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Communicating & Dealing with Challenges. DIGITAL PARENTING.
Communicating & Dealing with Challenges DIGITAL PARENTING
SekolahCikal believes technology is an essential tool for learning environment and should be used responsibly and respectfully. Students must realize that the access to the internet in the school is a privilege and therefore students abide by the regulations set forth by the school pertaining to technology use policy.
WHY GIVE ACCESS TOTECHNOLOGY? YOU HAVE TO INTRODUCE TO THEM TO TECHNOLOGY AS EARLY AND OFTEN AS POSSIBLE • Normal, cheaper, and available • Secure feeling • Social pressure – suffer academically • Learning tools
How They Changed Early Adolescence (9 – 13 years old) • Personal disorganization • More negative attitude toward authority • More testing on family limit Challenge for parents Keeping positive attitude during a more off-putting time Common problem Set back on academic achievement
Mid Adolescence (13-15 years old) • “My friends are my everything”. We = Me • “I want to be free to explore new and try out different things” Challenge for parents To provide loyal opposition to your child’s push for more social freedom when it appears unwise or unsafe, without resorting to coercion or censure to settle disagreements Common problem Cheating
I type an IM/chat and then I quickly minimize it. Then I pull up my homework really fast. I have four different email accounts. I have more than one Facebook account. I wait until my parents are asleep How they hide what they’re doing from you
Truths about how PEOPLE interact online • They do things online they wouldn’t do in real life. • “Fight” online without getting immediate feedback that might challenge. • Quicker and easier to disseminate, but harder to get rid of. • Post personal information online. • Addicted to being connected.
Laying down the law It is privilege, not a right … A special advantage or benefit not enjoyed by all A right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group
You have a responsibility to use it ethically. Never use it to humiliate, embarrass, send personal information, misrepresent yourself or someone else, misuse passwords, share embarrassing information or picture of other people, etc. If I see that you are violating the terms of our agreement, I will take all your technology away until you can earn my trust back.
Set the limit -- It’s okay to be disconnected. • It’s a tool to strengthen communication. • Safety, security, and integrity. • Parents have the right to check. • There is what you call ‘technology manners’. *Engage and be role model
Everyone makes mistakes. It’s how you conduct yourself after messing up that shows what kind of person you are. What if your child make a mistake?
Problems that might happen DISCUSS WITH A PARENT BESIDE YOU FOR 5 MINUTES • What if your child sends personal information about herself/family? • What if your child forwarding bad information about others? • What if your child embarrasses herself?
1. Comforting • Sit with your child. • Reminding him/her about how horrible the situation, will not help. • Do an activity that is not related, will clear everyone’s mind.
2. Acknowledging • Discuss on how your child is part of the problem. • Discuss on possibilities of consequences: to self, others, and family.
3. Deciding on responsible action • Write down scenario and timeline. • Practice makes perfect. • Be there all the way.
4. Reminding about the agreement • Agree on the consequences. • Committed to it.
How the school supports • Laptop self-inspection Our last laptop and online behavior self-inspection was conducted on February-March, 2014. We covered some useful do and don'ts including checking power cords, backup files, download History, software (educational use and illegal use) and folder Management. • Essential Agreement Having discussion with the students to ensure that they learn the best way to manage and reflect on their behavior when working with their laptop and their online behavior (refer to the Technology Use Policy)
Class Essential Agreement • Responsible Use of Technology • Laptop can only be used research related to the subject only • Consider age appropriateness factor when opening reliable websites • Making sure the laptop is in good condition and saved in secure place • Use appropriate language in online communication • Consequences • First warning (having discussion with homeroom teacher/subject teacher and reflection) • Decrease bandwidth for a day • Confiscate the laptop and is only allowed to use school computer under supervision • * Major inappropriate behavior will lead to suspension Contract Sample
Earning trust and building skills, are far more important then simply using parental monitoring software. Parenting will always give you a chance for a “redo”