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How Different are Quantitative and Qualitative Consequence Relations for Uncertain Reasoning?. David Makinson (joint work with Jim Hawthorne). I. Uncertain Reasoning. Consequence Relations. Many ways of studying uncertain reasoning
How Different are Quantitative and QualitativeConsequence Relations for Uncertain Reasoning? David Makinson (joint work with Jim Hawthorne)
I Uncertain Reasoning
Consequence Relations • Many ways of studying uncertain reasoning • One way: consequence relations (operations) and their properties • Two approaches to their definition: • Quantitative (using probability) • Qualitative (various methods) • Tend to be studied by different communities
Behaviour Widely felt: quantitatively defined consequence relations rather less well-behaved than qualitative counterparts • Butexactlyhow much do they differ, and in what respects? • Are there any respects in which the quantititive ones are more regular?
Tricks and Traps On quantitative side • Can simulate qualitative constructions On qualitative side • Behaviour varies considerably according to mode of generation
Policy • Don’t try to twist one kind of approach to imitate the other • Take most straightforward version of each • Compare their behaviour as they are
II Qualitative Side
Recall Main Qualitative Account • Name: preferential consequence relations • Due to: Kraus, Lehmann, Magidor • Status: Industry standard • Our presentation: With single formulae (rather than sets of them) on the left
Preferential models Structure S = (S, , |) where: • S is an arbitrary set (elements called states) • is a transitive, irreflexive relation over S (called a preference relation) • | is a satisfaction relation between states and classical formulae (well-behaved on classical connectives )
Preferential Consequence - Definition Given a preferential modelS = (S, , |), define consequence relation |~S by rule: a |~Sx iff x is satisfied by every state s that is minimal among those satisfying a state : in S satisfied : under | minimal : wrt <
S = {s1, s2} s1 s2 s2 :p,q,r s1 : p,q, r p |~ r, but pq |~/ r Monotony fails Some other classical rules fail What remains? Example
KLM Family P of Rules a |~ a reflexivity When a |~ x and x |y then a |~ y RW: right weakening When a |~ x and a||b then b |~ x LCE: left classical equivalence When a |~ xy then ax |~ y VCM: very cautious monotony When a |~ x and b |~ x, then ab |~ x OR: disjunction in the premises When a |~ x and a |~ y, then a |~ xy AND: conjunction in conclusion
All Horn rules for |~(with side-conditions) Whenever a1 |~ x1, …., an |~ xn (premises with |~) and b1 |- y1, …., bm |- ym (side conditions with |-) then c |~ z (conclusion) (No negative premises, no alternate conclusions; finitely many premises unless signalled)
KLM Representation Theorem A consequence relation |~ between classical propositional formulae is a preferential consequence relation (i.e. is generated by some stoppered preferential model) iff it satisfies the Horn rules listed in system P
III Quantitative Side
Ingredients and Definition • Fix a probability function p • Finitely additive, Kolgomorov postulates • Conditionalization as usual: pa(x) = p(ax)/p(a) • Fix a threshold t in interval [0,1] • Define a consequence relation |~p,t , briefly |~, by the rule: a |~p,tx iff either pa(x) t or p(a) 0
Successes and Failures Succeed (zero and one premise rules of P) a |~ a Reflexivity When a |~ x and x |y then a |~ y RW: right weakening When a |~ x and a||b then b |~ x LCE: left classical equivalence When a |~ xy then ax |~ y VCM: very cautious monotony Fail (two-premise rules of P) When a |~ x and b |~ x, then ab |~ x OR: disjunction in premises When a |~ x and a |~ y, then a |~ xy AND: conjunction in conclusion
IV Closer Comparison
Two Directions Preferentially sound / Probabilistically sound • OR, AND • Look more closely later Probabilistically sound Preferentially sound ? • Nobody seems to have examined • Presumed positive
Yes and No Question Probabilistically sound Preferentially sound ? Answer Yes and No – depends on what kind of rule
Specifics Question • Prob. sound Pref. sound ? Answer Yes and No – depends on what kind of rule Specifics • Finite-premise Horn rules: Yes • Alternative-conclusion rules: No • Countable-premise Horn rules: No
Finite-Premise Horn rules Should have been shown c.1990…Hawthorne & Makinson 2007 If the rule is probabilistically sound (i.e. holds for every consequence relation generated by a prob.function, threshold) then it is preferentially sound (i.e. holds for every consequence relation generated by a stoppered pref. model)
Alternate-Conclusion Rules Negation rationality (weaker than disjunctive rationality and rational monotony) When a |~ x, then ab |~ xorab |~ x Well-known: • Probabilistically sound • Not preferentially sound - fails in some stoppered preferential models
Countable-Premise Horn Rules Archimedian rule (Hawthorne & Makinson 2007) Whenever a |~ ai(premises: i ) ai |~ xi(premises: i ) xi pairwise inconsistent(side conditions) thena |~ • Probabilistically sound Archimedean property of reals: t 0 n: n.t 1 • But not preferentially sound
:r, qi (i ) n :r, q1,.., qn,qn+1 2 : r, q1, q2,q3, …. 1 : r, q1,q2, … Put ar ai q1…qi xiq1…qiqi (1) a |/~ (2) a |~ ai for all i (3) ai |~ xi for all i (4) xi pairwise inconsistent Fails in this Preferential Model
Corollary • No representation theorem for probabilistic consequence relations in terms of finite-premise Horn rules • Contrast with KLM representation theorem for preferential consequence relations
