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T-EST Transfer of Employment Support Tools for People with Disabilities LEONARDO DA VINCI - Transfer of Innovation - 01/11/2012-31/10/2014 It is impossible to convince companies , you can only help them to convince themselves .
T-EST Transfer ofEmployment Support Tools for People withDisabilitiesLEONARDO DA VINCI - Transfer ofInnovation - 01/11/2012-31/10/2014Itisimpossibletoconvincecompanies,youcanonlyhelpthemtoconvincethemselves. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Workshop, 05.- 06.06.2014
In general: • It is worth keeping one's eyes open while walking around • Looking for conversations about companies • Reading andfollowingof regional economynews • Collectingcreativeideasandstimulations
Contactingpossibleemployers • Possiblewaysoffindingcompanies: • Personal contacts (throughPwD, through SE provider) • Job advertisements • Labour marketserviceannouncement • Internet research • Company register (chamberofcommerce, index, etc.) • Partner companies (experiences in workingtogehterwithPwD) • Depends on specialneedsofthetargetgroups • Working experienceplacements
Initiation ofnewcontacts • Talks/ presentation/ joining on economicbodiesmeetings • Fairs • Business roundtables, regularmeetings • Dissemination – interviews on newspapers, reports, etc. • Regional existingnetworks (research, contatcs, etc.) • Round tables (municipialities, politics, tradeunions, etc.) • Organisation andinvitationto an open houseeventofyourorganisation • Activecontacttotheunemploymentagencies (jour fixe?) • Contacttoplatformsofself-advocates (PwD) • Women´scommitee, genderadvocates in companies, etc. • Lions-Club, activecontacttoseniorcitizens, associations, etc. • Socialassociations, clubs, etc.
IMPORTANT: shift completely into the thoughts of another and really try to understand their point of view. Howtobehave? Giveyourconversationpartner (authenticorbestaspossible): • Appreciation • Recognition (his/her actionsandattitude) • Respect(aceptionofhis/her role) • Benefit(throughyoursupport) • Ideas(connectionofhis/ her andyourworldofexperiences) • Transparence(of all rolesand relevant information) • Security (seriousness,responsibility, reliabilityofyoursupport) • Joy (throughyourkindofcontact)
Business languages • Pre- internetresearch • Ask „how“ questions, not „if“ questions • Timing: on which time can I contactthecompanies? Different timelines in companies? • Short, concisely, reliable Exercisescript p. 27
First sentences on telephone: Ihre Begrüßungsformel (zB„Christine Pilz, Arbeitsassistenz JAW, guten Tag Herr Mustermann.“) ... • Wir beraten Betriebe und Bewerber bei der Stellenbesetzung. Mit Ihnen möchte ich gerne über ... ins Gespräch kommen. • Wir beraten engagierte Betriebe und interessante Bewerber mitHandicapbei der Stellenbesetzung. Mit Ihnen möchte ich gerne über ... ins Gespräch kommen. • Als Personalberater bin ich daran interessiert die Betriebe in der Region kennen zu lernen • Wir stellen Betrieben (kostenlos) unser Know-How bezüglich neuem Personal für ...... zur Verfügung • Ich möchte Sie gerne für unsere Dienstleistung interessieren. • Ich würde Ihnen gerne die Leistungen unseres Fachdienstes vorstellen. • Ich möchte Sie gerne für den Nutzen unseres Angebotes interessieren (begeistern). • Ich möchte gerne mit Ihnen ins Gespräch kommen, weil ich gehört (gelesen) habe, dass …
Arguments foremployers • Whatcanweargue? • Benefitsforcompanies: • Support from an organisation: organisationofworkingexperienceplacements, on-job- support, etc. • Financial aspects: wage subsidies, taxreducesandsavings, etc. • Socialaspects: workingathmosphere, imageofthecompany, advertisment, changedperspectiveconcerningPwD, etc. • Performance ofthePwD in thecompany • Personal benefitfortheemployer: networking, personal satisfaction, „goodheart“, personal experienceswithPwD (family, friends, neighbours…), etc.
Structureofarguments • Think aboutpossibleobjectionsfromthecompanies – beprepariedfortherightanswers
Nichepositions ….are additional createdworkingplaces – thereisnoofficialjobdescriptionnow ….often a mix of different partsofotherregularworkingplaces in thecompany ….often easy to handle andrepeatingtasks ….areimbeddedandcoordinatedwiththeskillsandpossibilitiesofthepeoplewithdisabilities ….arenormallypaid ….benefitforcompany: financialrelief (becausemore expensive workerscouldbepartlyreplaced)
Howtoaskforthem? • Where do youhavetasks in yourcompanywhere easy tasksaretakenby professionals? • Whichtasksoftengetleftbehind? • Ifyouremployeeshave time, theyshould do……? • Whichkindofwishesfromyourcustomersyoucan not fullfillbecauseof a lack of time? • Whatkindofworkisdisliked? • Example: Skript p. 69- 72
Contact:Christine Pilz, christine.pilz@jaw.or.atBahnhofgürtel 77/ 5, 8020 GrazTel. +43 664 8000 6 2883www.jaw.or.at