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Spiritual Determinism Inverse Consequences Of Not Heeding Spiritual Law Essential Knowledge for Muslims Leaders Omar Zaid, M.D., Senior Consultant. GLOBAL ISLAMIC LEADERSHIP Customized Training Modules For Islamic Leaders by Integrated Training & Motivation Consultants (The ITMC Group)
Spiritual Determinism Inverse Consequences Of Not Heeding Spiritual Law Essential Knowledge for Muslims Leaders Omar Zaid, M.D., Senior Consultant GLOBAL ISLAMIC LEADERSHIP Customized Training Modules For Islamic Leaders by Integrated Training & Motivation Consultants (The ITMC Group) Ph/Fax 03-61407659 // faheempuah@yahoo.com Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia June/July 2012
Inverse Components Opposites
Principles or Pillars Divine Laws Fear of Allah Obedience to Allah define relationship Remembrance of Allah Each Principle causes us to draw near to God & His Grace (evidence of approval)
Inverseof these Principles Insufficient or No Fearof Allah Insufficient or No Obedience to Allah define relationshipin opposite or diminished terms Insufficient or unavoidable default statusNo Remembrance of Allah All cause us to move awayfrom God and His Grace Results: little or no ‘strength of evidence’ of God’s approval (Conviction, Sincerity); loss of Divine Guidance & Protection.
Inverse consequences Cannot be avoided Heedless Leaders Self –Rule minus divine protection
Insufficient or not heeding (remembering)the Fear of God • Result: non-gestalt quality or insufficiency of thought and reflection diminished Taffakur. Mindlessness • Meaning this person does not fear the loss of God’s protection. • automatically leans toward reductionist thought and the loss or dismissal of revelation. One draws further away from Allah and hence also from the grace of inspiration, which is diminished and in turn, causes the loss of divine guidance (protection from harm) -- Even in the face of great intellect • Such people follow strong delusions • This is a default process that determines the course of numerous schools of materialism; misapplication of science; promotes falsehood such as morality’s divorce from science or Humanism’s divorce of church and state.
Key Words from the Medina Speech Feara state of mind (reverence, caution) Seen what is perceived physically Unseen what is perceived metaphysically Success Here & Hereafter Walk Action ‘This person alone’
InverseConsequences of First Principle • They who forget to fear Allah Join the ranks of His Enemies • Examples: false religion of secular pluralism with its icons such as Olympic Torch of the ancient religion of Mythras, or Egypt’s Eye of Horus, Pyramids (all Freemasonic ideations -- kabala). • Results are forms of Tribalism or Politically-Correct Patriotism;the identitarian politics of sectarianism. • This lss of fear or reverence allows leaders to adopt ideations such as Humanism or Ecumenical Universalism — as warned against in surah Al-Baqarahvss 120, 145: • “Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with you unless you follow their formof religion. Say: “The Guidance of Allah―that is the (only) Guidance.” Were you to follow their desires after the knowledge which has reached you, then would you find neither • protector nor helper against Allah” i.e. against God’s judgment
InverseConsequences -- First Principle • Al-Anamvs 144: • But who does more wrong than one who invents a lie against Allah, to lead astray men without knowledge? For Allah guides not people who do wrong. • Hence, when leaders forget to fear God’s judgment or the loss of His Protection, the reality of akhira is veiled and failure rather than success is certain. • Leaders who adopt this position must then rely on Machiavelli.
InverseConsequences -- First Principle • This is an antithetical estate that is easily discernible: • The greater the pageantry presented by institutions under heedless leaders, the greater the loss of wise governance that preserves the ‘Fear of Allah’ for their people. ‘Fear of Man’ then begins to reign as was seen in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. • For this reason HadratUmar removed Khalid from his post. Why? Because opulence and elitism are hallmarks that announce the error: • Example from the Sunnah: • A silken Faruj was presented to Allah’s Apostle and he put it on and offered the prayer in it. When he finished the prayer he took it off violently as if he disliked it and said: • “This garment does not befit those who fear Allah. “ • Vol 7, Book 72, Hadith 693, Bukhari
InverseConsequences -- First Principle • Such leaders protect feudal estates as rulers of exploitation and power broking. • They marginalize servants of truth and institutionalize wickedness (ponerism) as examples that become ‘tradition’. • This is the ‘Way of Cain’ . . . • The Second Principle, Obedience
InverseConsequences -- Second Principle: Disobedience • Divine Guidance (i.e. fitrah, revelation and inspiration) is required for man’s ability to discern good and evil. • Disobedience to God activates the inverse determinant or default status of Principle Two, which inevitably leads to forms of idolatry and chauvinist hero worship (self-worship) • Hero Worship: the essence of Humanism(The Way of Cain). • Humanism deifies man, hence it is shirk.
