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Organizational Structure. CEO Pedro Moreira Salles. João Dionisio. Armínio Fraga. Israel Vainboim. Francisco Pinto. Joaquim F. Castro Neto. Guilherme A. Ferreira. Pedro Bodin. Prominent Board Members Independent Audit Committee. Board of Directors Pedro Malan Chairman
Organizational Structure CEO PedroMoreiraSalles João Dionisio Armínio Fraga Israel Vainboim Francisco Pinto Joaquim F. Castro Neto Guilherme A. Ferreira Pedro Bodin • Prominent Board Members • Independent Audit Committee Board of Directors Pedro Malan Chairman Pedro Moreira Salles Vice-Chairman Audit Committee Gabriel Jorge Ferreira Chairman Members Board Members Israel Vainboim Eduardo A. Guimarães Guy Almeida Andrade Insurance and Pensions HR and Communication Wholesale and Wealth Management Treasury Retail Demosthenes Madureira Márcio Schettini Daniel Gleizer José Rudge Risk, Compliance and Operational Efficiency Planning, Control, Operations and IR Legal and Tax Claudia Politanski Geraldo Travaglia MarcosLisboa
Loan Portfolio Growth R$ Million D % Quarter D % 12 months Portfolio highlights Sep-07 Jun-07 Sep-06 Payroll 4,834 3,685 31.2 152.4 1,915 Own portfolio 1,536 1,400 9.7 36.2 1,128 Acquired portfolio 3,298 2,285 44.3 319.1 787 Car Loans 7,175 5,759 24.6 70.6 4,205 SMEs 10,909 9,729 12.1 37.1 7,955 Consumer Finance Companies 3,030 2,762 9.7 14.4 2,649 Credit Cards 5,680 5,412 5.0 31.2 4,330 Large Corporate 21,591 21,032 2.7 13.7 18,985 Mortgages 1,630 1,586 2.8 11.6 1,460 Other branch network loans 5,586 5,499 1.6 23.9 4,507 Individuals 12.1 23,402 20,883 16,383 42.8 Corporate 32,500 30,761 5.7 26,940 20.6 Total Portfolio 55,902 51,644 8.2 29.0 43,323
Credit: UBB x Brazilian Financial System Sep-06 = 100 Credit Evolution 129 119 125 117 107 100 105 Sep-06 Dec-06 Jun-07 Sep-07 Brazilian Financial System
100% Overdraft Loans 90% 80% Personal Loans 70% Payroll Loans 60% 50% 40% Vehicles 30% 20% Mortgage Loans Durable Goods Financing - Others 10% Credit Cards Others 0% Jul/03 Jul/07 Oct/04 May/04 Jun/06 Jan/07 May/07 Jun/07 Jan/06 Sep/02 Sep/07 Apr/07 Apr/02 Mar/05 Mar/07 Dec/03 Dec/06 Feb/03 Feb/07 Aug/05 Aug/07 Dec/01 Personal Loans – Mix of Brazilian Financial System 37% 63%
Auto Financing Cars + Trucks & Buses Loans +70.6% R$ Million 7,175 4,205 New vehicles 69% 53% Used vehicles 31% 47% Sep-06 Sep-07 Focus: New Cars (Financed Units) Focus: New Trucks & Buses (Financed Units) 3Q06 = 100 3Q06 = 100 3Q07 3Q07 352 149 143 139 Market Market
Wholesale Highlights Export Foreign Exchange Volume of US$ 6.6 billion in 9M07 As a financial agent for BNDES, Unibanco disbursed R$3 billion during 9M07, maintaining its 3rd place in the BNDESoverall ranking BNDES One of the Top 10 Research Houses in the 2007 All-Brazil Research Team ranking, from Institutional Investor magazine - Awards to the analysts of the Consumer Goods and Banking and Financial Services Sectors Equity Research Origination and Distribution 58% growth in Equity average daily trade volume 3rd place in Fixed Income Anbid Ranking
