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SAYREVILLE WAR MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL. ORIENTATION for Parents/Guardians of Class of 2018. March 19, 2014. HIGH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION. Mr. Brown Principal. Mr. Glock-Molloy Vice-Principal.

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  1. SAYREVILLE WAR MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL ORIENTATION for Parents/Guardians of Class of 2018 March 19, 2014

  2. HIGH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION Mr. Brown Principal Mr. Glock-Molloy Vice-Principal Mr. Gluchowski Vice-Principal Mrs. Romero Vice-Principal

  3. DISTRICT SUPERVISORS Mrs. Sicola Counseling & Guidance Mrs. Goscienski Science & World Language Mr. Knaster Special Education Dr. Trivisonno Business & Mathematics Mr. Gentile Humanities Mr. Kohutanycz Health, Physical Education & Athletics Mrs. Monahan-Rivera Language Arts

  4. SCHOOL COUNSELORS Mr. Abruscato All Freshman Sophomores- Seniors Mrs. Keck A - C Ms. Schnorbus D - I Mr. Feldman J - M Mrs. Carroll N - R Ms. Haney S - Z

  5. H I S T O R Y World History Honors World History CP World History -- NJ ASK 8 determined World History -- CST determined

  6. H I S T O R Y E L E C T I V E S World Geography The Great Metropolis

  7. Performing Arts Electives Band (Semester and Full Year) Advanced Band Mixed Choir 101 (Semester and Full Year) Theatre 1

  8. Performing / Visual Arts Electives Creative Crafts Introduction to Art

  9. TECHNOLOGY ELECTIVES Auto Technology 1 Wood Shop 1 Robotics

  10. S C I E N C E Biology Honors -- Matrix determined General Science CP General Science -- CST determined

  11. W O R L D L A N G U A G E S French 1 Spanish 1 Spanish 2

  12. M A T H E M A T I C S Plane Geometry 9 Honors Plane Geometry Algebra 1b Algebra 1 Math 104 -- NJ ASK 8 determined Math 9 -- CST determined

  13. COMPUTER SCIENCE ELECTIVES • Computer Programming – Visual Basic • Introduction to Computer Science

  14. BUSINESS ELECTIVES Business Organization & Management Career Development Microsoft Suite

  15. PHYSICAL EDUCATION & HEALTH Physical Education 1S Physical Education 2S

  16. E N G L I S H English 9 Honors English 9 CP English 9 -- NJ ASK 8 determined English 9 -- CST determined English ELL Reading 9 -- NJ ASK 8 determined Reading A -- CST determined

  17. E N G L I S H E L E C T I V E S Writing Success Monsters in Literature Creative Writing Communication Arts through Television I Communication Arts through Television II

  18. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS English 4 years Mathematics including Algebra 1 and Geometry and a third year of math 3 years Science including Biology and a choice among Chemistry, Physics or Env. Science and a third inquiry based lab or technical science 3 years U.S. History 2 years World History 1 year World Language 1 year

  19. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS cont. Visual/Performing Arts 1 year Practical/Vocational Arts/21st Century Life and Careers Education 1 year Physical Education and Health 4 years Economics/Financial Literacy ½ year

  20. Credits In addition to passing the required courses, students must successfully complete 130 credits.

  21. CREDITS REQUIRED Cumulative 25 credits To pass to grade 10 60 credits To pass to grade 11 95 credits To pass to grade 12 130 credits To graduate!

  22. MINIMUM 4 yrs. English 3 yrs. History 3 yrs. Mathematics 3 yrs. Science 2 yrs. World Language Academic Electives RECOMMENDED 4 yrs. English 3 yrs. History 4 yrs. Mathematics 4 yrs. Science 4 yrs. World Language Academic Electives COLLEGE ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS

  23. SCHEDULING:WHEN & WHERE March 17th Introduction during PE Class March 21st-25th Students will be scheduled in the computer lab from their Physical Education or Health class

  24. TYPICAL FRESHMAN SCHEDULE • English • Mathematics • Science • World Language • World History • Visual/practical/performing arts • OR • Academic electives • Physical Education • Lunch

  25. Tom Jones’Grade 9Schedule Pd. 1 YR General Science B9 Boyle Pd. 2 YR World History A215 Clark Pd. 3 YR English 102 A203 Smith Pd. 4/5 S1 PE1S Gym March Pd. 4/5 S2 Auto 1 C16 June Pd. 6 S1 Lunch Café Jenkins Pd. 6 S2 Lunch Café Jenkins Pd. 7/8 YR Spanish 1 A93 Songel Pd. 9/10 S1 Creative Crafts E4 Enrico Pd. 9/10 S2 PE 2S Gym Fells Pd. 11 YR Algebra 1 b A228 Mattski

  26. SCHEDULING TIPS • Read the course description booklet • Have 5 alternate elective courses in mind • Take course selection sheet home for parent/guardian review and signature • Return signed course selection sheet within 3 days to Middle School Counseling Office

  27. NJ ASK 8 Reminder April 29, 30, May 1, 2 Test Taking Tips • Get a good night’s sleep • Eat breakfast • Take seriously – performance affects 9th grade English, Mathematics and Science placements • For more information see state website: www.state.nj.us/education/index.html

  28. Class of 2018 Parents/Guardians The SWMHS Supervisors wish your children (and you) success as they complete their last year in the Middle School. We look forward to September and the beginning of their high school career!

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