2 Improving mobile authentication with new AAA protocols by H. Kim and H. Afifi Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, May 2003 An authentication protocol by combining the AAA framework and the USIM authentication mechanism

  20. (1) (2) Verify UPC Request-challenge Forward + UPC First request (4) (3) Generate AVs = (User, REND, XRES)s Store AVs Challenge (REND1) Send AVs (5) Verify RES1 = XRES1 Compute RES1 Response (RES1) (6) Eliminate AV1 Reply (7) Verify User ID A New Request Request-challenge (8) Utilize AV2 Challenge (REND2) Verify RES2 = XRES2 (9) Compute RES2 Response (RES2) (10) Eliminate AV2 Reply AAA + USIM Authentication Protocol PAS/AAA Broker MU LAS HAS UPC: USIM-PROXY-CAPABILITY; AV: Authentication Vector; REND: random number; XRES: Expected Response; RES: Response

  21. Some Issues • USIM-PROXY-CAPABILITY (UPC) in the request message is forwarded to HAS through LASs • One of PASs can choose to become a broker by checking if UPC field exists in the request message • The number of AVs generated at HAS is an optimization problem

  22. Paper 3 A lightweight authentication protocol with local security association control in mobile networks • by W. Liang and W. Wang • Proc. IEEE Military Communications Conference, 2004 • An authentication protocol by introducing local security association with optimal life time for mobile user

  23. Request-Challenge Challenge Verify Response Forward YES Generate SA Reply(Kul) Reply(SAKul) Request-Challenge New Request Challenge Verify ResponseSA Reply Terminate SA when MU's out of network domain Authentication with Local Security Association MU LAS HAS LAS: Local Authentication Server HAS: Home Authentication Server SA: Security Association MU: Mobile User K0: pre-defined shared key for MU and HAS Kul: new shared key for MU and LAS F0: session random number against replay attack R1: random number

  24. Refresh Local Security Association • When the local security association expires, LAS will refresh it by sending to mobile user a new key and a new life time • An optimal life time of the local security association is critical for the efficiency of the authentication • the risk to crack the key is increasing as the life time is increasing • the cost to refresh

  25. Paper 4 Localized Authentication for Wireless LAN Inter-network Roaming By Men Long , Chwan-Hwa “John” Wu , J. David Irwin Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Auburn University

  26. Localizing the Authentication • A new approach in which an initial mutual authentication between a visited network and a roaming user can be performed locally without any intervention by the user’s home network. • Advantages are low time delay and robustness. • A practical certificate structure x.509 • Authentication adapts the SSL v3.0 handshake protocol. • Local AAA server will approve or reject the authentication request. Home network AAA will not be part of the process

  27. Local Authentication Handshake Messages • Flow 1 “client Hello” • Flow 2 “ server Hello” • Flow 3 “Finished” NU , D NS , CertS EncPKs(k),Ek1 (CerU),SignSu (NS ||NU S || U)

  28. Protocol flow • Message flow (1) (NU , D ) • same as “ClientHello” in SSLprotocol: • The user sends a random number NU as user nonce along with D domain name of the roaming user. • Message flow (2) (NS , CertS ) • same as “ServerHello” in SSL protocol: • The AAA server will attempt to find its public key certificates CertS signed by domain D received in message 1 and sends the certificate CertS and server’s nonce NS to the user. • If it did not find a certificated signed by D then it will abort the session because there is no roaming agreement with this domain and the user get rejected.

  29. Message flow (3): • The user employs his home network’s public key to verify the CertS. • The user chooses a random number k as the pre-master secret and then encrypts it by Enc PKS (k) using the visited network’s public key PKS in CertS. • The user’s terminal applies a pseudo random function to the pre-master secret to derive a key k1. • Then k1 encrypts the user’s certificate CertU by EK1 (CertU) via a symmetric cipher such as the AES-128 with an appropriate mode. • Finally, the user signs the message NS || NU|| S|| U using his private key SU, by DSA or the RSA methods. EncPKs(k) + Ek1 (CerU) + SignSu (NS ||NU || S || U) Encrypted User Certificate Signature message Pre-master key

  30. Authentication Key Establishment • The Visited network will Decrypt to obtain the pre-master secret k using its own private key SKs. • It then applies the publicly known pseudorandom function to the pre-master secret to derive k1. • Use k1 to decrypt and obtain the user’s certificate. • The visited network will validate & verify the authenticity of the user’s public key certificate and then the validity of the user’s signature. EncPKs(k),Ek1 (CerU),SignSu (NS ||NU || S || U)

  31. Security Feature Comparison

  32. Testing Methodologies Paper 1 • The HLR and VLR are simulated on a 2.4 GHz Pentium IV machine, and the mobile client runs on Sun’s KToolbar v.2.0 simulation toolkit • The simulations are implemented in Java2 Standard Edition (J2SE) for HLR and VLR, and in Java2 Mobile Edition (J2ME) for the mobile client. • The cryptographic functions are inherited from the Bouncy Castle Lightweight Crypto API for both J2SE and J2ME.

