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Cell cycle

Cell cycle. Shannon Abbott. Interphase. fig2. Interphase is the beginning of the cell cycle. Interphase is where the cell is still growing. The DNA is replicating itself. It also is looking like it is resting. fig1. fig2http ://staff.jccc.net/pdecell/celldivision/mitosis1.html.

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Cell cycle

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  1. Cell cycle Shannon Abbott

  2. Interphase fig2 Interphase is the beginning of the cell cycle. Interphase is where the cell is still growing. The DNA is replicating itself. It also is looking like it is resting. fig1 fig2http://staff.jccc.net/pdecell/celldivision/mitosis1.html fig1http://faculty.ccbcmd.edu/courses/bio141/lecguide/unit6/genetics/DNA/DNArep/pcinterphase.html

  3. Mitosis The steps of mitosis: • prophase • Metaphase • Anaphase • Telophase

  4. Prophase fig2 fig1 Mitosis Prophase: The chromosomes are finally becoming visible. The nuclear membrane is breaking down. The spindle fibers are appearing. fig2http://s37snpg.edu.glogster.com/portfolio/glog-book/ fig1http://faculty.ntcc.edu/mhearron/mitosis_and_meiosis.htm

  5. Metaphase Fig 1. Fig 2. Mitosis metaphase: The chromosomes are lining up in the middle. The fibers are attach to the centromere of the chromosomes. fig1http://www2.sunysuffolk.edu/gambier/micrographs/metaphase.htm fig2http://faculty.clintoncc.suny.edu/faculty/Michael.Gregory/files/Bio%20100/Bio%20100%20Lectures/mitosis/mitosis.htm

  6. Anaphase fig2 mitosis: anaphase The duplicated chromosomes separate. The spindles fibers pull the chromosomes away from each other. The cytoplasm division begins. fig1 fig1http://faculty.ccbcmd.edu/courses/bio141/lecguide/unit6/genetics/DNA/DNArep/acanaphase.html fig2http://www.sparknotes.com/biology/cellreproduction/mitosis/section2.rhtml

  7. Telophase fig1 Mitosis: Telophase The nuclear membrane reforms. The chromosomes become less visible. The cytoplasm division is still occurring. http://www.edupic.net/cells.htm

  8. Cytokinesis The cells are splitting in this stage. The cells are pinching and squeezing away from each other and finally spit away from each other. fig1 http://www.vtt.fi/uutta/2008/16092008_soluttuuliajolla.jsp?lang=en

  9. table

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