R$ billion Unibanco Asset Management Assets Under Management Distribution by Segment R$ billion 81.0% Own Distribution 11.2% 12.4 Retail 14.6 48.7 43.8 25% 30% 37.4 33.0 26.9 16% 10% Private 7.6 Corporate 19% 4.7 Institutional 9.4 Dec-03 Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Sep-07 Total: R$ 48.7 billion September 2007
Performance R$ Million 3Q07 9M07 Net income 1,199 2,621 Result from non recurring events 532 736 Recurring net income 667 1,885 50.2% 33.7% ROAE 26.5% 24.5% ROAE before non recurring events
Income Statement Summary R$ Million 2Q07 3Q06 3Q07 9M07 9M06 Gross Profit from Financial Intermediation 2,660 2,621 2,481 7,689 7,231 Provisions for Loan Losses (560) (545) (579) (1,629) (1,889) Net Profit from Financial Intermediation 6,060 2,100 2,076 1,902 5,342 Fees from Services Rendered 925 910 885 2,704 2,600 Personnel and Administrative Expenses (1,414) (1,417) (1,434) (4,215) (4,109) Other Operating Income (Expenses) (587) (524) (442) (1,543) (1,207) Operating Income before non recurring events 1,024 1,045 911 3,006 2,626 Tax Rate 22% 24% 21% 24% 21% Net Income before non recurring events 667 638 566 1,885 1,634 Results from non recurring events (460) (460) 532 203 736 Net Income 1,199 841 106 2,621 1,174
Non Recurring Events R$ Million Non Recurring Events(1) 2Q07 3Q07 9M07 Result from the sale of Serasa's stake 285 - 285 Change in participation on our subsidiary UPS 679 - 679 Gain on Redecard’s IPO 680 - 680 Labor, civil, and fiscal provisions (572) (128) (699) Provision for loan losses (47) - (47) (20) (142) Other provisions (162) Result from non recurring events 203 532 736 (1) Net of taxes
Performance R$ Million Performance 3Q07 9M07 D 3Q07/3Q06 D 9M07/9M06 667 1,885 17.8% 15.4% Net Income(1) 1,024 3,006 12.4% 14.5% Operating Income(1) 26.5(1)% 24.8% 24.5(1)% 23.3% 23.1% 11.6 11.6 21.3% 9.6 9.6 9.0 9.0 3Q05 3Q06 3Q07 9M05 9M06 9M07 Annualized ROAE Stockholders’ Equity (R$ Bln) (1) Before non recurring events
ROAE Evolution R$ Million 26.5(1)% 26.7(1)% 25.8% 25.1% 11.6 24.8% 24.7% 24.2% 10.8 24.0% 10.3 23.3% 9.9 23.0% 9.8 21.0% 9.6 9.3 9.5 16.1% 9.0 8.7 8.4 7.9 1Q04 1Q05 2Q05 3Q05 4Q05 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 1Q07 2Q07 3Q07 Annualized ROAE (%) Stockolders’ Equity (R$ bi) (1) Before non recurring events
Highlights • Total loan portfolio growth: 8.2% QoQ (6.8% in the Brazilian Financial System) 29.0% YoY (24.8% in the Brazilian Financial System) • Payroll loans: 31.2% QoQ (152.4% YoY) • Auto Loans: 24.6% QoQ (70.6% YoY) • SMEs: 12.1% QoQ (37.1% YoY) Loan Portfolio • 13.8% reduction in provision for loans losses expenses, 9M07 vs 9M06 • Better ratio of D to H portfolio over total loans (4.9%vs 6.7% in September 2006) • Better ratio of non-accrual portfolio over total loans (4.1%vs 5.4% in September 2006) • 118% non-accrual loan portfolio coverage (past due and falling due credits) Asset Quality Improvement Destaques • 1.4% reduction in Personnel and Administrative