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Plan of action until the exam. Write down the key dates and information in your planner.
Plan of action until the exam Write down the key dates and information in your planner
Refer to the revision program of sessions run in school – Tuesdays are revision sessions and Thursdays are mock paper sessions. Make sure you attend as many as you can, particularly the mock paper sessions as there will be little time to do these in class. • After Easter once all the resits are finished, Monday lunchtimes will also be a revision session with our two Spanish assistants. Bring your lunch and come along. • In the next 19 lessons until the exam we will be spending 4-5 lessons on each of the outstanding topics from the book: Environment, health and work. • There isn’t much time in lessons to revise topics we have already covered (holidays, free time, school, my town) so you’ll need to do this at home. Revision in school
Since Christmas you should have been revising for 30 minutes per week. This should now increase to an hour, more if you are hoping for A or A*. • Make detailed revision notes or cards on each of the 9 topics from your text book. • You can use revision guides, online resources and your books to revise the main topics and use the exam book to try out exam style questions. Revision out of school
We will be using more online resources to make it easier to keep up if you are away and to ensure you have plenty of resources available to you at home. Try these now… Homework setting
Put this into google. • Click on Year 11 exam preparation • Look at the current week to see what the homework is and what the additional resources are for extra practice. • Spend a few minutes familiarising yourself with this now. Jot down this week’s homework. www.channah.wikispaces.com
Our new best friend • This can be downloaded as a free app on your phone, tablet or iPod. Alternativelyyou can use the internet version which has a wider range of games. • www.quizlet.com – go there now. • In the search box, type in gregoryspanish – this is our area. • We are in the process of adding all of the vocabulary from the text book to it, so by the end you will have around 50 “quizlets” to revise with. • Each week you will be set one or two sets of vocabulary to learn by heart. This week you should learn “a trabajar – Jobs revision 1” it is due next Tuesday. • Try out the activities and games you will be using to learn the words. Quizlet
These old favourites are useful for general revision but aren’t GCSE specific and some of the activities are quite simple so make sure these aren’t the only resources you use. • Go there now and make sure you can log in and navigate the site. • Linguascope (login: gregory17 password: 17bath) • Espanol-extra (login: gregorio. Password: stgcc) Linguascope and espanol-extra
Spend a few minutes per week on the following, they often catch people out: • Large numbers • Weights and measures • Days of the week, months, dates • Money • Tenses • Negatives • Opinions me gusta/le gustaetc • Question words – donde, cuando, cuantoetc extras