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AGENDA. Introduction Objectives of security measuresRecent security issues in the postal courier networks.Security challenges in Postal CourierPostal offences and penaltyRecommendations Conclusion. 2. Presentation at the EACO session in Kigali, Rwanda -May 2011. Introduction . Communicat
2. AGENDA Introduction
Objectives of security measures
Recent security issues in the postal courier networks.
Security challenges in Postal Courier
Postal offences and penalty
2 Presentation at the EACO session in Kigali, Rwanda -May 2011
3. Introduction
Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK) is the Regulatory Authority of the communications including of the Postal/ Courier sub-sector;
CCK mandate includes promoting the development of postal systems in accordance with recognised international standards and practices including promotion of measures for safety of life through communications;
3 Presentation at the EACO session in Kigali, Rwanda -May 2011
4. Introduction As a regulator the Commission has a role in supporting national security and adhering to recommended international postal courier security standards
Postal courier security is increasingly becoming a threat globally.
The threat from postal courier bombing and explosions is real and the Commission has a responsibility to ensure that such incidences do not happen. Presentation at the EACO session in Kigali, Rwanda -May 2011 4
5. Objectives of security measures protecting employees and assets of operators to prevent injury/death;
Safeguard mails entrusted to operators from fraud, theft and misuse;
Prevent revenue and asset losses;
Preserve customer confidence.
Conform to international postal courier security standards. Presentation at the EACO session in Kigali, Rwanda -May 2011 5
6. Recent security issues in the postal courier networks International :
October 2010; Suspicious packages originating from Yemen and destined to USA discovered in airports in the UK and Dubai.
November 2010; Parcel bombs originating from Greece sent to various Embassies in Athens.
December 2010; Parcel bombs exploded in Swiss and Chilean Embassy in Italy injuring staff.
6 Presentation at the EACO session in Kigali, Rwanda -May 2011
7. Local Security incidents September 2010; Conveyance of human skull by a licensed courier in Kenya ;
December 2010; A fatal explosion at the bus terminus of a licensed regional operator;
March 2011; Conveyance of live bullets to some public officials by letter mail of a major operator.
Note that all the above cases are the ones reported by media, many other incidents go unreported.
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8. Prohibited articles Refers to goods and items prohibited from transmission through mail/courier for safety of employees and customers;
Operators must inform customers of these prohibited items
Prohibited articles include:
Counterfeit/pirated articles, dangerous, filthy, noxious/deleterious, Explosives, Inflammables, Live animals, indecent, obscene, scurrilous, threatening, grossly offensive, Drugs , embarrassing;
Exceptions are given where certain prohibited articles may be transmitted
Customers not sure should contact operators or CCK.
Operators must inform the commission immediately of articles sent in contravention if the Act. This seldom happens as many cases go unreported.
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9. Postal Offences and Penalties in Kenya Its an offence to carry out postal/courier services without a licence from the regulator-CCK.
Offenders risk jail terms of 1 year, or fines of up to Kes. 200,000 or both on conviction.
Senders of offensive articles such as those with words, pictures that are scurrilous, threatening, obscene or grossly offensive in character risk jail terms of one year, or fines of up to Kes.300,000 or both on conviction.
9 Presentation at the EACO session in Kigali, Rwanda -May 2011
10. Examples of prohibited articles Presentation at the EACO session in Kigali, Rwanda -May 2011 10
11. Examples of prohibited articles Contd Presentation at the EACO session in Kigali, Rwanda -May 2011 11
12. Examples of prohibited articles Contd Presentation at the EACO session in Kigali, Rwanda -May 2011 12
13. Example of prohibited articles Presentation at the EACO session in Kigali, Rwanda -May 2011 13
14. Examples of prohibited articles Presentation at the EACO session in Kigali, Rwanda -May 2011 14
15. Recommendations Obtain identification particulars of senders of postal courier articles(knowing your clients) to include original ID, Tel No. etc.
Declaration of cover contents at all times and the sender to counter sign the same;
Electronic Screening of Postal couriers at Border points/offices of exchange mail in collaboration with local Revenue/Immigration Authorities.
Endeavour to acquire of screening devises such as : X-ray machines, explosive/vapour detectors, metal detectors, explosive detectors, radio-active(radiation) detectors,
15 Presentation at the EACO session in Kigali, Rwanda -May 2011
16. Recommendations The Courier personnel should verify articles before sealing especially for international and regional postal courier services at the point of exit/entry;
Training to be conducted at the grass root level on security issues through seminars.
Liaison with Revenue Authorities to install mail screening equipment at all borders for both outgoing and incoming postal courier items.
Sealing of covers at points of acceptance where possible especially for those who do not have screening equipment.
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17. Recommendations. Preventive measures by counter clerks who should take precautions when items are posted/sent-alertness of mind and handling with due care;
Only authorised staff with photo ID to access mail loading and unloading zones;
Impose working procedures on mail violations/theft-assigning specific duties, CCTV monitoring of entrances and exits;
Regular staff briefs by Anti-Narcotics Police unit
Urge EACO to form a Postal revenue protection and Security taskforce that includes regulators and operators in the region with clear TORs.
17 Presentation at the EACO session in pPostal , Rwanda -May 2011
18. THANK YOU For further info: visit our website at www.cck.go.ke
or contact: ngesa@cck.go.ke