Expenses in 3Q07 compared to 3Q06 • Personnel and Administrative Expenses for companies under Unibanco’s direct management: • 1.0% variation compared to 3Q06 • 1.6% variation from 9M06 • Better ratio of Cost to Assets (4.4% in 3Q07 versus 5.9% in 3Q06) Operational Efficiency • Unibanco ADTV(1) (Bovespa + NYSE): R$466 million in 3Q07 versus R$150million in 3Q06, a 211% increase • Market Capitalization(2): R$37.7 billion Stocks (1) Average Daily Trading Volume (2) As of November 6th, 2007
Financial Indicators Loan Portfolio (R$ Billion) 56 Total Assets (R$ Billion) 134 130 52 47 115 45 104 43 102 Sep-06 Dec-06 Mar-07 Jun-07 Sep-07 Sep-06 Dec-06 Mar-07 Jun-07 Sep-07 Net Profit from Financial Intermediation (R$ Million) Earnings per Share (R$) 0.24(1) 2,100 0.23(1) 2,076 1,957 0.21 0.21 1,902 1,884 0.20 3Q06 4Q06 1Q07 2Q07 3Q07 3Q06 4Q06 1Q07 2Q07 3Q07 (1) Before non recurring events
Treasury Gains R$ Million 2Q07 3Q07 9M07 3Q06 9M06 Financial margin from treasury (A) 154 172 136 452 316 Gross profit from financial intermediation (B) 2,660 2,621 2,481 7,689 7,231 Net profit from financial intermediation (C) 2,100 2,076 1,902 6,060 5,342 Treasury Gains / Gross profit from financial intermediation 5.8% 6.6% 5.5% 5.9% 4.4% (A/B) Treasury Gains / Net profit from financial intermediation (A/C) 7.3% 8.3% 7.2% 7.5% 5.9%
Loan Portfolio Growth 29.0% R$ Million 8.2% 55,902 51,644 61% 43,323 Retail 59% 56% Wholesale 39% 41% 44% Sep-06 Jun-07 Sep-07 D Quarter D9M07 D 12 months Brazilian Financial System 6.8% 16.6% 24.8% 8.2% 23.2% 29.0%
Financial Margin 14.25% Provision for Loan Losses / Financial Margin Selic Rate -800 b.p. 11.25% 29.1% 10.6% 27.9% 9.0% 27.2% 8.5% 8.1% 23.3% 7.1% 6.7% 21.8% 21.1% 20.8% 2Q07 3Q06 3Q07 4Q05 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 1Q07 2Q07 3Q07 Financial Margin After Provision Financial Margin
Asset Quality Coverage D to H Portfolio D to H Portfolio / Loan Portfolio 6.7% 100% 99% 87% 5.2% 4.9% Sep-06 Jun-07 Sep-07 Sep-06 Jun-07 Sep-07 Coverage Non-Accrual Portfolio Non-Accrual Portfolio / Loan Portfolio 118% 5.4% 115% 4.5% 109% 4.1% Sep-06 Jun-07 Sep-07 Sep-06 Jun-07 Sep-07
Funding and AUM R$ Million Sep-07 Jun-07 Sep-06 4,470 Demand Deposits 4,160 4,626 Savings Deposits 8,832 8,045 5,558 Core Deposits CDs 4,982 5,149 4,648 Core Deposits 17,820 14,676 17,974 29,130 29,757 Time Deposits + Debentures 28,984 43,806 Total Deposits + Debentures 46,804 47,731 Other Funding 41,528 39,319 26,305 Total Funding (A) 89,259 86,123 70,111 Assets Under Management (B) 48,665 47,527 42,475 137,924 Total Funding + AUM (A+B) 133,650 112,586
Personnel and Administrative Expenses Companies under Unibanco´s direct management R$ Million 1.0% 1.6% 2.7% 3,979 1,358 3,916 1,345 1,322 1,630 1,567 567 541 522 2,349 2,349 2,349 791 823 781 9M06 3Q06 2Q07 3Q07 9M07 Personnel Expenses Administrative Expenses
