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MCW-2 5-chloro-2-(3,4,4-trifluoro-but-3-ene-1-sulfonyl)-thiazole

MCW-2 5-chloro-2-(3,4,4-trifluoro-but-3-ene-1-sulfonyl)-thiazole. A New Proprietary Nematocide from Makhteshim Chemical Works. Chemistry. Proprietary Molecule. Preliminary data available on: Toxicology Mode of Action Spectrum of Activity Global development project begun in 2008

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MCW-2 5-chloro-2-(3,4,4-trifluoro-but-3-ene-1-sulfonyl)-thiazole

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  1. MCW-25-chloro-2-(3,4,4-trifluoro-but-3-ene-1-sulfonyl)-thiazoleMCW-25-chloro-2-(3,4,4-trifluoro-but-3-ene-1-sulfonyl)-thiazole A New Proprietary Nematocide from Makhteshim Chemical Works

  2. Chemistry

  3. Proprietary Molecule • Preliminary data available on: • Toxicology • Mode of Action • Spectrum of Activity • Global development project begun in 2008 • Joint OECD Review – North America, South America, Western Europe, Japan • Global registrations expected 2013-2014

  4. Efficacy and Operational Use • Formulations: • 1.5% Granular • Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC 48%) • Slow release formulations (25 CS) under development for drench / drip application. • Crops: • Fruiting Vegetables • Cucurbits • Potatoes, Tobacco, Bananas • Nematode Targets: • Meloidogyne spp., Rhadopholus spp., Pratylencus spp.

  5. A B C Activity of MCW2 against Meloidogyne javanica No M.javanica Inoculated M.javanica Severity of Infection Chart 1. shoot fresh weight tomato plants grown in soil not inoculated (A) and inoculated with Meloidogyne javonica (B). Diagram C shows the severity of infection of tomato roots on a scale of 0-5.

  6. MCW2 in Crop Protection • Acts as a true nematocide - kills nematodes thru contact with the product. • This is a significant difference in comparison with all other non-fumigant nematocides (P-ester, carbamates) which only inactivate nematodes as long as the active ingredient is present. • High level of efficacy against root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) • Good residual activity • Clear dose response • Less variable than standards • New mode of action • Good crop safety after soil incorporation • Root systemic • No insecticidal effects

  7. Nematocidal activity of MCW2 against Meloidogyne javanica 24 Hr Exposure 48 Hr Exposure 24 Hr After Wash Cahrt 2. % of paralyzed larva of Meloidogyne javonica after exposure to nematocides for 24h(A), 48h(B). And 24h after wash by water (C).

  8. Suggested GAP 480 EC: Pre application 1.5 – 2 kg. a.i per ha. Post application (depend on residues results and efficacy trials) 1 – 1.5 kg. a.i. per ha. Crops – Vegetables, Potatoes, Flowers, Bananas and others. GR 1.5% Pre application 2 – 2.5 kg. a.i. per ha. Mainly for the Japanese market. Crops - Vegetables, Potatoes, Flowers Plan to finalize in 2008.

  9. Toxicology: Acute oral, ratLD50 >500 mg/kg Dermal, rat LD50 >4000 mg/kg Inhalation, rat LC50 >5058 mg/m3 air Subchronic feeding, rat NOAEL 4.3 mg/kg Mutagenicity Negative in pilot tests Developmental Tox No prohibitive results in pilot studies (rats, rabbits) Eye irritation (rabbit) No irritant effect to the eye Skin irritation (rabbit) No irritant effect to the skin Skin sensitization (MT in guinea pigs) + Sensitizer • Acute Toxicology

  10. Efate & Ecotox • Ecotoxicology: • No prohibitive findings regarding beneficial and non-target organisms (no insecticidal activity). • Environmental Fate: • Moderate soil degradation and soil absorption. • Low leaching potential expected.

  11. Nematocide Products Comparison 1 EPA Fosthiazate RED Fact Sheet (2004) 2 EPA Fenamiphos IRED (2002) 3 EPA aldicarb HED and EFED Chapter (2006) 4 EPA oxmyl IRED (2000) 5 Extoxnet oxmyl

  12. Nematocide Products Comparison, cont. Ecotoxicity * Bayer BYI 1921 Early Development Nematocide

  13. Major Global Markets and Current Major Products that MCW2 could replace (Preliminary information) • USA - ALDICARB, CHLOROPICRIN, DICHLOROPROPENE, ETHOPROPHOS, FENAMIPHOS, OXAMYL, METAM SODIUM, CADUSAFOS, FOSTHIAZATE, METHYL BROMIDE • Canada - The Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has extended the use of American Vanguard's granular organophosphate insecticides, Thimet 15G (phorate) and Counter 15G (terbufos), until 2012. The extended phase-outs are necessary because of the lack of alternative products to control wireworms (Agriotes spp) in potatoes and sugar beet, respectively, the PMRA points out. • Japan - CADUSAFOS,Oxamyl,Carbosulfan, Pyraclofos enfuracarb, Fosthiazate, • Dazomet • Brazil - ALDICARB, CADUSAFOS, CARBOFURAN, DAZOMET, TERBUFOS • Europe – 1,3- DICHLOROPROPENE,ALDICARB, METAM SODIUM, CADUSAFOS, FENAMIPHOS, FOSTHIAZATE, METHYL BROMIDE • Africa – As above

  14. Regulatory Plan and actions • Regulatory study program underway • OECD review planned and coordinated • Discussions held with regulatory bodies: • EPA, Ireland, Japan, Canada, Brazil • Will present to the OECD Joint Review Committee • in Paris (Nov 6th) • First Global registrations anticipated in 2013-2014

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