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Studies In Ephesians. Presentation 03. The Structure of the Book. Be what you are in Christ. See what you are in Christ. Chap 4-6. Chap 1-3. Practice Application Usage. Doctrine Truth Provision. Paul’s Prayer Chap 1 v 15-23. An Unhealthy Christian Life.
Studies In Ephesians Presentation 03
The Structure of the Book Be what you are in Christ See what you are in Christ Chap 4-6 Chap 1-3 Practice Application Usage Doctrine Truth Provision
Paul’s Prayer Chap 1 v 15-23
An Unhealthy Christian Life When we emphasise all that is already ours in Christ to such an extent that we become complacent. We appear to have no appetite to experience our Christian privileges more deeply. Praise Prayer
An Unhealthy Christian Life All that we do is pray for new spiritual blessings unaware that God has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing. Prayer Praise
A Healthy Christian Life : Balance Paul’s instruction: Keep praising God for all the riches that are ours in Christ and keep praying that we may know the fullness of what he has given us. Praise Prayer
The prayer is rooted in and grows out of the work of all three persons of the Godhead in the lives of the Ephesian believers: • The electing love of the Father. • The redeeming work of the Son. • The sealing work of the Spirit.
“I have heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints” v15 The one test in particular that is used to authenticate a genuine work of God’s Spirit in someone’s life is the presence of God’s love. ”By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13.35. “We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers. Anyone who does not love remains in death”. 1 John 3:14
A Continuous sense of Gratitude “I have not stopped giving thanks for you” v16 Paul recognises growth, applauds it but is always looking for more.
Main Purpose of the Prayer. Not that they might have something they don’t already possess. But that they might see what they already possess ‘in Christ’. Watchman Nee the famous Chinese bible teacher was on tour in America. He was given hospitality by a Christian couple whose marriage was strained. They asked him if he would pray and ask God to give them his love. He replied that he could not pray that prayer. They were distraught thinking their marriage was beyond repair. But he replied he could not pray for something God had already given them. They simply had to learn to use the resources that Christ delivered when he became their Saviour
Main Purpose of the Prayer. There is nothing missing In God’s salvation. He has provided all that we require. However, it is possible to be spiritually rich without realising it. Like the man put a cheque a rich benefactor had given him in a drawer instead of paying it into his bank account where he could access it.
The Old Testament provides an illustration of someone whose eyes were opened to see the vast resources of God that were at his disposal. Elisha and his young servant were trapped in the city of Dothan by a large Syrian army. The servant panicked when he saw the size of the enemy force. In 2 Kings 6.16-17 we read, "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them." And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
God completes what he begins. How do we work together with God? We work out the gifts/building materials that God has delivered to the building site of our lives. “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to work, for his good pleasure”. Philippians 2.12-13 God is not going to down tools and walk off the building site. “being confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ”. Philippians 1.6
The Focus of the Prayer “that you might know God better” v17 Paul does not simply mean theoretical knowledge - knowing certain facts about God – a head knowledge. Instead he is describing the knowledge of relationship – a heart knowledge. In Amos 3.3. God says of Israel, "you only have I known of all the families of the earth". Israel was the only nation with which God had formed a special relationship. How is this knowledge of God to be developed? Through the ministry of ‘the Spirit of wisdom and revelation’.
Knowledge of God “The Spirit of wisdom and revelation v17” The Spirit gives us knowledge of God in two ways. Paul tells us, "the world through its wisdom did not know God” 1 Cor.1.21. Greek philosophers had used worldly wisdom to try to discover God but failed. Why? Because all knowledge concerning God is spiritual in character. Human wisdom cannot access it. We should not be surprised that God’s plan of redemption with its focus on the cross is described as ‘foolishness’ to this world’s wisdom [1Cor.1.20-21]. We have access to God’s wisdom through the Word, written [the Bible] and living [Jesus]. “It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God - that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption” . 1Cor.1.30..