Fees from Services Rendered R$ Million 9M07 9M06 3Q07 2Q07 3Q06 Banking fees and commissions 556 492 493 1,530 1,384 Credit Cards(1) 144 141 114 406 323 Assets under management 88 89 90 257 277 Other fees 93 94 97 277 286 Subtotal 881 816 794 2,470 2,270 Redecard(2) 44 57 56 163 234 Serasa(3) - 37 35 71 96 Total fees from services rendered 925 910 885 2,704 2,600 (1) Hipercard + Unicard (2) In 3Q07, Unibanco changed its participation in Redecard from 31.9% to 23.2% (3) In 3Q07, Serasa’s result was accounted by the equity income method
Efficiency 61.2% R$ Million 51.4% 49.2% 6.5% 47.3% 6.3% 5.9% 4.4% 2,988 2,913 2,575 2,136 1,434 1,414 1,323 1,308 3Q04 3Q05 3Q06 3Q07 Cost to Assets Efficiency Ratio Expenses Revenues
Stocks Units(UBBR11) and GDSs (UBB) UBB 178 UBBR11 157 100 Sep-06 Dec-06 Mar-07 Jun-07 Sep-07 Index Weighting(%) UBBR11 Sep to Dec 07 Sep to Dec 06 May to Aug 05(2) Unibanco’s Market Cap(*) Ibovespa 2.278 1.881 0.984 R$37.7 billion IBrX-50 3.482 3.550 2.955 ISE Sustainability Index(1) 5.884 5.884 N/A (1) Valid from December 2006 to November 2007. (2) Inclusion in Ibovespa. (*) As of November 6th, 2007
Units and GDSs R$ Million Average Daily Trading Volume (Bovespa and NYSE) 37% 466 22% 104 339 Units (UBBR11) 42% 85 362 GDSs (UBB) 215 254 43 175 31 172 84 144 19 28 16 13 3 13 65 1 1 1 25 15 12 12 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2006 1Q07 2Q07 3Q07
Stock Repurchase Program Use Unibanco’s resources available from the “Revenue Reserve” account Company’s Objective Unibanco Investshop Corretora de Valores Mobiliários S.A. Broker dealer Authorized dates for the program 6 months, from August 10th, 2007 on Average Price R$/Unit Amount in Units 2Q06 2Q07 1Q07 Stock Repurchase Program 3,283,100 21.28 Repurchase in 3Q07 885,000 25.25 Repurchase in October 2007 Total repurchased until October 23rd 4,168,100 22.13
Shareholders’ Structure Thousands of Shares % of Unibanco shares Moreira Salles Group Float Units + GDS Others Total 525,398 1,074,053 28,338 1,627,789 19% 38% 1% 58% PN Unibanco Holdings UNITs 76.7% + % of Unibanco shares PN Unibanco 1,627,789 1,074,432 98,137 2,800,358 58% 38% 4% 100% Unibanco Holdings Float Units + GDS Others Total 1 GDS=10 Units
Unibanco Ratings Moody’s Global Scale: Foreign Currency Global Scale: Local Currency Long TermDebt Long Term Deposits Short Term Deposits Financial Strength Long Term Deposits Short Term Deposits Baa3 Ba2 NP A1 - Brazil - Brazil Baa3(1) Ba2 NP B- A1 P-1 Unibanco Unibanco Standard and Poor’s Foreign Currency Local Currency Long Term Short Term Long Term Short Term A-3 B BB+ Brazil Brazil BBB Unibanco BB+ B Unibanco BB+ B Fitch Ratings Foreign Currency Local Currency Long Term Short Term Long Term Short Term BB+ B BB+ - Brazil Brazil Unibanco BBB- F3 Unibanco BBB- F3 (1)The Baa3 rating was attributed to the US$2 billion MTN Programme (Medium Term Note Programme) of Unibanco - União de Bancos Brasileiros, to the R$325 million notes indexed to the IGP-M (General Market Price Index) and payable in US dollars issued by Unibanco Grand Cayman Branch in February 2005, and to the Perpetual Bond issued by Unibanco Grand Cayman Branch in July 2005.