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Bible Study Methods, Part II

Bible Study Methods, Part II. Thunder In The Holy Land. Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19. Jets of Light. “I saw jets of light shining from cities and villages , and from the high places and the low places of the earth.”. Why I like Thunder.

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Bible Study Methods, Part II

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  1. Bible Study Methods,Part II • Thunder In The Holy Land

  2. Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19

  3. Jets of Light “I saw jets of light shining from cities and villages, and from the high places and the low places of the earth.”

  4. Why I like Thunder....

  5. Eliminate the Nine Largest Barriers

  6. Studies take too much time. • I don’t know what to say. • I can’t answer their questions. • I don’t know my Bible well enough. • I can’t find the books in the Bible fast enough. • Student wants to jump ahead to other topics. • Student gets side-tracked to other issues as they read. • It’s difficult to hold their attention. • Not enough results, low conversion rate.

  7. Purdue Students Watch Thunder

  8. Intellectual Questions • Intellectual questions elicit intellectual answers, heart questions elicit a response from the heart.

  9. Speak To The Heart • “When truth is held as truth only by the conscience, when the heart is not stimulated and made receptive, only the mind is affected. But when the truth is received as truth by the heart, it has passed through the conscience, and has captivated the soul with its pure principles. It is placed in the heart by the Holy Spirit, who reveals its beauty to the mind, that its transforming power may be seen in the character.” Evangelism p. 291

  10. If men in humble life were encouraged to do all the good they could do, if restraining hands were not laid upon them to repress their zeal, there would be a hundred workers for Christ where now there is one. – DA 250

  11. Success Is From God • In the apostles of our Lord there was nothing to bring glory to themselves. It was evident that the success of their labors was due only to God. The lives of these men, the characters they developed, and the mighty work that God wrought through them, are a testimony to what He will do for all who are teachable and obedient. – DA 250

  12. Enlist Helpers • In this closing work of the gospel there is a vast field to be occupied; and, more than ever before, the work is to enlist helpers from the common people. Both the youth and those older in years will be called from the field, from the vineyard, and from the workshop, and sent forth by the Master to give His message. Many of these have had little opportunity for education; but Christ sees in them qualifications that will enable them to fulfill His purpose. If they put their hearts into the work, and continue to be learners, He will fit them to labor for Him. • Ed 269 White, E. G. (1903). Education, 269–270

  13. Jesus chose unlearned men.... • They were men of native ability, and they were humble and teachable,—men whom He could educate for His work. In the common walks of life there is many a man patiently treading the round of daily toil, unconscious that he possesses powers which, if called into action, would raise him to an equality with the world’s most honored men. • Desire of Ages, 250

  14. Pulling At The Leaves There are many who try to correct the life of others by attacking what they consider are wrong habits. They go to those whom they think are in error, and point out their defects. They say, “You don’t dress as you should.” They try to pick off the ornaments, or whatever seems offensive, but they do not seek to fasten the mind to the truth. Those who seek to correct others should present the attractions of Jesus. Evangelism, 272

  15. Pulling At The Leaves They should talk of His love and compassion, present His example and sacrifice, reveal His Spirit, and they need not touch the subject of dress at all. There is no need to make the dress question the main point of your religion. There is something richer to speak of. Talk of Christ, and when the heart is converted, everything that is out of harmony with the Word of God will drop off. It is only labor in vain to pick leaves off a living tree. The leaves will reappear. The ax must be laid at the root of the tree, and then the leaves will fall off, never to return. Evangelism, 272

  16. Wrong Method • The Holy Spirit does not work with men who love to be sharp and critical. That spirit has been cherished in meeting debaters, and some have formed the habit of squaring for combat. God is dishonored in this. Keep back the sharp thrusts; do not learn in Satan’s school his methods of warfare. The Holy Spirit does not inspire the words of censure. – TM 248

  17. Irresistible Influence • "Character is power. The silent witness of a true, unselfish, godly life carries an almost irresistible influence. By revealing in our own life the character of Christ we co-operate with Him in the work of saving souls. It is only by revealing in our life His character that we can co-operate with Him...

  18. ...And the wider the sphere of our influence, the more good we may do. When those who profess to serve God follow Christ's example, practicing the principles of the law in their daily life; when every act bears witness that they love God supremely and their neighbor as themselves, then will the church have power to move the world." • God's Amazing Grace, 231

  19. Overcoming Barriers • Success depends not so much on talent as on energy and willingness. It is not the possession of splendid talents that enables us to render acceptable service, but the conscientious performance of daily duties, the contented spirit, the unaffected, sincere interest in the welfare of others. In the humblest lot true excellence may be found. The commonest tasks, wrought with loving faithfulness, are beautiful in God’s sight.” PK 219

  20. Lift Up Jesus • Whatever course others may pursue, we are to represent Christ, doing as He would do under similar circumstances. Our Saviour’s power lay not in a strong array of sharp words. It was His gentleness, His unselfish, unassuming spirit, that made Him a conqueror of hearts. The secret of our success lies in revealing the same spirit. • – PM 96

  21. Willing Sacrifice • God’s willing sacrifice - John 3:16 • God’s invitation to join Him - Luke 6:38 • Praying for funds to pay for SEEDS 2013

  22. Willing Sacrifice • When in the church of today it is seen that by the power of the Spirit the members have taken their affections from the things of the world, and that they are willing to make sacrifices in order that their fellow men may hear the gospel, the truths proclaimed will have a powerful influence upon the hearers. – AA 71

  23. Willing Sacrifice • When in the church of today it is seen that by the power of the Spirit the members have taken their affections from the things of the world, and that they are willing to make sacrifices in order that their fellow men may hear the gospel, the truths proclaimed will have a powerful influence upon the hearers. – AA 71

  24. God’s Math • Willing Sacrifice = Powerful Influence

  25. Move Forward • Move, forward at the call of God. When he points out a work to be done, in his name and with full faith take up that work. You may not see the end from the beginning. Perplexities may surround you. Others may tell you of the lions in the way. But nevertheless go forward, saying, The Lord wants this work done, and I will act my part faithfully. I will not fail nor be discouraged. • RH December 29, 1910, par 6.

  26. Walter Allred • 713-824-1444 • wdallred@hotmail.com

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