Knowledge of God “The Spirit of wisdom and revelationv17” Secondly, the Spirit brings Revelation. We cannot see clearly what is written in Scripture. We’re like people whose spectacles are broken. The Spirit has inspired God’s Word but it remains a hidden wisdom without a further operation of the Holy Spirit. His revelation – like a new pair of spectacles enables us to see. Without this revelation the Jews couldn’t understand their own scriptures. “their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away.”2 Cor 3.14 Similarly the two disciples Jesus met on the Emmaus road could understand their own scriptures without revelation. Luke 22.25ff
The Call of God is Effectual “That you may know the hope to which he has called you” v18 • The call of God begins a process that we can rely upon, “those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified”. Rom.8.30 Once this process is started it ends in glory. If God has placed a "God at work" sign in our lives then we can be sure he will not leave the building site until the work is complete. • “he who began a good work in you will • carry it on to completion until the day of • Christ Jesus”. Phil 1.6 God employs no sub-contractors. The work is too important to him to trust it to anyone else!
“The hope to which he has called you” v18 • The Christian’s hope is different from other hopes [often uncertain wishes]. The Christian hope is certain because it is rooted in God. • What is this hope to which we are called? • We have been called into the fellowship of Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 1.9 • He has called us to be saints / holy. Rom 1.7. 1 Pet.1.15 • He has called us into freedom. Gal 5.1,13 • We have been called into one body to enjoy Christ’s peace. Col 3.15 • We have been called to suffer. 1 Pet 2.21 • We have been called to glory. 1 Pet 5.10. Phil.3.14 This is the new life to which God has called his people.
“the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints” v18 • Reference either to the inheritance that God receives or bestows. • In the Old Testament we read that God’s people were his inheritance or possession. Deut 9.26. 1Kings 8.51 • In the New Testament the emphasis is upon what God gives to his people. Col.1.12. In this case it is the final inheritance of which the Holy Spirit is the guarantee and which Peter describes as “an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you” 1Pet 1.4. • What is this inheritance like? Our vision of God in Christ will be transforming. “when we see him we shall be like him”. We will not only possess a resurrection body that is similar to Jesus’ but we will experience Christlikeness of character. Rev 22.3-4, 1Jn 3.2, Phil.3.21, Rev7.9
“His incomparably great power” v19 -20 We measure the power of power stations in kilowatts, atomic power in megatons but God’s power is immeasurable. Paul struggles to find language to describe God’s immeasurable power. There is a large hydro electric reservoir used to generate electricity just above Loch Lomond. Thousands of tourists drive past it every year without realising it is there. Power can be there without us realising it. God’s power is not always obviously apparent.
“His incomparably great power” v19 -20 Only God’s power can enable us to fulfil the purpose of our calling and bring us safely to our heavenly inheritance. “who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time”. [1 Pet.1.5]. Paul recognises the value of demonstration. It inspires confidence. In commerce before we commit ourselves to a major purchase we ask for a demonstration. We want to be sure of making the right decision. The greatest demonstration of God’s power is not the creation of the cosmos but the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, indicating that he had overcome two things that hold man in bondage.
“Power...which he exerted in Christ raising him from the dead”. v20 Death is a bitter enemy. Some people appear to manage to postpone it but despite the best efforts of medicine and science they cannot escape it. God has done what man cannot do. He raised Jesus from the dead not simply reversing the process temporarily as in the case of Lazarus. He raised Jesus to a quality of existence that no one had ever experienced before – Glorious immortality.
“God...seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms”. v20 Jesus has been raised to a place of supreme honour and authority at God’s right hand. ‘The LORD says to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I make your a footstool for your feet."‘ Psalm 110.1 These enemies include Satan and every evil spiritual power, ‘the authority, power and dominion’of v21. On the last day these enemies will be destroyed. “For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. For he “has put everything under his feet.” 1 Cor.15.25-27 Jesus’ rule cannot be overthrown and so the Christian’s inheritance is secure. Contrast with the disappointment of the Shah of Iran’s family’s when it was clear that the Pahlavi’s dynasty was at an end.
“Above ... every title than can be given” v21 This literally means ‘every name that can be named’.This was an important term for a people many of whom had been converted from a background magic and the occult. Knowing certain names and wearing them round their necks to ward off evil had been part of their former lives. In the same way that the evil eye is still a great torment to many in Muslim lands today. Paul wants to reassure his readers that there is no spiritual force in the universe over which Jesus does not have authority. He is all the protection they need. Jesus’ name and authority is recognised by every evil power. Acts 19.15
What Jesus’ exaltation means for the church? • The church is Jesus’ body - and he, the head, directs it. • “He is appointed head over everything for the church” v22. • The one who gives direction is in a position to ensure that his wishes are carried out. • The church is his fullness - he fills it. “The fullness of him who fills everything in every way” v23 • Each individual in the church will in glory reflect • something of Jesus in a very unique way!