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Fog Lights as the name suggests may give us an idea of when to use these lights. Fog lights are used to increase your acuity in well, fog. The name gives the game away.<br>Visit us:https://www.unomindakart.com/product/5414<br>
FogLightsHere’sEverythingYouNeedtoKnow Science & Technologyhasmade rapid advancements inthe recent past, especially in the automotive sector. Novel features came to the forefront in the new-age cars. The functionality ofthe new age elements hascreatedconfusionamong people. Mostofus are not awareof their use andvalue.OnesuchproductisFog Light. Fog Lightsas the name suggests may give us an idea of when to use these lights. Fog lights are used to increase your acuity in well, fog. The name gives the game away. Apart from that,fog lightscome in handyfor a driver inlowvisibilitywhere the standard head and taillights may not be as effective. In this blog, we will know about all the nuances related to Fog Lights used in a car, from when and how to usethem, to the laws regulatingtheirusageandplacement. What istheuse ofFogLights? Fog lightsare usefulin inclementweatherconditionswhenthevisibilitydropsto an extent that a driver is not able to see the road clearly. Front fog lightscan cut throughmist, fog,rain or evendust asthey areusuallymountedlowerdownthan headlights inthefrontofthecar. Rear foglightsusehigh-intensitybulbs tocut throughmistandfog and alert other drivers to yourpresence.
Positioning oftheFog LightsinaCar. Foglights usually aremountedinfront ofthe carlowerthantheheadlight which helps to illuminate the road while driving. Having fog lights is not a legal requirement fora carownerandmajorityofthecarmanufacturersdon’tuse fog lightsintheir lower trims.
Rear foglights are installedintherear side ofthecarandilluminatetheroad rearwards ofthe car,their jobis toalertthe vehiclebehindyoutoyourpresence when visibility is poor. Having at least one rear fog light is a legal requirement and veryimportantsafetyequipmentinlowvisibilityweather.Itisimportantto mountit onthecentreor offside rear ofthevehicle. Whentousefoglights Whenvisibilityisreduced, suchaswhenitsnowsorthere isthickfog or a mist covering the road ahead, fog lights come in handy. They can also be useful when thereis alotofsprayontheroad. Inthese conditions,using your highbeamscan actuallyreduceyourvisibility because the bright light reflects off the fog or mist, making it even more difficult to seeahead. According to the highway code, you must not use front or rear fog lights unless visibility isseverelyreduced. Using thisterminologyindicatesthat thisis a requirement,not a suggestion. This is due to the fact that improperly used fog lights can dazzle or blind drivers, whilerear foglightscanobscure yourbrake lights.The general ruleisthat you shoulduse themonly whenyou can'tseemore than100metresahead;thisalso appliestoheadlights.The highwaycode alsorequiresyou toturn offboth the frontandrearfoglights whenvisibilityimproves. You don't always need to turn on both front and rear fog lights; in normal driving conditions,thefrontonesshould neverbeused tolight the road; yourheadlights are for that. Use common sense; if it's foggy but you can see the road ahead, there'sno needto wear them. When visibility is poor, turn on your rear fog lights; they are there to alert other road users of your presence, not just to give you a better view of what's behind you.
Howto turnFogLightsOn. There are many ways to turn the fog lights on in your car, and mostly depends on the make and model of the car. There will either be a separate button on the dashboardora functionon yourindicatorstalk which willallow you tocontrolthe foglights. Somecarsalsouse a rotary knob onthedashboardwhichcanbe pulledorpushed to activate the fog lights, however, others will have buttons next to this knob whichwill accomplishthesame thing. Conclusion. Car Fog Lights are useful safety equipment and come in handy in low visibility weather conditions. However, one must be wary of not using them while the visibility is proper asit canbe aproblemforyourfellowriderson the road. Furthermore, if you want to buy a new Fog Light always purchase it from a reliable aftermarket brand. We would suggest aftermarket products that offer OEMquality atanaffordableprice.Thiswillsave youfrom spendingan overwhelmingamountonan OEM autoparts.