Other Direction Pref. sound but not prob. sound: two-premise Horn rules: OR: When a |~ x and b |~ x, then ab |~ x AND: When a |~ x and a |~ y, then a |~ xy • Are there weakened versions that are prob. sound? • Can we get completeness over finite-premise Horn rules? • Representation no!, completeness maybe • Wedge between representation and completeness • Completeness relative to class of expressions
Weakened Versions of OR, AND XOR:When a |~ x,b |~ x anda |b then ab |~ x • Requires that the premises be exclusive • Well-known WAND:When a |~ x,ay |~ , then a |~ xy • Requires a stronger premise • Hawthorne 1996
Proposed Axiomatization for Probabilistic Consequence Hawthorne’s family O(1996): • The zero and one-premise rules of P • Plus XOR, WAND Open question: Is this complete for finite-premise Horn rules (possibly with side-conditions) ? Conjecture: Yes
Partial Completeness Results The following are equivalent for finite-premise Horn rules with pairwise inconsistent premise-antecedents (1) Prob. sound (2a) Pref. sound (all stoppered pref.models) (2b) Sound in all linear pref. models at most 2 states (3) Satisfies ‘truth-table test’ of Adams (4a) Derivable from B{XOR} (when n 1, from B) (4b) Derivable from family O (4c) Derivable from family P for n 1: van Benthem 1984, Bochman 2001 Adams 1996 (claimed)
V No-Man’s Land between O and P
More about WAND: When a |~ x, ay |~ , then a |~ xy Second condition equivalent in O to each of: • ay |~ y • ay |~ z for all z • ab |~ y for all b (a |~ y ‘holds monotonically’) • (ay)b |~ y for all b
What Does ay |~ mean ? • Quantitatively: Either t = 0 or p(ay) = 0 • Qualitatively: Preferential model has no (minimal) ay states • Intuitively: a givesindefeasiblesupport to y (certain but not logically certain)
Between O and P Modulo rules in O: OR CM CT AND CT: when a |~ x and ax |~ y then a |~ y CM: when a |~ x and a |~ y then ax |~ y Modulo O: PAND {CM, OR} {CM, CT} (Positive parts Adams 1998, Bochman 2001; CM / AND tricky)
Moral • AND serves as a watershed condition between family O (sound for probabilistic consequence) and family P(characteristic for qualitative consequence) • No other single well-known rule does the same
VI Open Questions
Mathematical • Is Hawthorne’s family O completefor prob. consequenceover finite-premise Horn rules ? Conjecture: positive • Can we give a representation theorem for prob.consequence in terms of O + NR + Archimedes + …? Conjecture: negative
Philosophical • Pref. consequence, as a formal modelling of qualitative uncertain consequence, validates AND • So do most others, e.g. Reiter default consequence • But do we really want that? • Perhaps it should fail even for qualitative consequence relations • Example: paradox of the preface
Paradox of the preface(Makinson 1965) An author of a book making a large number n of assertions may check and recheck them individually, and be confident ofeach that it is correct. But experience teaches that inevitably there will be errors somewhere among the n assertions, and the preface may acknowledge this. Yet these n+1 assertions are together inconsistent. • Inconsistent belief set, whether or not we accept AND • Inconsistent belief, if we accept AND
VII References
References James Hawthorne & David Makinson The quantitative/qualitative watershed for rules of uncertain inference Studia Logica Sept 2007 David Makinson Completeness Theorems, Representation Theorems: What’s the Difference? Hommage à Wlodek: Philosophical Papers decicated to Wlodek Rabinowicz, ed. Rønnow-Rasmussen et al., www.fil.lu.se/hommageawlodek
VIII Appendices
What is Stoppering? To validate VCM: When a |~ xy then ax |~ y, we need to impose stoppering (alias smoothness) condition: Whenever state s satisfies formula a, either: • s is minimal under among the states satisfying a • or there is a state ss that is minimal under among the states satisfying a Automatically true in finite preferential models. Also true in infinite models when no infinite descending chains
Derivable from Family P Can derive SUP: supraclassicality: When a |x, then a |~ x CT: cumulative transitivity: When a |~ x and ax |~ y, then a |~ y Can’t derive Plain transitivity: When a |~ x and x |~ y, then a |~ y Monotony When a |~ x then ab |~ x
VCM versus CM KLM (1990) use CM: cautious monotony: When a |~ x and a |~ y, then ax |~ y instead of VCM When a |~ xy then ax |~ y These are equivalent in P (using AND and RW) But not equivalent in absence of AND
Kolmogorov Postulates Any function defined on the formulae of a language closed under the Boolean connectives, into the real numbers, such that: (K1) 0 p(x) 1 (K2) p(x) = 1 for some formula x (K3) p(x)p(y) whenever x |- y (K4) p(xy)= p(x) p(y) whenever x |- y
Conditionalization • Let p be a finitely additive probability function on classical formulae in standard sense (Kolmogorov postulates) • Let a be a formula with p(a) 0 • Write pa alias p(•|a)for the probability function defined by the standard equation pa(x) = p(ax)/p(a) • pacalled the conditionalization of p on a
What is System B? • Burgess 1981 • May be defined as the 1-premise rules in O and P plus 1-premise version of AND: VWAND: When a |~ x and a |y then a |~ xy • AND WAND VWAND
What is Adams’ Truth-Table Test ? There is some subset I {1,..,n} such that both by |iI(ai xi) and iI(aixi) |by • When n = 0 this reduces to: b |y • For n = 1, reduces to: either b |y or both ax |by and ax |by • Proof of 134ain Adams 1996 has serious gap
Some Alternate-Conclusion Rules • Negation rationality when a |~ x then ab |~ xorab |~ x • Disjunctive rationality when ab |~ x then a |~ xorb |~ x • Rational monotony when a |~ x then ab |~ xora |~ b • Conditional Excluded Middle a |~ xora |~ x Of these, NRalone holds for probabilistic consequence