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CoSLAM : Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments

CoSLAM : Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments. Presenter : Jeongkyun Lee. CoSLAM : Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013. Contents. Introduction Proposed method Experimental results References.

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CoSLAM : Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments

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  1. CoSLAM:Collaborative Visual SLAMinDynamic Environments Presenter : Jeongkyun Lee

  2. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Contents • Introduction • Proposed method • Experimental results • References

  3. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Introduction • Viewpoint • Visual SLAM with a single camera • Structure-from-motion (SFM) based SLAM • Visual odometry [1] • Real-time SLAM using a local bundle adjustment method [2] • PTAM [3] • Etc. • Bayesian-inference (or Filter) based SLAM • EKF-Monocular SLAM [4]

  4. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Introduction • Viewpoint 2. Visual SLAM with multiple camera • Visual odometry with a stereo rig [1] • 6DoF SLAM with stereo-in-hand [5] • Visual SLAM with a multi camera rig [6] • Etc. 3. SLAM in dynamic environment • SLAMMOT (SLAM and Moving Object Tracking) [7] • SLAMIDE (SLAM in dynamic environment) [8]

  5. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Introduction • CoSLAM • Deal with moving objects, that is, dynamic environments Using multiple cameras. • Interaction of each camera. • A method combiningSFM-based SLAM with filter-based SLAM. To deal with moving objects

  6. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Overall procedure

  7. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Properties • Main system : conventional sequential SFM method • Map points : 3D position vector with uncertainty • Measurements : KLT feature tracking (Or active matching) • Update • Map points : Use the Kalman gain • Refinement : bundle adjustment in key frames

  8. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Camera pose estimation • Intra-camera pose estimation • Each camera works independently. • Track feature points from a camera. • Compute its pose. • Inter-camera pose estimation • In dynamic environments where the number of static map points could be small, or the static points are distributed within a small image region. • Use both static and dynamic points to obtain poses for all cameras. • Condition • When the number of dynamic points are greater than that of static points. • When the area covered by the convex hull of static feature points is less than 20% of the image area.

  9. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Camera pose estimation: Intra-camera pose estimation • Minimize the reprojection errors by the iteratively re-weighted least squares(IRLS) method. • is initialized according to the camera pose at the previous frame. : the image projection of the 3D point : the image feature point registered to : measures the distance btw 2 image points : an index of feature points : M-estimator, the Tukey bi-weight function,

  10. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Camera pose estimation: Inter-camera pose estimation Therefore, we use both static and dynamic points

  11. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Camera pose estimation: Inter-camera pose estimation • Only applied to cameras within the same group. • Initialized from the previous frame. : an index of cameras : the set of ‘static’ and ‘dynamic’ map points : the visibility of the i-th map point at camera c, (1 or 0)

  12. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Map maintenance • Maintain the position uncertainty of each map point To help point registration, To distinguish static and dynamic points. • A map point : the triangulated position. : the covariance matrix that measures the position uncertainty.

  13. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Map maintenance: Position uncertainty of map points • Only consider the uncertainty in feature detection and triangulation. • Assuming the feature detection error • Update its 3D position given a new observation : the Jacobian of the camera projection function that maps a 3D map point to its 2D image coordinates in all views. : the number of views used for triangulation. : the image projection of in the frame. : Kalman gain.

  14. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Map maintenance: Position uncertainty of map points • The computation is independent at each point. (for efficiency) • Enable parallel computation. • Even for static points, their reconstructed positions are always changing over time due to triangulation uncertainties.

  15. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Map maintenance: Map points generationIntra-camera mapping • Reconstruct static map points from feature tracks in each individual camera. • Unmapped feature tracks -> long enough (> frames)Triangulate a 3D point using the beginning and the end frames. • Mahalanobis distance < for all frames,A new map points is generated and marked as ‘static’

  16. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Map maintenance: Map points generationInter-camera mapping • Applied to unmapped feature points only within the same camera group. • Match image features btw different cameras by ZNCC • To avoid ambiguous matches, search the pointswithin distance to the epipolar line. • Accept the match if • Guided matching (Disparity vector, Winner-take-all strategy) After matching features, Triangulate the corresponding points within the same group.

  17. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Map maintenance: Point Registration • Consider unmapped feature points as active map points:are static and have corresponding feature points within the most recent frames. (newly detected feature point) • Feature detection -> Select closest -> ZNCC comparison • Project active map points to the images, then compare by ZNCC.Consider the uncertainty ,Then, check the ZNCCscorebetween and • Also check the previous position, considering the Mahalanobis distances in all frames. is registered to • Since it has a large error, re-triangulate the 3D position, selecting 2 observation, which have the largest viewpoint changes.

  18. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Point classification • Distinguish static and dynamic points by the reprojection error. • Point : ‘static’, ‘dynamic’, ‘false’, and ‘uncertain’. • Initially, consider all points as static. At every frame, we check the reprojection errors of all ‘static’ points. • In intra-camera mapping, Mahalanobis distance < -> Uncertain • In inter-camera mapping, Mahalanobis dist. of re-triangulated position from cameras < -> Dynamic • Project dynamic points to the previous frames, thenMahalanobis dist. < -> Static

  19. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Point classification

  20. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Camera grouping: Grouping • Common map points btw 2 cameras i, j. • > 0Connect the camera i and j by an edge weighted by • A spanning tree for each camera group with maximum weight. • Camera grouping: Splitting • Edges are removed as they have no common feature points any more.

