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英語閱讀理論與教學實務 台灣師範大學英語系教授 陳秋蘭 clchern@ntnu.tw

英語閱讀理論與教學實務 台灣師範大學英語系教授 陳秋蘭 clchern@ntnu.edu.tw. What is reading?. Words, sentences, grammar Meaning, world knowledge Cognitive process vs. social process. Reading Process. Bottom up vs. Top down Interactive & Transactional Reader-based vs. Text-based. Reading Instructional Activities.

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英語閱讀理論與教學實務 台灣師範大學英語系教授 陳秋蘭 clchern@ntnu.tw

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  1. 英語閱讀理論與教學實務 台灣師範大學英語系教授 陳秋蘭 clchern@ntnu.edu.tw

  2. What is reading? Words, sentences, grammar Meaning, world knowledge Cognitive process vs. social process

  3. Reading Process Bottom up vs. Top down Interactive & Transactional Reader-based vs. Text-based

  4. Reading Instructional Activities Part-to-whole Whole-to-part Pre-reading activities During-reading activities Post-reading activities

  5. Pre-reading activities Predicting from words Predicting from title or first sentence Predicting from a key illustration Sequencing illustrations Reader questions Storytelling in L1/L2 Sharing existing knowledge

  6. During-reading activities(Ⅰ) Modeled reading Skimming and scanning the text Rereading for details Word masking Pause and predict

  7. During-reading activities(Ⅱ) Shadow reading Summarizing the text Jigsaw reading Reading aloud

  8. Post-reading activities(Ⅰ) Story innovation Innovation on the ending Cartoon strip Readers’ theater Wanted posters Story map Time lines Hot Seat Freeze frames

  9. Post-reading activities(Ⅱ) Cloze Monster cloze Vanishing cloze Text reconstruction Consonant groups Phonic families Jumbled sentences Picture and sentence matching True/False questions

  10. Reciprocal Teaching

  11. What is Reciprocal Teaching? instruction using the four comprehension strategies –predicting, questioning , clarifying, summarizing a special kind of cognitive apprenticeship

  12. Four Roles Predictor Clarifier Questioner Summarizer

  13. Predictor Predict what is likely to happen next based on clues from the text or illustrations Stop to predict during reading Use what they know (from text and prior knowledge) to help make a prediction Continue to make logical predictions based on clues from the text

  14. The language of prediction that students use I think…because I’ll bet…because I wonder if…because I imagine…because I suppose…because

  15. Clarifier Give strategies for clarifying words that are difficult to pronounce or understand Express confusion with specific portions of text, such as ideas or events, that are difficult to understand Tell strategies for clarifying ideas, and tell how clarifying helps them to understand text.

  16. The language of clarification that students use (Ⅰ) I didn’t understand the part about…, so I .. I didn’t understand the part about…, so I … and… I can’t figure out…, so I

  17. The language of clarification that students use (Ⅱ) So I… reread, reread, reread; read on for clues; checked the parts of the word I knew blended the sounds of the word reread the sentence to see if it made sense tried another word

  18. Questioner Ask questions based on the text (that is, the answers are in the text) Ask questions that are based on the main idea or question of the story. Ask some detail-oriented questions, and Ask some inferential questions.

  19. The language of questioning that students use who, what, when, where, why, how, what if.

  20. Summarizer Give only key points in a short one- or two-sentence summary, Summarize in a logical order Reread to remember main ideas Refer to illustrations to retell or summarize the text. Retell the story in their own words and include the setting, characters, problem, key events, and resolution.

  21. The language of summarizing that students use First,… Next,… Then,… Finally,… The most important ideas in this text are… The story takes place… The main characters are… A problem occurs when… A key event is when… This part is about… This book is about…

  22. My Reading Journal Name of the Book: Author: Date: Chapter: ClarifyI don’t understand the part about so I ___________________________________________________QuestionWrite down some questions for your friends to see if they have understood this chapter._______________________________________________________SummarizeRetell this part of the story in your own words.First,___________________________________________________Next,___________________________________________________Then___________________________________________________Finally,_________________________________________________PredictI think/wonder if/imagine/suppose/predict ________________________because_________________________Appreciate/AcquireI. The sentences/expressions I like are__________________________II. The new words I have learned in this chapter are _______________

  23. Samples from PIRLS and PISA Mice_E.pdf PISA literacy framework.docx

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