InverseConsequences -- Second Principle: Key Words Slackness NoDue Diligence truth distinguished NoDiscernment Falsehood Favor No Grace His enemy No Jihad (Action) live with Incorrectchoices (knowledge) Insight
The consequences of persistent disobedience are many but the main result is a specific spiritual blindness that promotes neglect of the nation’s better interests in favor of sociopaths who masquerade as shepherds of the flock and the hidden hand of wealthy elite who finance them • And thus have We made in every town the great ones to be its guilty ones, that they may plan therein [conspire]; and they do not plan but against their own souls, and they do not perceive. • Al’Annam006.123
Life is Limited (Governed) by Divine Laws Obey - Sunnah (prophetic Supra-Worldly Authority e.g. Al’Kidir) Disobey - Haram Bidah (Worldly Authority) DOMINION Peace & Security Maintained Divinely Protected or Forfeit - Non-PROTECTED LEADERS Spiritual Determinism Law of Obedience
InverseConsequences of Third Principle: • Forgetting the Remembrance of God: • The remembrance of God requires knowledge and far more than religious knowledge. It is the ability to correctly apply free choice towards what is good and this faculty depends on disciplines that establish metaphysical and physical templates (habits) for this purpose. • Hence, the ‘remembrance of God’ has a purpose: correct action: • There are several verses in the Qur'an that emphasize the importance of remembering the Will of God by saying "God Willing," "God Knows best," "if it is Your Will," and so on. This is the basis for dhikr. • Sura 18 ayat 24 states that a person who forgets to say, "God Willing," should immediately remember God by saying: • "May my Lord guide me to do better next time."
InverseConsequences of Second Principle: Quoted from Shaykh Abdallah b. Bayyah: Why Did the West Supercede Us
Key Words & Phrases (From Medina Speech) PowerGrace (Favor) RememberSeen & Unseen (Tawhid / Wholism) SincerityNo Slackness Diligence (work) Master of all Humility (Fear & Sense of Shame) Right Footing Walk Discernment / Insight / (Right Choice Thought & Action) Hereafter Unseen Command is Supreme Law cannot be circumvented (No Escape : cat seeks opportunity)
InverseConsequences of Third Principle: • The inverse determinant or default status of this spiritual law is initiated by the lack of meaningful (i.e. knowledgeable) disciplines form of ignorance. This is because ignorance inhibits discernment due to an absence of cognitive acquisition (learning); which, by definition, must also include purpose and completing purpose is contingent on knowledge. • If relevant remembrance of God were indeed practiced, this would follow: • the discernment of good and evil, benefit and harm would • allow knowledge of proper adab to surface to man’s consciousness as ‘understanding’ which would • permit the capacity to assimilate and implement pertinent knowledge well enough to • establish and maintain institutions and relationships that appropriately forbid evil and positively facilitate what is beneficial Al’Hisbah • Hence : ignorance is a form of • forgetting God that aids and abets evil
InverseConsequences of Third Principle: • Forgetting the Remembrance of God: • … the disciplined life and piety are not complete when there is ignorance. - Imam Buran al-Din, The Hidayah, • An immoral man of learning is a great evil, • yet a greater evil is an ignoramus leading a godly life. • Both are a trial everywhere to whomsoever clings to his religion. • Instruction of the Student: The Method of Learning (Ta’lim al-Muta’allim Tariq al-Ta’allum), Imam Al-Zarnuji, Trns. G.E. von Grunebaum and Theodur M. Abel, Starlatch Press, Chicago, 1947 & 2008.
Conclusion: Slackness (laziness) in gaining knowledge & skill (no due diligence) causes a lack of Discernment one cannot tell right from wrong Because one is ignorant ( incompetent) cannot be guided because they have not improved the faculty of insight cannot be obedient cannot be on the ‘right path’ because they cannot serve the Truth. Hence, If leaders do not serve the Truth on the basis of these Three Determinants of Spiritual Law the result is ?? HARM WILL SURELY COME to their people
Following These Three Principles: Fear Obedience Remembrance Avoids default towards the autonomous InverseEffects Maintain Peace & Security Spiritual Determinism LEADERS
Thank You Next Lesson will be on The Spiritual Laws Derived from these Principles Peace & Security in Palestine, circa 1900
Divine Laws The Law of Obedience The Law of Submission The Law of Decay