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Understanding School Turnaround AmeriCorps Selection Criteria Orientation Session II—PART II

Understanding School Turnaround AmeriCorps Selection Criteria Orientation Session II—PART II. AGENDA. Welcome Overview Evidence-Basis Criteria I-Program Design Criteria II-Organizational Capability Criteria III-Budget Cost Effectiveness Wrap Up Post Assessment. Selection Criteria.

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Understanding School Turnaround AmeriCorps Selection Criteria Orientation Session II—PART II

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  1. Understanding School Turnaround AmeriCorps Selection Criteria Orientation Session II—PART II

  2. AGENDA Welcome Overview Evidence-Basis Criteria I-Program Design Criteria II-Organizational Capability Criteria III-Budget Cost Effectiveness Wrap Up Post Assessment

  3. Selection Criteria Outline

  4. Overview Categories NOFO Guidance Assessment Factors Keep in Mind

  5. Organizational capability

  6. Organizational Capability Overview Applicant demonstrates organizational background and staffing to ensure sustainability, compliance, accountability, and continuous improvement. Ability to provide Program Compliance Oversight. Ability to provide Fiscal Compliance Oversight.

  7. Organizational Capability Categories Organizational Background and Staffing Sustainability Compliance and Accountability Continuous Improvement

  8. Organizational Background and Staffing

  9. Sustainability

  10. Compliance and Accountability

  11. Continuous Improvement

  12. Keep in Mind How will I know if they are a current or former grantee? No set rules on staff size or staffing structure Sustainability is defined broader than just financial; it includes stakeholder buy-in and support Grants provide only partial funding necessary to operate the program; programs must raise funds through other sources to operate the program Expectations for coordination, page 14

  13. Cost-Effectiveness & Budget Adequacy

  14. Cost-Effectiveness & Budget AdequacyOverview • The budget is clear, reasonable, cost-effective, and in alignment with the program narrative. • The requested funds do not exceed the maximum cost per MSY, or for existing programs, have not increased over previous years unless warranted. • Whether the program is a cost-effective approach for addressing the community need(s) identified in the application. • The applicant’s demonstrated understanding of total program cost necessary to support the project and the capacity to raise the additional resources.

  15. Cost-Effectiveness & Budget AdequacyCategories • Cost Effectiveness • Budget Adequacy

  16. Cost Effectiveness

  17. Budget Adequacy

  18. Keep in Mind AmeriCorps Budget • Budget is broken down by three sections: • Program Operating Costs • Member Costs • Administrative /Indirect Costs • Budget is divided into grantee share and Federal (CNCS) share

  19. Keep in Mind • Allowable • Conform to any limitation or exclusion set forth in the OMB Cost Principles or in the grant award • Be consistent with organization’s policies and procedures • Be determined in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) • Be adequately documented • Reasonable • A cost is reasonable if, in its nature or amount, it does not exceed that which would be incurred by a prudent person under the circumstances prevailing at the time the decision was made to incur the costs

  20. Keep in Mind Unallowable Costs Lobbying Fundraising Fines and penalties Expenses not necessary to meet program objectives Costs that would constitute fraud, waste, and abuse Unreasonable costs from a “prudent person” perspective Costs with no logical basis for allocating to your program

  21. Keep in Mind Match Requirements | Cost Share • Grantees must meet minimum requirements up to 50% overall match • Must provide match source, type of contribution(cash and in-kind), and amount in application • No match required • EAP Fixed-Amount Grants • Grantee pays all program costs over the amount per MSY provided by CNCS

  22. Keep in Mind Cost Per MSY • Cost per MSY is NOT the same as the living allowance • Maximum Cost Per MSY can be found on page 9 of the Notice • One MSY = 1700 service hours, a full-time AmeriCorps position • Cost per MSY = CNCS share of budgeted grants costs divided by number of MSYs requested • Cost per MSY does not include child care or the cost of the education award • MSY and Cost per MSY are automatically calculated in eGrants

  23. Thank You We hope this information will help you to understand and apply the program criteria during your review!

  24. Post Assessment To check for understanding and verify that you have completed this orientation session, please complete the Assessment on the next three slides and email our answers to PeerReviewers@cns.gov, Subject: Programmatic Orientation Assessment.

  25. Post Assessment • List the 3 Selection Criteria. • True or False: Cost Per MSY is the same thing as the member living allowance. • Which aspect of the application should not be considered in your assessment? • AmeriCorps member recruitment and training plans • The role that volunteers will have in the project • The organizational capacity • None of the above

  26. Post Assessment • What type of approach refers to an applicant’s use of research, evaluations, or performance results to explain why it is proposing an intervention of a particular type, frequency and/or intensity to address the identified community problem/need? • Performance Measures • Evidence-Informed • Outcomes and Community Impact

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