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CF 5 Review

CF 5 Review. Steve Drucker CEO Fig Leaf Software. Introduction Industry/CF News Job Announcements Sign up for the listserv! http://chattyfig.figleaf.com Today’s Schedule. Session Overview. New Language Features New 3 rd party integration Database Support

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CF 5 Review

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  1. CF 5 Review Steve Drucker CEO Fig Leaf Software

  2. Introduction • Industry/CF News • Job Announcements • Sign up for the listserv! http://chattyfig.figleaf.com • Today’s Schedule

  3. Session Overview • New Language Features • New 3rd party integration • Database Support • CF Administrator enhancements

  4. New Language Features • Query of Queries • User Defined Functions using <CFSCRIPT> • <CFSaveContent> • <CFFLUSH> • <CFLOG> • Enhancements to <CFFORM> objects • GetHTTPRequestData

  5. Running “queries of queries” • CF5 allows you to run queries against recordsets stored in memory from a <CFQUERY> tag • Join the results of two queries together in memory (simulating sql stored procedure temp table functionality) • CF5 supports a minimal subset of the ANSI standard • Group By • Order By • Aggregate Functions (Count, Sum, Avg, Max, Min) • As • Boolean (Not, Like, IN, Between, AND, OR • DML (Outer Join syntax)

  6. Running a query against a recordset <CFQUERY NAME=“getemp” datasource=“foo”> select lastname,firstname from person order by lastname </CFQUERY> <CFQUERY NAME=“getempbyfirstname” dbtype=“query”> select * from getemp order by firstname</CFQUERY>

  7. User-Defined Functions using <CFSCRIPT> • <CFSCRIPT> (introduced in CF 3.x) now gets javascript-like function support • <CFSCRIPT> functions will perform better than calling CFML custom tags • UDF’s can be recursive

  8. User Defined Functions using <CFSCRIPT> <CFSCRIPT> function addit(x,y) { var total=x+y; return total; } </CFSCRIPT> <CFSET myval = addit(2,2)> <CFOUTPUT>#myval#</CFOUTPUT>

  9. <CFSAVECONTENT> • <CFSAVECONTENT> caches the HTML output of all CFML constructs within the tags • Enables the caching of specified sections of a page for later recall • Similar to <CFA_GeneratedContentCache> in Allaire Spectra and other tags currently available on the Allaire Tag Gallery • Operates faster than the tags on the Gallery • NOTE: All output is suppressed within the tags

  10. <CFSAVECONTENT> <CFIF not isDefined("session.mycontent")> <CFSAVECONTENT variable="session.mycontent"> <CFQUERY NAME="getemp" DATASOURCE="uikitdevsample"> select * from empemployees </CFQUERY> <CFOUTPUT QUERY="getemp"> #firstname# #lastname# <BR> </CFOUTPUT> </CFSAVECONTENT> </CFIF> <CFOUTPUT>#session.mycontent#</CFOUTPUT>

  11. <CFFLUSH> • Flushes the current ColdFusion output buffer • Use it to start sending output to the web client before the page has fully completed processing • After a <CFFLUSH> has executed, the following tags will generate an exception: • CFCONTENT • CFCOOKIE • CFFORM • CFHEADER • CFHTMLHEAD • CFLOCATION

  12. <CFFLUSH> <CFQUERY NAME="getperson" DATASOURCE="careernotesdev"> select personfname,personlname from person </CFQUERY> <CFFLUSH interval="100"> <CFOUTPUT QUERY="Getperson"> #personfname# #personlname#<BR> </CFOUTPUT>

  13. <CFLOG> • Programmatically create a log entry in any of the standard log files (or create your own!) • Generate application-specific, scheduled task, and custom logs • Limit logs by size and entries by age • Utilize the new CFADMIN log viewers to view logs • Writes out information comma-delimited • Type • Thread • Date • Time • Application

  14. <CFLOG> <CFLOG text=“Completed Process Successfully” log=“Application” Type=“Information” Thread=“Yes” Date=“Yes” Time=“Yes” Application=“Yes”>

  15. Enhancements to <CFFORM> • The CFTextInput, CFSLIDER, CFTREE, and CFGRID tags were completely rewritten • The controls run more consistently in JVM’s • The <CFFORM> tag now has a preservedata attribute that will autoload information into a control if the page submits to itself. • Users are prompted to install the Java 1.3 runtime from the web

  16. GetHTTPRequestData • Makes HTTP Request Headers available for potentially capturing SOAP request data • Information is returned in a structure

  17. <CFDUMP?> • Graphically dumps the contents of ANY CF variable • Available in Beta 3?

  18. New 3rd Party Integration • Verity has been upgraded from Search ’97 to Verity VDK 2.6.1 • Graphing will be available in Beta 3 using a subset of Macromedia Generator, Developer Edition (<CFGRAPH> tag) • A new version of Netegrity Siteminder is being integrated (CF Advanced Security) • Crystal Reports 8 reports are now supported

  19. Database Support • Allaire has licensed a new set of MERANT database drivers • Some datasources will now be able to be set up “clientless” • Sybase • Informix 9 • Oracle? • CF now supports DSNless Connections

  20. DSNless Connections • You can specify a connection string for odbc datasources <CFQUERY NAME="getpeople" DATASOURCE="__DYNAMIC__" DBTYPE="dynamic" blockfactor="100" connectstring="DRIVER={SQL SERVER}; SERVER=(local); UID = sa; PWD= ; DATABASE=uikitdevsample"> select firstname,lastname from empemployees </CFQUERY>

  21. Administration Enhancements • Revamped CF Administrator • SNMP Support • Application/Server Backup and Restore (Harvest)

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