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An Introduction to OSU StreamWood

An Introduction to OSU StreamWood. Mark A. Meleason 2 , Daniel J. Sobota 1 , Stanley V. Gregory 3 1 Washington State University, Vancouver Campus 2 USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station 3 Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University. Presentation Outline.

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An Introduction to OSU StreamWood

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  1. An Introduction toOSU StreamWood Mark A. Meleason2,Daniel J. Sobota1, Stanley V. Gregory3 1Washington State University, Vancouver Campus 2USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station 3Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University

  2. Presentation Outline • Model Description • Types of Applications • Simulation Example

  3. I. Model Description • Model Overview • Model Components • Model Performance

  4. OSU StreamWood predicts… • STANDING STOCK of wood (Breakage, movement, and decay) • MEANS and VARIANCE (Individual–based Stochastic) • GENERAL trends • Scales: Time – ANNUAL Space – MULTIPLE REACH

  5. STREAMWOOD Stream Forest Tree Recruitment Log Recruitment Tree Growth Log Breakage Tree Mortality Log Movement Forest Harvest Decomposition

  6. STREAMWOOD Stream Forest Tree Recruitment Log Recruitment Tree Growth Log Breakage Tree Mortality Log Movement Forest Harvest Decomposition

  7. Forest Inputs • Forest Gap–Phase Model (w/I SW) • JABOWA (Botkin et al., 1972) • Individual-based, Monte Carlo • ORGANON and FVS (G&Y models) • User defined

  8. Riparian Zone Harvest Regime forest upland partial cut no cut stream

  9. STREAMWOOD Stream Forest Tree Recruitment Log Recruitment Tree Growth Log Breakage Tree Mortality Log Movement Forest Harvest Decomposition

  10. STREAMWOOD Stream Forest Tree Recruitment Log Recruitment Tree Growth Log Breakage Tree Mortality Log Movement Forest Harvest Decomposition

  11. Tree Fall Regime forest random fall random fall or directional fall directional fall stream

  12. STREAMWOOD Stream Forest Tree Recruitment Log Recruitment Tree Growth Log Breakage Tree Mortality Log Movement Forest Harvest Decomposition

  13. Log lengths A1 A2 B2 B1 C3 Bankfull Width Tree Entry Breakage

  14. In-channel Breakage • Does the log break? • residence time • top diameter • If so where? • Variations on broken stick model • Break location related to diameter

  15. Predicted vs. Observed

  16. STREAMWOOD Stream Forest Tree Recruitment Log Recruitment Tree Growth Log Breakage Tree Mortality Log Movement Forest Harvest Decomposition

  17. Chance of Log Movement Does the log move? Function of: • FLOW (peak annual flow) • Number of Key Pieces • Length outside of channel • Length to bankfull width

  18. Chance of Movement: No Key Pieces, 100% Within Channel

  19. Distance of Log Movement If it does move, then how far? • Single negative exponential model • k = average travel distance (units of bank full width) • Assumed independent of piece size and channel characteristics

  20. Distance Moved, Mack Creek

  21. STREAMWOOD Stream Forest Tree Recruitment Log Recruitment Tree Growth Log Breakage Tree Mortality Log Movement Forest Harvest Decomposition

  22. Decomposition • Single negative exponential • Represents microbial decay and physical abrasion • Species-specific aquatic and terrestrial rates

  23. The Value of Models “Models of course, are never true, but fortunately it is only necessary that they be useful.” “For it is usually needful only that they not be grossly wrong.” Box, G. E. P. 1979. Some problems of statistics and everyday life. J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 74: 1-4

  24. Model Performance Evaluation“Truth is the intersection of independent lies” (Levins1970) Absolute Tests difficult for most models • Using realistic input parameters: • Reasonable agreement with available data • And derived characteristics (e.g., log length frequency distribution) • Sensitivity Analysis: ID critical variables

  25. II. Sample Applications • Vary, riparian width, no-cut width, and upland rotation length • Characterizing variability of wood volume for a given forest type

  26. Forest Basal Area: Standard Run

  27. Forest Plantation Basal Areas

  28. Volume From Plantation Forests

  29. Plantation Forests: 6-m Buffer

  30. Plantation Forests: 10-m Buffer

  31. Plantation Forests: 15-m Buffer

  32. Total Volume by Buffer Width

  33. Study Conclusions • 6-m buffer: 32% of site potential • 30-m buffer: 90% of site potential • Plantation forests: maximum 1st cut

  34. 60 1800-yr 40 Volume (m3 100 m-1) 20 0 0 450 900 1350 1800 Time (year) Simulated Wood Volume Waihaha Basin, New Zealand

  35. 25 1800-yr 20 15 Relative Frequency 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 3 Wood Volume class ( m / 100 m) Volume Frequency DistributionYear 1800, Waihaha, NZ

  36. Cumulative Frequency Volume Distribution Waihaha, NZ

  37. III. Simulation Example • 4-reach system using the internal forest model (no harvest activity) • Bank full width = 10 m, length =200 m • Run for 200 years, 100 iterations

  38. Final Thoughts • Designed to be flexible • Currently v2 is under construction • Includes “StreamLine” – a 1-reach system • Imports ORGANON and/or FVS dead tree files • Latest release version on HJA LTER website http://www.fsl.orst.edu/lter/data/tools/models/ Developer: Mark Meleason (streamwoodv1@hotmail.com)

  39. Questions?

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