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Are you in search of the most reliable fire fighting equipment retailer in Pakistan? Let Universal Fire Protection be your one stop solution for all sorts of fire fighting equipment. Specialized in installation of fire hydrant systems & fire hose reels, we also offer solutions to the fire safety departments. We also do refilling of fire extinguishers. Please contact us at : <br>HEAD OFFICE<br>S. Khadim Hussain<br>|Business Development Manager| Universal Fire Protection Co (Pvt) Ltd|<br>|Tel: 9251-4427778,4418967| Fax: 9251-4428677|<br>|Cell: 92332-5284828||E-Mail:info@niversalfireprotection.com.pk|<br>Address: |Office No. 21, Ground Floor North Star| Plaza, rehmanabad Chowk Muree Road Rawalpindi|<br>KARACHI OFFICE <br>S. Waqas Hussain<br>|Business Development Manager| Universal Fire Protection Co (Pvt) Ltd|<br>|Tel: 9221-34530373| Fax: 9221-34530573|<br>|Cell: 923154233313||E-Mail:info@niversalfireprotection.com.pk|<br>Address: |Off No C-13 3rd floor "The Plaza " Opp PSO Petrol Pump Main shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi|<br>LAHORE OFFICE<br>S. Abrar Hussain<br>|Business Development Manager|Universal Fire Protection Co (Pvt) Ltd|<br>|Tel: 9242-37429761- 042-37429773| Fax: 9242-37429773|<br>|Cell: 923219700008||E-Mail:info@niversalfireprotection.com.pk|<br>Address: |Office No. 302 Rehman Center Opp Shama Metro Buss Stop 70- ferozepur Raod Lahore|<br><br>
UNIVERSAL FIRE PROTECTION CO. (PVT)LTD. Conventional/ Addressable FireProtection ControlPanel. Intelligent Analogue Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel Indicating Zone indicating capacity with stand by 12 volts with two led Acid batteries and battery charger Alarm Rest, silence and power indicating BFP, LPCB, EN Certificate Make ARC VISION USA assembled in Taiwan. FireExtinguishers We also deals invarious types of Fire Extinguishers:: Dry Chemical Powder(DCP) Carbon Dioxide(Co-2) BCF/ Halotron (A.B.C.E) Recomended AFFFFoam Water / SodaAcid Note: We Also refill All types of Fire Extinguishers. HeadOffice:OfficeNo.7.IstFloorKashmirGatePlaza,Opp.BenazirBhuttoHospitalMurreeRoadRawalpindi Ph:051-4427778,051-4418967Fax:051-4418967Email:info@ universalfireprotection.com Lahore Office :1 2 5 / 2 , S h a h i d P l a z a 3 r d f l o o r N e a r G l a x y c e n i m a O p p . P N I C N G F e r o z e p u r R o a d L a h o r e Ph:042-7523905,042-7084797Fax:042-7523905Email: support@universalfireprotection.com 1 6 7 /E- Ma rke t Blo ck 6 , P.E.C .H .S Ne a r Sh a h ra h -e -Fa isa l Nu rse ry Ka ra ch i Ph: 021-34530373, 021-34254306 Fax: 021-34530573 Mob: 0332-5284828 Emsauil:pport@universalfireprotection.com Website:www.universalfireprotection.com
F ire H o se R e e l C a b i n e t Hose Reel Cabinets, W all Mounting, F i r e H o s e C a b i n e t F i r e h o s e r e e l c a b i n e t s i z e 2 4 ' x 2 4 ' x 1 0 m a d e b y 1 8 S W G M S S h e e t w i t h 1 0 0 f t r u b b e r l i n e d h o s e p i p e m a d e i n C h i n a o f 1 ½ “ d i a c o m p l e t e w i t h b r a s s m a l e f e m a l e c o u p l i n g a n d o f 18 sw g M s S heet, 32” x 30” x 10-1/ 2” B ra ss G a te Va lvea t A rm typ em a d e G la ss Fro ntsize includ ing 25m m in let, fire H o se25m m x 30m , H ig h Pressure. n o z zl e o f r e q u i re d s i z e . Clean Agent Suppression System(GAS) Industrial Fire SuppressionSystem Industrial Co-2 SuppressionSystem HFC-125Ecaro-25 Water Mist Fire SuppressionSystem HFC -2 27 EA (FM 200) F ireRaser Pro Inert G as F ire System Make DuPontUSA Vehicle SearchMirror: MetalDetectors: Metal Detector E-SunU.S.A Metal Detector Super ScannerChina HeadOffice:OfficeNo.7.IstFloorKashmirGatePl Vehicle search mirrorrubberinsulated with torch and large mirror complete with allaccessories. UFPBrand. aza,Opp.BenazirBhuttoHospitalMurreeRoadRawalpindi Ph:051-4427778,051-4418967Fax:051-4418967Email:info@universalfireprotection.com Lahore Office :1 2 5 / 2 , S h a h i d P l a z a 3 r d f l o o r N e a r G l a x y c e n i m a O p p . P N I C N G F e r o z e p u r R o a d L a h o r e Ph:042-7523905,042-7084797Fax:042-7523905Email: support@universalfireprotection.com 1 6 7 /E- Ma rke t Blo ck 6 , P.E.C .H .S Ne a r Sh a h ra h -e -Fa isa l Nu rse ry Ka ra ch i Ph: 021-34530373, 021-34254306 Fax: 021-34530573 Mob: 0332-5284828 Emsauil:pport@universalfireprotection.com Website:www.universalfireprotection.com