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The Great Gatsby Vocab

The Great Gatsby Vocab. AP English Language and Composition. Chapter 1 Vocabulary. reproach. (v) to accuse of and blame for guilt. wistfully. (adv) describes something that's done with longing or regret . supercilious. ( adj ) contemptuously indifferent: full of contempt and arrogance.

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The Great Gatsby Vocab

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  1. The Great Gatsby Vocab AP English Language and Composition

  2. Chapter 1 Vocabulary

  3. reproach (v) to accuse of and blame for guilt

  4. wistfully (adv) describes something that's done with longing or regret

  5. supercilious (adj) contemptuously indifferent: full of contempt and arrogance

  6. effeminate (adj) an offensive term used to describe a man whose behavior, appearance, or speech is considered to be similar to that traditionally associated with women or girls

  7. fractiousness (n) irritable and likely to complain or misbehave

  8. vista (n) a scenic or panoramic view

  9. pungent (adj) strong smelling or strong tasting: having a strong smell or a powerfully sharp or bitter taste

  10. Chapter 2 Vocabulary

  11. strident (adj) strongly expressed: loudly, strongly, or urgently expressed

  12. inexhaustible (adj) not getting tired

  13. deft (adj) quick and skillful

  14. impassioned (adj) expressing strong feelings

  15. clad (adj) dressed

  16. Chapter 3 Vocabulary

  17. omnibus (adj) comprising of several items

  18. harlequin (n) a mute character in traditional pantomime, typically masked and dressed in a diamond-patterned costume

  19. prodigality (adj) extravagance: the trait of spending extravagantly

  20. erroneous (adj) wrong; incorrect

  21. anomalous (adj) deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected

  22. enigmatic (adj) difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious

  23. Chapter 4 Vocabulary

  24. poignant (adj) evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret

  25. sanguine (adj) ablood-red color

  26. Chapter 5 Vocabulary

  27. punctilious (adj) showing great attention to detail or correct behavior

  28. retribution (n) punishment that is considered to be morally right and fully deserved

  29. ambivalence (n) mixed feelings or emotions

  30. Chapter 6 Vocabulary

  31. bravado (n) a bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate

  32. mollifying (v) reduce the severity of (something); soften

  33. bleared (v) make dim; blur

  34. Chapter 7 Vocabulary

  35. disdain (v) consider to be unworthy of one's consideration

  36. insidious (adj) proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects

  37. reveries (n) astate of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream

  38. Chapter 8 Vocabulary

  39. omniscience (adj) universal or infinite knowledge

  40. commutation (n) action or the process of commuting a judicial sentence

  41. Chapter 9 Vocabulary

  42. perfunctory (adj) carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection

  43. crooned (v) hum or sing in a soft, low voice, esp. in a sentimental manner

  44. rickeys (n) a drink made of liquor, typically gin, lime or lemon juice, carbonated water, and ice

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