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Physiological Data Modeling. ICML 2004 Banff, AL July 8, 2004 Jack Mott and Matt Pipke SmartSignal Corporation. SmartSignal Corporation. Incubator of Similarity-Based Modeling technology Universally applicable Data driven, empirical Scalable, deployable
Physiological Data Modeling ICML 2004 Banff, AL July 8, 2004 Jack Mott and Matt Pipke SmartSignal Corporation
SmartSignal Corporation • Incubator of Similarity-Based Modeling technology • Universally applicable • Data driven, empirical • Scalable, deployable • Commercially proven in our eCM software • Delta Airlines – all engines, all flights • Power Plants – Entergy, Dynegy, APS • Transportation – GM-EMD, Caterpillar
Input Similarity-Based Non-Parametric Empirical Model Predictions Residuals Alerts Diagnostics Engine Similarity-Based Modeling • Snapshots at instants of time • Needs only historical data • Removal of normal variations • Anomaly detection and isolation • One technology for all applications
Physiological Data Modeling Method • A historical H matrix of reference data is first chosen comprising refXi vectors • A local D matrix is chosen comprising a small number of refXi vectors with the highest similarities to a newX vector • Identical vectors have similarity = 1 • Non-identical vectors have 0 <= similarity < 1 • The newY model vector is given by newY = D(DT#D) –1(DT #newX) where the similarity operation (#) applies only to independent variables
Physiological Data • 11 independent variables • User characteristics (2) • Armband sensor values (9) • 2 dependent variables • Gender number • Annotation class
Training Data Setup • Select 2,500 – 3,000 records for each H matrix • One H matrix for gender • One H matrix for annotation 3004 • One H matrix for annotation 5102 • Each H matrix • Includes about equal populations for each user • Includes positive and negative examples • Contains no vectors too similar to each other • Contains only filtered data (99% of total) • User 17 excluded
8 Gender H Matrix
8 Annotation 5102 H Matrix
8 Annotation 3004 H Matrix
Training Data Modeling • If any vector to be modeled was in an H matrix it was removed from the H matrix before the D matrix was formed • Leave-one-out cross-validation of each H matrix • Chose 10 as number of vectors for the D matrices • Reduced the number of independent variables to 8 - 9 • Modeled all 580,264 unfiltered training vectors • Inferred gender with gender H matrix • Inferred class with annotation 5102 H matrix • Positive examples of annotation 5102 have actual class 1 • Negative examples of annotation 5102 have actual class 0 • Inferred class with annotation 3004 H matrix • Positive examples of annotation 3004 have actual class 1 • Negative examples of annotation 3004 have actual class 0
Gender Windows and Thresholds • Chose gender windows to contain all vectors in a session • If the inferred gender was > T for > ½ the vectors in a window then all vectors in a window were assigned predicted gender 1, otherwise predicted gender 0 • T = .5 produced Sensitivity = 1 and Specificity = 1
Annotation 5102 Windows and Thresholds • Chose annotation 5102 windows to contain 80 vectors • If the inferred class was > T for > ½ the vectors in a window then only vectors in a window from the first to last instances where the inferred class was > T were assigned predicted class 1, otherwise predicted class 0 • Sensitivity and Specificity varied as T varied to produce an ROC curve • T = .58 where the slope = 1 on the ROC curve
8 Window Sizes for Annotation 5102
8 ROC curve for Annotation 5102
Annotation 3004 Windows and Thresholds • Chose annotation 3004 windows to contain 30 vectors • If the inferred class was > T for > ½ the vectors in a window then only vectors in a window from the first to last instances where the inferred class was > T were assigned predicted class 1, otherwise predicted class 0 • Sensitivity and Specificity varied as T varied to produce an ROC curve • T = .48 where the slope = 1 on the ROC curve
8 Window Sizes for Annotation 3004
8 ROC curve for Annotation 3004
Training Data Overall Results • Gender Predictions • 23929 (4%) gender 1 • Sensitivity = 23929 / 23929 = 1 • 556335 (96%) gender 0 • Specificity = 556335 / 556335 = 1 • Annotation 5102 Predictions • 173759 (30%) class 1 • Sensitivity = 96288 / 98172=.98 • 406505 (70%) class 0 • Specificity = 72251 / 73668 = .98 • Annotation 3004 Predictions • 80511 (14%) class 1 • Sensitivity = 4129 / 4413 = .94 • 499753 (86%) class 0 • Specificity = 157993 / 167368 = .94
Test Data Modeling • Modeled all 720,792 unfiltered test vectors • Assumed that characteristic 2 was an extremely important independent variable in modeling gender • Used the appropriate H matrices, D matrix size, independent variables, thresholds and window sizes developed from the training data • Predicted gender • Predicted class for annotation 5102 • Predicted class for annotation 3004
Test Data Overall Results • Gender predictions • 84426 (12%) gender 1 • 4% for training data • 636366 (88%) gender 0 • 97% for training data • Annotation 5102 predictions • 232823 (32%) class 1 • 30% for training data • 487969 (68%) class 0 • 70% for training data • Annotation 3004 predictions • 80511 (11%) class 1 • 14% for training data • 640281 (89%) class 0 • 86% for training data
Conclusions • SBM is easy to apply to real people with real armbands • Modeling choices, the size of D matrix and independent variables, are determined by only a small fraction of training records, the H matrix • SBM accommodates anomalies in new data • Can be applied to raw, unfiltered data • SBM is automatically user-specific • Presence or absence of a user in new data can be detected • SBM might be made user-general • Transform data into t-scores with zero mean and unit standard deviation for each activity