  33. Testing Methodologies Paper 2 • Consists of LAS, AAA broker, and HAS. • They are geographically separated and connected by routers. • The performance of the proposed authentication protocol is evaluated by measuring the time spent for authentication. • Two suites of experiments are performed according to: • the number of users • the number of proxy agents. • The gathered results reduces the spent time considerably compared with DIAMETER protocols.

  34. Testing Methodologies Paper 4 • Paper 4 , Localized Authentication Testing Methodology • 2 phases • Phase I, with a Pentium 4 (2.2 GHz) and 512 MB • RSA encryption or signature verification time is 0.28 milliseconds while the RSA decryption or signature-signing time is 5.53 milliseconds. • Phase II ( SSL/TLS protocol ) . • laptop Pentium 4 (1.8 GHz) & 256 MB memory and IMAP server • The results indicate that the time delay per SSL channel setup averages 24 milliseconds. • According to the data from the phases 1 and 2, the expected time delay for the proposed protocol is about 30=24+6 milliseconds.

  35. Testing Methodology Paper 3

  36. Testing Methodology-cont. Paper 3 • Suppose there are 10 hops for remote authentication

  37. Conclusion • DIAMETER, RADIUS, EKE and Gong et al.’s are some of the earliest standardized AAA authentication protocols. • To improve efficiency or adaptability, many new authentication protocols are proposed in the literature. We discuss four most recent ones. • For those protocols aiming at improve efficiency, they usually share one common feature: reduce the number of remote authentications by transforming them into local authentications. • For those protocols aiming at improve adaptability, they often try to relax some hardware limitation for authentication, such as the use of SIM card.

  38. References • H.-Y. Lin, L. Harn, and V. Kumar, “Authentication protocols in wireless communications”, CAUTO’ 95, 1995. • M. Long, C. J. Wu, and J. D. Irwin, “Localized authentication for wireless LAN inter-networking roaming”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Vol.1, 2004, pp. 264-267 • C. Perkins and P. Calhoun, “Mobile IPv4 challenge/response extensions”, RFC3012, November 2000. • RFC 3588. Diameter Base Protocol. Available at: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3588.txt. • C. Rigney et al. “RADIUS extensions”, RFC 2869, available at: http://bgp.potaroo.net/ietf/html/ids-wg-radext.html. June 2000. • R. Rivest, “The MD5 message digest algorithm”, RFC 1321, April, 1992. • S. Shieh, E. Ho, and Y. Huang, “An efficient authentication protocol for Mobile Networks”, Authentication Protocol hrn01 of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 15, 1999, pp. 505-520. • W. Simpson, “PPP challenge handshake authentication protocol (CHAP),” RFCI334, August 1996. • W. Stallings, “Network security essentials”, Applications and Standards, 2000. • M. Xu and S. Upadhyaya, “Secure communication in KS”, in Vehculur Technology Conference, pp. 2193-2197, 2001. • http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/707/32.html. • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DIAMETER. • KToolbar, A toolkit for J2ME, http://java.sun.com/j2me. • Lightweight Crypto API, Bouncy Castle, http://www.bouncycastle.org • B. Aboba and D. Simon, “PPP EAP TLS authentication protocol”, RFC 2716, October 1999. • O. Aydemir and A. Selguk, “A strong user authentication protocol for GSM”, 14th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprise, 2005, pp.150-153. • S. M. Bellovin and M. Meritt, “Encrypted Key Exchange: Password based protocols secure against dictionary attacks”, in Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May, 1992, pp.72-84. • L. Biunk and J. Vollbmcht, “PPP extensible authentication protocol”, RFC2284, March 1998. • L. DeIl’Uomo and E. Scanone, “The mobility management and authentication, authorization mechanisms in mobile networks beyond 3G”, 12th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor und Mobile Radio Communications, 2001, vol. 1, pp. c 44-c 4 8. • A. Freier, P. Karlton, and P. Kocher, “The SSL protocol version 3.0”, available at: http://wp.netscape.com/eng/ssl3/draft302.txt, Nov. 1996. • S. Glass, T. Hiller, S. Jacobs, and C. Perkins, “Mobile IP authentication, authorization and Accounting Requirements”, RFC2977, October 2000. • L. Gong, T. M. A. Lomas, R.M. Needham, and J. H. Saltzer, “Protecting poorly chosen secrets from guessing attacks”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, Vol.11, No.5, June 1993, pp. 48-656. • H. Kim and H. Afifi, “Improving mobile authentication with new AAA protocols,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, Vol.1, May 2003, pp. 497-501. • W. Liang and W. Wang, “A lightweight authentication protocol with local security association control in mobile networks”, IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2004), Vol. 1, 2004, pp. 225-231. .

  39. Special Thanks to: Dr. A.K. Aggarwal

  40. Questions ? Thank You

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