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Puberty and Adolescence: Body Changes, Brain Development, and Health Hazards

Explore the fascinating world of adolescence, from the physical changes of puberty to the development of the brain and potential health hazards. Understand the timing of puberty, the transformations of the body, the impact on brain development, and the risks associated with early sexual activity, drug use, and poor diet.

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Puberty and Adolescence: Body Changes, Brain Development, and Health Hazards

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  1. Chapter 14 Adolescence: Biosocial Development Berger, The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, Seventh Edition – Chapter 14

  2. Puberty Begins • Hormones • The Timing of Puberty • Too Early, Too Late Berger, The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, Seventh Edition – Chapter 14

  3. The Transformations of Puberty • Bigger and Stronger • Other Body Changes • Body Rhythms • A CASE TO STUDY:The Early Bird Is a Grown-Up • Sexual Maturation Berger, The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, Seventh Edition – Chapter 14

  4. Brain Development in Adolescence • Caution Versus Thrill Seeking • Connections: Some Faster, Some Lost, Some Enduring Berger, The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, Seventh Edition – Chapter 14

  5. Health Hazards • Injury and Death • Sex Too Early • Drug Use • Diet and Disease • A CASE TO STUDY: “Too Thin, As If That’s Possible” Berger, The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, Seventh Edition – Chapter 14

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