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During repair or regular maintenance, you always have the option of going for OEM or aftermarket auto parts. However, this choice is only available at a local independent workshop. Showrooms precisely fit OEMs and charge more because they use the same parts that were used in the car originally.
DoAftermarketCarPartsHavetheSameQualityasOEMParts? Duringrepair orregular maintenance, youalwayshavethe optionof goingfor OEM oraftermarketauto parts. However,this choice isonlyavailableat alocalindependentworkshop.Showroomsprecisely fit OEMsand charge morebecausethey usethe same partsthat wereused inthecaroriginally. However,choosingbetween OEM andaftermarketpartsrequirescarefulconsideration. Herearesomedetailsthatwill helpyoupicktherightoneforyour vehicle. OEM OEM or OriginalEquipmentmanufacturersare theoriginalpartsofa vehicle.Theyarespecifically made for amakeormodel and havenocompatibilityissues. These sparepartshaveawarrantyandyoucaneasily purchasethemfromanauthorizedshowroomora retailer.Thewarrantyperiodusuallyisfor12 months.OEMs areveryreliable,anddurableandfitstraight awaywheredesired. AftermarketAuto Parts Aftermarket partsare thosepartsthatare manufacturedbybrandsotherthan OEMs.Thisis the textbookdefinition. Now letmetellyouabout anaftermarketbrand thatsupplies OEMs. UNO MINDA India’slargestaftermarketbrandistheNo.1 choice ofOEMs.In simplewords,autopartsthat areused
in ourvehicles havea highpossibilitythatthesepartsweremadebyUNOMINDA.And ifwetalkabout reliability–theyare manufacturingautopartsforthepast65 years. Furthermore, anauthorizedaftermarketbrandshouldbepreferredalways. The main reason foritis that therearecounterfeit autopartsin hugenumbers.In India,mostcompaniesusually import low-quality parts fromChina and usetheirlogoand sellthemat ahigh price.A consumershould always protect themselvesfromtheselow-qualityfakeproducts. AdvantagesofAftermarketParts Thereare several factorsthatmakeaftermarket parts stand out.thesesparesare manufacturedfor high compatibilitywhichmeansthatthesepartsaremadetofit alargenumberof vehicles. An authorized aftermarket part is 100% reliable for example UNO MINDA aftermarket parts are used by OEMs and undergo rigorous testing as per industry standards. You can always rely on this brand. On the other hand, one mustbewaryoffakecounterfeits as wellbecausetheyhave ahugepresencein the Indianmarket. HowtoselectbetweenOEM andaftermarketParts. In case you still are indecisive about which way to go, we are here to help you. Choosing the right fit for yourvehiclerequiredsomebasic ideasthathelpyou. LookForwarranty When you buy spare parts, an OEM will provide you with a warranty but at the same time charge highly for it. On the other hand, when you prefer a good aftermarket brand you can not only save your pocket fromexcessiveburdenbut canprovidea warranty andreplacementincaseofmanufacturingdefects. Quality Usually, there is a notion that OEM parts are of superior quality to aftermarket parts. But sometimes an aftermarketcan be as goodas an OEM orevenbetter.
Going for anauthorizedsparepart brandismuch,muchbetter than spending alot of money on anOEM. Conclusion You can always rely on OEM of course, but if an aftermarket brand is providing the same quality part then you must act rationally and lean towards the one that puts less burden on your pocket without compromisingthequality.