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So, You’ve Gotten Yourself a Sandworm, Eh?. First off, What the heck were you even thinking?!
So, You’ve Gotten Yourself a Sandworm, Eh? First off, What the heck were you even thinking?! Now that that’s out of the way, so, you’ve gotten yourself a Sandworm, eh? Good for you I suppose. But now comes the tricky part! Do you know anything about the care and feeding of a Sandworm? No? Yeah, I thought not. Well, it’s a good thing I come with each carefully captured and contained Sandworm then, huh? (Bet you’re really glad you have me around now!) • First off, never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ect. Feed your Sandworm! No, really, don’t feed it. Your Sandworm is perfectly capable of taking care of itself, really! A Sandworm never needs anything- it just wants to eat things, it doesn’t really need to. Make sure that nothing ever goes near it- or else! That means you need to dust your Sandworm regularly and try to get back all the feathers of your duster. Good! • Secondly- see that nice little two right there- don’t ever release your Sandworm! Sandworms are not a native species and, therefore, should not be released into your surroundings just because you feel bad for it or don’t think you can take care of it anymore! Remember, these little guys are trying to escape from the government officials who want to lock them up and perform tests on them- save them and keep them locked up! • Thirdrly yes, I realize my threes look very nice, I make talented threes- don’t allow your fingers, children’s fingers, your aunt’s fingers, or anyone else’s fingers anywhere near this alien. Sandworms have been known to take large bites out of anything that comes within its range. Don’t even let your other pets near them- it doesn’t matter if you think they’ll get along or not. (I can tell you right here and now that they will not- for one your non-alien pet will be eaten, YES EATEN!) • Fourth- I don’t suppose you know for certain if ‘fourthly’ is an actual word, do you? No? Oh well- these creatures are rather sharp and dangerous, follow the third rule like it were an actual law on your planet- which, just so you know, it should be. • Fifthly- ah, back to the –ly again, I do so love the –ly- these creatures are easily provoked. Do NOT Provoke Them! Avoid eye contact and insults if possible, as well as breathing their air, laughing too loudly, and blowing bubbles! • Sixthly- I won’t add anything here because I’m not that egotistical… oh wait, yes I am- DO NOT EVER OPEN YOUR SANDWORM CONTAINER- if your Sandworm came with one (if it didn’t then it’s safe enough, but still, be careful and don’t touch it) Just saying, bad things could happen if you open the container. So, DO NOT OPEN YOUR CONTAINER! We will never be responsible for anything that happens to you! Just putting that out there. Whew, now that that’s over, I would like to thank you for your time, donation, and effort to save these critters! Thank you for your time, donation, and effort to save these critters! I do hope you have a wonderful and peaceful experience with your new, clean, easy-to-care for pet! Have a wonderful day! Sincerely, This Care and Feeding Guides and the Company of the AVSW Mobile Pet Store!