  21. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Camera grouping: Merging • Project the map points from one camera onto the image planes in the other group.The number of visible points is large > 30%The area spanned by these points are large > 70%⇒ Merging • Suppose 2 camera groups are separated at the 1st frame and are merged at Fth frame. • Adjust all camera poses from frame 2 to F,Adjust the map points generated within these frames. • Fix camera poses in the 1st frame.

  22. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Camera grouping: Merging, Step1 • Estimate the correct relative poses btw cameras at frame F. • Match SURF features. • Search for correspondences within distance to the epipolar line. • Merge 3D map points by averaging their positions.

  23. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Camera grouping: Merging, Step2 • Hard constraints : relative camera poses at the Fth frame.Select only (P+Q-1) relative poses by the spanning tree.It can be represented as two linear systems in the Fth frame. : the pose of the camera at the frame. : the relative pose btw the camera and at the frame.

  24. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Camera grouping: Merging, Step2 • Soft constraints : All the other relative poses from 2 to F-1.For any cameras m and n connected by the edges,Similar linear system, : the relative pose btw m and n before merging

  25. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Camera grouping: Merging, Step2 • Solve two constrained linear least square problems. • Since it does not consider orthonormality condition to the rotation matrices, obtain the closest rotation matrices by SVD. • After updating the camera poses, the 3D positions of map points are also updated by re-triangulating their corresponding feature points : the augmented matrices and vectors by adding zero elements. (by the scale factor )

  26. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method • Refinement • Refine both the camera poses and the 3D map points from time to time by bundle adjustment in selected key frames. • Operate with the most recent K key frames. • To refine the camera poses of the other frames,Apply the similar method with Merging, step2. • After the pose refinement, re-triangulate the points.

  27. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method (Summary) • Camera pose estimation • Intra-camera pose estimation • Input : Tracked feature points • Output : Camera pose • Inter-camera pose estimation • S : static points, D : dynamic points Intra-CPE No # static pts < th Area( static pts ) < n% Yes Inter-CPE

  28. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method (Summary) • Camera pose estimation Use both static and dynamic points

  29. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method (Summary) • Map maintenance • Map points with position uncertainty - Update :

  30. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method (Summary) • Map maintenance • Map points generation • Intra-camera mapping : • Inter-camera mapping : Tracked points (> N frames) Triangulation Unmappped feature Guide matching (ZNCC, near epipolar line)

  31. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method (Summary) • Map maintenance • Point registration • Through feature tracking • Active map points : Newly detected, but unmapped feature -> association Smallest Mahalanobis distance point mj Feature detection ZNCC

  32. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method (Summary) • Map maintenance • Point classification • Use a reprojection error Retriangulation of tracked features

  33. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method (Summary) • Camera grouping • Grouping and Splitting • Count the number of common map points • Construct an undirected graph, Extract a spanning tree • Only match features between edge connected cameras

  34. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method (Summary) • Camera grouping • Merging • The number of visible points, The area spanned by these points > n % Match SURF features R, T Hard constraints Soft constraints

  35. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method (Summary) • Camera grouping • Merging • The number of visible points, The area spanned by these points > n % Optimize!!

  36. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Proposed method (Summary) • Refinement • Bundle adjustments for key frames • Camera poses and map points

  37. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Experimental results • Drift • 96 m trajectories. • 1-camera, 2-camera, 3-camera, and 4-camera • The average distance drift errors : 2.53m, 1.57m, 1.19m, and 0.67m • The average scale drift error were 0.76m, 1.10m, 0.96m, and 1.00m

  38. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Experimental results • Dynamic scenes

  39. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Experimental results

  40. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 Experimental results • Run Time

  41. CoSLAM: Collaborative Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, TPAMI 2013 References • D. Nister, O. Naroditsky, and J. Bergen. Visual odometry. In IEEE Proc. of CVPR, volume 1, 2004. • E. Mouragnon, M. Lhuillier, M. Dhome, F. Dekeyser, and P. Sayd. Real time localization and 3d reconstruction. In IEEE Proc. of CVPR, volume 1, pages 363–370, 2006. • G. Klein and D. Murray. Parallel tracking and mapping for small AR workspaces. In IEEE & ACM Proc. of Int’l Sym. on Mixed and Augmented Reality, pages 225–234, 2007. • A. Davison, I. Reid, N. Molton, and O. Stasse. MonoSLAM: Real-time single camera SLAM. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, pages 1052–1067, 2007. • L. Paz, P. Pini´es, J. Tard´ os, and J. Neira. Large-scale 6-dof slam with stereo-in-hand. IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 24(5):946–957, 2008. • M. Kaess and F. Dellaert. Visual slam with a multi-camera rig. Georgia Institute of Technology, Tech. Rep. GIT-GVU-06-06, 2006. • C. Wang, C. Thorpe, S. Thrun, M. Hebert, and H. Durrant Whyte. Simultaneous localization, mapping and moving object tracking. Int’l of Robotics Research, 26(9):889, 2007. • C. Bibby and I. Reid. Simultaneous localisation and mapping in dynamic environments (slamide) with reversible data association. In Proc. of Robotics: Science and Systems, 2007.

  42. Thank you!

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